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How can I forget
Thou art the apple of mine eye
But live to regret
We're but apples and oranges

How can I forget
That night, that day
But live to regret
A smiling lie danced my way

How can I forget
Thou art a lass so braw
But live to regret
There broke a drunken brawl

How can I forget
Such a twisted malady
But live to regret
For it costed my lady

Kikodinho Alexandros**
30th August 2016
Happy New Year all my friends
Have a great life
Happy new days
Have some sweet dreams.

My best wishes for a new morning
You'll be happy
and cheering
You'll always be shining.

Friends, dreams are never gone
Smile in the coming days
Smile with your eyes
then you'll be never walking alone.

I wish you a Happy New Year
all my dear ones
Happy New Year
and all the best
Be strong in your next steps
within the next few days
You are tired so take some rest.
Happy New Year and all the best
I let go this moment
A bird lets go a branch to fly
No fear or need to cling
Despite free-falling through the sky

I stop having birthdays
Giving birth to something broader
Falling through my fingers
As ungraspable as water

I let go gravity
An astronaut bounce on the moon
A cosmic letting go
Meditate to Pachabel’s tune

I release attachments
To savor the moment sweetly
I get out of my way
Casting my shadow completely

I let go everything
When I let go my mother’s hand
Feeling new connections
With strangers in strange lands

I release resistance
From things I once just ran
Bucking up with courage
Acting as if I really can

I let go the future
No fear of how I have to die
Breathing in this moment
Tick tock, time flies past in reply
I can't stay away from the theme of Time....I've been away for a time until I figured out how to eliminate "cookies" on my computer.  All those cookies kept me from posting here on HP since November-I had withdrawal symptoms.
The wind blows wherever it pleases.
Gale-force winds to balmy breezes
Facing into whirlwind’s roar
Continuum of torture teases

Hurricane forces forging its wrath
Her name portends hysteria’s lash
Warnings on the evening news
Nowhere around her ferocious path

Brisk winds blow till unsafe outside
Exposing the truth in all false pride
Unsettled blustery feel
Every strong wind we keep inside

That long, low sound up against a wall
Each cutting wind or gusty squall
The wind-chill factor causes
Temperatures to quickly fall

Just when I felt the storm might clear
New winds arise that sharply veer
Whip apart my well-laid plan
The odyssey I held so dear

Like freedom felt the day we were born
Despite all the pain for those who mourn
Survivors have come to find
The pathway to "Shelter from the Storm" (Bob Dylan)
This began in response to 'Irma', the hurricane headed straight for Florida, depicted on the news as bigger than Florida, scaring so many of us to get out. Like so many poems-just like Irma-it veered off into something else...
 Jan 2018 Udeshna Bhuyan
Have you ever felt being inlove? I can't read your signs.
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