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 Feb 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
some people are so terribly afraid of being alone
they will seek out company to fill a hole
I hope these people will instead find peace in solitude

baby, did no one tell you to
look at the moon for comfort
some would say she is the loneliest
I wonder if she knows that every night
someone is looking up to the sky and
admiring her light

i hope this can be a reminder that
just because she is alone
does not mean she is lonely
and just because you are alone
does not mean you are lonely
Sometimes it feels like
We share one soul so big it
Takes up two bodies
I feel like I've finally found my other half. I know that is clique but I don't even care I am so happy. This is what true love feels like.
have spent  
the last  
three hours  

My eyes sting
and my entire
face feels like
this dull yet
numb pain
that I couldn’t
compare to anything
other than a gunshot wound.  

Each time my  
heart beats without you it
sounds like a loud

Maybe because
there’s a
hole in my heart
that I try to fill
with memories of
things that I did for you,
all the compassion
and trust you placed in me.

All the times
I got to hold you,
feel your heartbeat against mine,
see you take each breath and
relax into me.

There are
memories we
have that I  
will never forget.
Each memory
placed in a tear
which I’ll keep
in a little glass bottle
with your name written on it.

I wish your
last memories
were never filled with pain
that you could have been  
graced with dignity not
suffering - I
wish I could have helped you.

Maybe if I looked  
into the warning signs,
read a little more online,
maybe if I looked you and
cared for you just
a little bit more -

I wouldn’t
have to carve your  
a stone.
my bunny died and I was just really sad ya know
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
The snow is thin and pale today
like that girl –
you thought –
from the Home Depot –
the palette of an empty day

I think, instead
to smooth my hand along your arm
extend dominion 'cross your chest
To till the damp ***** of your shoulder
in surging heat
of earthen tones
to find in winter flames
your brow, your cheek, your neck

...your mouth that way...

This is the braille I'm all about
being far-sighted
and just too close
to even focus on you –
your eyes –
and all
the loss
these days
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
I left cause I cared
But you never dared
To confront me
You just let me be
I cried over the time spent
The moments and stuffs you sent
Now I packed it all for you
To send all back for your new
A replacement love waiting in queue
That's ok, you can gift the stuffs to her
I heard she drives a porsche car
Was that the reason you got lured
Madly in love that you forgot you assured
To be with me always
To stick by my side in every ways
But the ingredient of being rich lacked in me
The actual reasons, I now see
It's fine as this was predicted to be
I opened my arms to let you go
You never turned back to thank me, No...

Fictional write.
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
taking advantage
of her patience
is abuse
she will be vulnerable
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