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 Jul 2015 skylar911
an infinity of predestined roles
an inclusive experience in totality
as every fiber, thread, and patch
in the quilt of being that is god

serial embodiment in all matter
animal, vegetable, and mineral
earth, atmosphere, and aether
purposeful suffering and solitude

new souls emerging from the cycle
comprehensive awareness fulfilled
a nebula of creative expansion
from a supernova of spirituality

novices grasping for comprehension
floundering with loving compassion
welling tears of confused recognition
from a source of obscured recollection

collective consciousness in transformation
the cumulative effect of genuine connection
to appreciate the strength of a star
to respect the divinity of a weakness
 Jul 2015 skylar911
Sam Vaghi
And if only I knew
how to keep
a handful of happiness
in my pocket
on demand,
instead of running short
of her company
far too often.
 Jul 2015 skylar911
It´s us!
 Jul 2015 skylar911
When the lights
are turned down low
Under the moon of love.

Let´s go for a little walk
Sit here and talk...

Tell me!
You love me,
you crave me
and want me!

Tell me!
´cause I need to hear
exactly that...

Do you feel it?
It´s around us...
In us.

Now we are one
there´s nothing to change...
 Jul 2015 skylar911
Please just tell me why
Tell me the meaning of dreams
They haunt my footsteps

Breathe in and breathe out
Do not repeat your praises
You will hear my shout

You will cry in pain
I will then feel much sorrow
You will faint tonight

I'll battle onwards
Leaving nothing in my path
I now watch your corpse

Under a fleeting light
More than you could ever see
I envy your pain

— The End —