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 Nov 2016 Sparkling Dust

i don't want your advice about hanging in there
i don't want to hear about how i should wait for the rest of my life to begin
i don't want to hear about what should give me light
i don't want to hear about the struggles of valuable lessons or the triumph of hope

i don't want empty promises or vacant encouragements
i don't want your moral high horse or veiled condescension

i want to hear your honest opinions
i want to hear your soul cry out in protest
about how you're drowning your sorrows
about how your brain feels like a worn out sponge
and your heart an old wrung rag

i want to hear how you're close to giving up
i want to hear how you're burning out
i want to hear how coffee makes you shake
i want to hear how you need pills to sleep
i want to hear how the thoughts of your future scare you more than your past ever did

i want to hear all your fears.

i want to know that in all of mine,
**i'm not alone.
one of the more organic, honest, spur-of-the-moment ones. worthy of the title "spilled ink".
I guess it has to rain
For flowers to grow.
I guess the more you are insane,
more of yourself you'll know.

I guess we must know how to cry
To recall happiness when it's gone.
I guess our love had to die,
So that my heart can live on.
But love is a cycle,
an end creates a beginning.
 Apr 2016 Sparkling Dust
I am
A jigsaw puzzle
Taken apart piece by piece
Put away and shaken
In the dark
I was fun once
Until I got old and you knew
All my ins and outs
Now I'm back
I'm my box
Never to be
Middle of the day write!
What does this mean to you, leave me a comment!
 Apr 2016 Sparkling Dust
I had a dream about him again
I guess you could call it a nightmare

I stopped letting him haunt my thoughts
But somehow he manages to creep into my dreams

He tells me I am worthless
That I will never be enough

For him
Or anyone

And I believe him
Which is the worst part

Because when I wake up
I can't shake the feeling

**That maybe he is right
 Apr 2016 Sparkling Dust
A monochrome film plays
Over and over.
To a singular audience.
It rewinds.
It sticks on one frame
Over and over.
In the scene
It's me, lost in a
It's walls lit with
projected clips
of a monochrome film.
Over and over.
if only I were her mirror
to reflect their shine clearer
for albeit they are mere scars
in her eyes,in mine they are stars
I love you
For all the times I didn't say it
For all the times you didn't know it
I love you
For every breath you questioned it
For every bit of hurt
I love you
For every time I cut you off
For everything I do wrong
I love you
For the lines crossed
For the tears lost
I love you
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