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11.0k · Aug 2014
Patience isn't your thing? Ok.
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
The early bird gets the worm, is what they're telling me.
But babe,
The one who waits for honey turns out the lucky bee.
3.7k · Aug 2014
Simple Haiku (SSS)
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Such simplicity
Sitting here alone writing
Stupid tales for you
2.6k · Aug 2014
Pure Bliss
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Old fashioned love songs play in the distance.
Hear the soft crackle of the record player.
That would be my favorite sound,
if it wasn't for you
sitting here
conversing with me.
Under the lights, sitting under a birch tree,
what a blissful night this has come to be.
2.3k · Aug 2014
Blacksmith creator?
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Fire gave me life.
Out of the corners of my newborn eyes I could see him standing there.
My blacksmith.
My father.
My creator.
He made me, He aids me, He gives me my breath.
He takes me. He breaks me. And thus comes my death.
He has burned me down to make a new,
therefore fire took my life.
Though purposely, I am one of few,
Who has met an ending to strife.
1.7k · Aug 2014
Blacksmith Creator? Cont.
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Fire gave me life.
Out of the corners of my newborn eyes I could see him standing there.
My blacksmith.
My father.
My creator.
He was cloaked in black, but not with clothes, with paint.
He told me that i was equal to a beautiful saint.
Oh father, what do you mean by this? I'm merely a servant, made to represent your glory.He responds that I'm unique. Perfect, in fact. I'm privileged. Yet cursed...
He made me, He aids me, He gives me my breath.
He takes me. He breaks me. And thus comes my death.
Good sir, thank you for giving me at least a glimpse at living.
Good sir, I'm sorry for sinning instead of giving.

He has burned me down to make a new,
therefore fire took my life.
Though purposely, I am one of few,
Who has met an **ending to strife.
Open for interpretation.
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
They're flooding my house
Eating all my hard earned food
Pesky little ants
1.4k · Aug 2014
Oh my
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
A girl named Mc Stickle
Was in quite a pickle
This girl had every reason to hide
Her lines wouldn't work
For attention, she twerked
Oh this girl, oh this generation, oh my.
1.3k · Aug 2014
Beautiful People
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Your beauty is beyond compare.
A jewel of light that lingers forever.
You are so unique, so rare.
To have you I will endeavor.
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
I was just an old lady, I didn't know what to do.
Then my cat passed away, with out a helpful clue.
But then came a spirit to watch over me.
"I think its my cat!"  ... They all called me crazy.
But i knew the real truth, so i constently asked,
"Dear God, won't you please raise all the dead cats?"
Ill edit it later, this is just a rough draft, or a sudden thought.
955 · Aug 2014
Small Perfection
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Star filled night
Dancing to music from a phone
Gown and suit
Yet still perfect
808 · Aug 2014
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Bow down, there's the king
Looking for a worthy queen
Tell me I'm the one
764 · Aug 2014
Camouflaged Feelings
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
My teary eyes behind these happy reflections
can only be camouflaged for a moment more.
These thoughts burn in my mind like permanent engravings,
scratched on the surface. Etched into my brain.
Attempting to find the love that was once there.
That love, consuming every ounce of my body,
is even too great for this pain to use anymore, for happiness.
So my eyes continue to cry until I'm forced to forget about it all.
Until my eyes are no longer camouflaged, and my pain becomes a part of me.
740 · Aug 2014
Demands and Regrets
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
How can you forgive me so after what i did?
Taking away your childhood with my demanding hands.
Loving you for my own pleasure.
I saw your face, your cry, your plead...
yet i did nothing.
Darkness consumed my days afterwards for I had ruined something so pure.
Forget, yet no accepted forgiveness for what id done.
Sorry will never portray my apologetic natures, or my thankfulness.
An alternate perspective.
705 · Aug 2014
You are Inspirational.
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
You are not fat.
You are not inferior.
You are beautiful.
Little girls try to be older than they are,
Without realizing they could go far.
Forget your doubters,
Be yourself
But not for someone else
Be yourself, for you.
679 · Aug 2014
I'm done and ready
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
I'm done.
I'm done with all the commotion,
Nothing is worth this much aggravation.
I give up trying to please, plead, or promise.
Im done living life like this, I'm ready to do this on my own.
I'm ready.
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Your skin has grown colder,
Your face now looks older,
Mr Brooks, are you dying again?
Your teeth are getting jagged,
This vampires gone rabid,
Goodbye to all the good men.
609 · Sep 2014
This freedoms remarkable
Skylar Peek Sep 2014
I feel so free,
Take it from me,
I'm finally the girl I wanted to be.
Stress of my chest,
This feelings the best,
Living life like to the fullest of free.
Skylar Peek Mar 2015
I cant deal with this anymore
I cant be a puppet
moving to her every command
i cant do everything that she wants
only in her benefit.
does she look at other people?
Does she care about others feelings?
she never gives me the chance to explain.
she never lets me in
she never lets me out.
it a continueum of fighting when we are together.
like birds in a birdbath with one drop of water
fighting till death.
do us part.
this is mine
no wait that ones yours.
theyre both mine she says.
its all mine she says
truth is
it doesnt matter what i say
wrong or right
this void in my heart that will never be filled with love from my
one and only
my void is whole and ready to except her
but still she chooses
to ignore
to avoid
to disreguard
my every word in hopes to get her to understand.
this is a simple minded animal with the brain of einstine
feelings mean nothing, theres only room for fact.
this is mine.
no wait that ones yours.
truth is nothing is mine
because it will always be hers.
Did not spend much time editing because it was sudden feeling.
579 · Aug 2014
Camouflaged Feelings
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
My teary eyes behind these happy reflections
can only be camouflaged for a moment more.
These thoughts burn in my mind like permanent engravings,
scratched on the surface. Etched into my brain.
Attempting to find the love that was once there.
That love, consuming every ounce of my body,
is even too great for this pain to use anymore, for happiness.
So my eyes continue to cry until I'm forced to forget about it all.
Until my eyes are no longer camouflaged, and my pain becomes a part of me.
I was just reflecting on one of my first poems.
515 · Aug 2014
Blast From the Past
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
When a blast from the past
Takes you by the hand,
And this airplane your riding
Is about to crash land,
Take a step back
,a deep breath and a relax.
Just remember all it is
Is a blast from the past.
512 · Aug 2014
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Meaningless scribbles
Pieces of folded parchment
All together trash
506 · Apr 2015
Ya sicko
Skylar Peek Apr 2015
If you looked at my lips,
you would not even recognize them anymore.
You once said they were porcelain soft.
Well now my porcelain has cracked and will never be put back together by your words.
But I guess that is a good thing.
Why would I want something so fake and evil tracing across my face and ruining my smile.
Skylar Peek Mar 2015
Are you looking for it?
Does it make you glow?
Is it the very flesh under your skin,
bones holding you up,
gushing though your veins?
yes. That's what it was for me too.
Bu then i misused it.
abused it.
thought I could confuse it
with something...
No. Not for me anyway.
Better for someone else.
They took it away and now its dirt.
dirt on my face.
stained flesh under my skin
hollow bones tearing me down
brown and muddy
gushing through my veins.
the feelings gone now.
so why would you let go of it?
Learn from others experiences?
Nah, of course not.
We have to learn for ourselves.
see for ourselves.
experience for ourselves.
wait what?
You mean that's why they call it faith?
Oh, i see.
well maybe next time you should hold on to that
******* feeling before the
forgotten fight you fought
is now fire.
Yes there it is.
The glow.
But mine is different.
I don't have to look for it.
Open to interpretation.
476 · Aug 2014
The Risen has Landed
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
They're misty eyes begin to bleed,
As they look upon one who will lead.
His hot hands complete this deed,
Enforces pain on those who concede,
Making life hell for those who succeed.
This life is now guaranteed.
So everyone now has finally agreed,
The devil has landed and is ready to exceed.
473 · Apr 2015
A Temporary Smile
Skylar Peek Apr 2015
Your approval in ***** situations
the constant complications
between you
between me
between God
living a lie
making it by
with no self respect
I needed your attention
Your constant supervision
to make me feel special
because you were my motivation
my self worth came from you
and what you wanted me to do
but i cant live the lie
that got me by
because the lie that got me by was dry
and worthless
but now,
I can generate it myself
our 'break' gave you temporary pleasure
with the girl who could give you what you wanted
our 'break' gave me eternal understanding
of the demanding
crash landing
reationship that took over my life
I was not strong enough
to see past your penatrating words
that sunk into my heart
'its my fault'
'this is normal'
'im not suppost to care'
care about the **** you put me through
you twisted my life to mold yours.
now your mold is hollow.
So heres just a little thank you.
thank you for showing me how wrong everything was
and giving me the self worth of ****
so i could grow the strength
to accept myself.
i accept myself
long lasting.
The worst part is that you dont see any flaw.
You think your perfect?
you will always be a ****
you will always be vile
you will always be a boy
with a temporary smile
Did not go back and edit, so sorry for the mistakes.
451 · Aug 2014
Recognize me.
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
You've kissed these lips a thousand times
yet you cant recognize them when i say hello.
Let's go back to the start.
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
You left me dead
I'm loosing my head
The hurt is too great to bare
This constant trace
Of no embrace
It just doesn't seem quite fair
361 · Aug 2014
Will you have my heart?
Skylar Peek Aug 2014
Write me a love letter on old parchment.
Make me a sign big enough to be seen by the gods.
Love me until my passion fades into adoration.
Take my sword and protect me till the ends of the earth.

**If you love me, everyday you will try to win my heart, even though you already obtained it.

— The End —