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 Jul 2015 skylar911
Grace Jordan
Its the modern day cliche for a teenage kid to say some form of music saved them. Its a messy statement, putting a lot of pressure onto something other than yourself, giving yourself the unhealthy idea that you must find salvation somewhere that's not you. Truth is, those outside sources only make you realize the strong desires in yourself to get better, and they spark the fire that chases you out of hell. Cheesy as it is, its still you though. You made the effort to get better, you saved yourself. That outside source just helped.

Which is why its so utterly ironic that when I was a young high school student, I was convinced music had saved me. Repeat on repeat I listened to certain lyrics, trying to enlighten myself to make a change. That repetition is half the reason I don't believe its the music itself that saved me. If it was the music, the first time I heard it should have changed everything. The meaning of the song never changed, I was the one who changed. I made it better. It took time, and a lot of pain and stress, but I came out of it.

So as I fall back into the depressed patterns, I find it oddly comforting to go back to repeat and play those same words over and over again until something gives. I can feel it building inside of me, the slow change, and I may not be fully there but its coming. I may not be happy right now, but i will be. I am no longer moping around and avoiding responsibilities, I am doing something. I may not feel that great and I may not be so utterly enamored with what I'm doing, but its something. Maybe it will help the process along.

Maybe I am not who I want to be right now, but the journey is just as important as the end result. Now all I have left to do is to keep going, because life starts now.
I shall come back without fanfaronade
Of wailing wind and graveyard panoply;
But, trembling, slip from cool Eternity--
A mild and most bewildered little shade.
I shall not make sepulchral midnight raid,
But softly come where I had longed to be
In April twilight's unsung melody,
And I, not you, shall be the one afraid.

Strange, that from lovely dreamings of the dead
I shall come back to you, who hurt me most.
You may not feel my hand upon your head,
I'll be so new and inexpert a ghost.
Perhaps you will not know that I am near--
And that will break my ghostly heart, my dear.
My heart beats faster
As I close my eyes
Feeling every beat of your song
Listening to every words
Coming out from your magical lips

Suddenly, I wanna touch you, hug you
Or just simply notice me
But you are a star
A star that shines so bright
And *unreachable...
3 am thoughts of a fangirl.
 Jul 2015 skylar911
Doy A
 Jul 2015 skylar911
Doy A
And when I think of you
I feel good about myself
And it doesn't matter if I'm broke
Or if 3am makes me sad

Because when I think of you
I am proud of myself
And it doesn't matter if I'm a mess
Or if some things can't be fixed

As I think of you
And realize all these
I fear for my life

I can't contain these feelings
Or cage them in my heart

So here is my ink, my blood
My skin made of paper,
I surrender all that matters
Don't come to me with matches
Or with the fire in your soul
Because I easily burn.
i miss us, the way we were before
i miss the way you used to understand me
i miss the way i could sit for hours and talk
i miss how i used to turn to you first

i miss the way we knew where we stood with each other
i miss the way i could tell you anything
i miss sitting up until 2 am stalking celebrities together
i miss feeling at home in your presence

i miss our friendship
i miss the trust we had
i miss you
i miss us
 Jul 2015 skylar911
I've been climbing up these stairs for so long now,
But I'm still standing from where I started this brawl,

Is this a joke or am I part of a haunted story,
Cause lately I've been deprived of all the light and glory,

I try so hard to take one more step ahead,
But I fall back even harder instead,

I can hear the voices telling me to let this go,
Except that I am not ready yet to **** my own show,

How do I beat this out with merely a house of cards?
I'm not even an expert at beclouding my battle scars.
Daytime sleeping; Nighttime thinking
What's so extraordinary about the daytime?
The night is much more fascinating.

Sun that's sweltering and ablaze; but,
Moon's godly, mysterious & ageless.

What's not to adore about nighttime?
It's, its' mystery & danger that compels you; full of its magic if you know where to look.

Night creatures everywhere come out to captivate.
Early birds everywhere come out to pull through.
I'd rather be a night creature full or life and adventure than an early bird full of doubt's & regrets.
 Jul 2015 skylar911
I say the wrong things and hurt people
because people have hurt me all my life.
They never said ''hey I am sorry for the pain
I caused you.''
I think everyone is lying to me..

I wish I wasn't like that.
I wish I had jumped off that cliff.
Then the demons would disappear
*And the darkness would appear
 Jul 2015 skylar911
Theresa Marie
Wrestling your thoughts
Danger is around the corner
Fire is in your eyes and hearts set in motion

Keep moving forward

Your veins are cold
Bleary eyed girl in the backseat
Heads foggy and sick

Anxiety is a trap
You imprison yourself in your own mind
The last bit of optimism is shut down and you cant flip the switch
You are out of control

silent screams
*you did this to yourself
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