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Klara Sep 2014
Little people understand what it is like to suffer mental issues. They do not realize what it is like to go out with friends and to constanly remind yourself that you can not forget to smile because that might caught suspision.
They wonder why people drink to forget or why they don’t just get help. Or question the ability of people to actually hurt themselves.
I think that’s a good thing, there is no reason to understand this.
Having a constant real smile on your face is a good thing, not having to worry about people thinking you’re not ok because you are.
They can drink for fun because there is nothing they need to forget and they always have someone to turn to. Best of all they don’t understand how someone can be so desperate to feel that they would hurt themselves…

I think that’s brilliant. Without a little ignorance, this world would be a total wreck.
Thank God for ignorance, it’s what keeps the happy alive.
I have very little inspiration for poetry so I decided to draw out one of my old drafts and try something different for once.
Domi Mróz  Feb 2017
Domi Mróz Feb 2017
take a look at the first thing next to you
now imagine it but a hundred times brighter (all the time)
if life is a glass of water sometimes i wake up and it's filled with caffeine instead
to keep me running faster than i want it to
there always has been a spark in my eyes that wasn't natural
no one's quite sure where it's from but i used to think it was a superpower
i used to think not sleeping for days was a superpower too
it can be scary if you feel like a puppet that's forced to kick and hurt and attack
it can be scary if you can't make yourself stop
it can be scary if fun isn't fun anymore but danger
it can be scary when you're fragile
it's like a bubble in which there are no boundaries
the world has no boundaries there's only me and my ideas
and i seem to be way better than i'm supposed to
how can you stop when there's so much left to do?
(even if afterwards it won't be)
the world is bright and colorful now but it can go back to greys anytime
it won't go to neutral colors (it never does)
you can't shut it down if the "it" is you, if the "it" is what you're up against
if the "it" is constanly challenging you to go faster better faster faster faster
"it" is so fragile if you stop it for a moment there may be no coming back
there are so many fun things intense things death can be just one of them if you don't control "it" soon enough

when caitlin snow first got her powers in flashpoint she had to stop them
i always had a superpower and it will always have to be stopped

take a look at yourself in the mirror
now imagine yourself but a hundred times brighter (all the time)
if i'm a good person sometimes i wake up and i'm a goddess instead
(what can i be if not godlike if it feels like there's nothing that could possibly stop me?)
there's always been times when i felt like i left my old self to come back stronger and happier
i don't know if there's a happy because every single time i felt truly happy it was an illusion that doctors called "a chemical imbalance"
if i can dress up and be a new me who can dress like this who can do this
but if you'd stopped me i could be angry
(i don't know an angry me, i always forget her)
so i have a calm kind of angry-an angry where no one and nothing else can be touched or hurt but i can
when i was confused about sexuality websites were calling it "hypersexuality"
it can only be a superpower if i see lights and flashes others don't
it can only be a superpower if people i'm in love with have a halo over them
it can only be a superpower if i seem to stop the cars around me when i run through the street
if someone whispered "high risk, too impulsive" i thought fun and passion
the thoughts going through my mind always seem amazing
and i wonder if the people who've written the bible felt like this
if they did, i'm happy for them
i can never forgive myself for things i've done
(not sins, i'm too envious of people who are faithful)
but i guess it's not, not if there's a spark in my eye that can disappear, only on certain conditions

one of the last things on the wikipedia page for bipolar disorder
are the suicide statistics
yeah hi, i suffer from bipolar and it really ***** so yeah, enjoy
MsMercedes Dec 2013
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
How true is it when words are what are keeping you awake at night
How true can it be when your constanly worried about society
Why not say the truth and admit
Words cut deeper than knives themselves
Weapons **** and words do too
Thats why will live in a world full of violence
Because the simple words we say
We listen and we let the words cut deep
So why arent insults banned when guns are
Why is it that words are what make us drink those handfuls of pills
Or tie that rope to die
A gun is just a simple weapon because words can **** too
So yes sticks and stones may break my bones but words will **** me
Jonny blaze Jan 2017
My life consist of complex inginueity striving to be original but molding to the harshness of what the world is doing to me. Am i wrong for contemplating my lifes decisions. Because this isnt the way things where suppost to come out in my own depiction on the out come of my life. Maybe its my thoughts that are making me insane since i constanly think all i am is trash but theres a saying one persons trash is another treasure not sure if weather to believe it or not because woman come and go i just dont measure up to the dream guy. Maybe its my icebox heart that lets them see the coldness in my eyes gazing into theres filling false hopes of prosper and love each seem to be lies. Just to watch them break down in tears with no remorse when i see them cry since id rather not catch feelings being to scared to see where true love coulf take me honestly i dont know why. Im screaming in rage from the inside like im traped in a four corner room staring at walls hyperventilating unable to get out im balled up  feeling trapped im at a loss. Maybe you the reader cant understand what i mean maybe you can i feel like my life has been a bunch of ups and downs more downs then ups i was just a accidental nut that swam into the womb since my fathers pull out game wasnt fast enough now im stuck with the harsh reality of a cold world that beats me down after i get back up when will enough be enough maybe i need to find love and stop trying to hide the void wheres my diamond in the rough maybe I'm thinking again to much enough is enough
Departures and Arrivals.
The dust hasn't yet settled on the torn up trail behind me.
Particles still linger in my hair, my teeth and in the air
around me like they own me.
I wonder, even though it seems like I've dearly departed, if it
will ever settle and  I don't necessarily expect it to because
maybe it has to sock it to me
so no sweet amnesia can shew away the memories of what it was
that got me here to this place of growing respect for all the
potholes and all the unpaved roads.

Driving in the dark tree monsters slide bye one after the other,
their silent dialogue giving me the shivers like so many other
things in the world do,
cold sweat running down my face as the  car rattles and  the
music stops and there's only the sound of dripping rain. Tears,
like rain aren't separate  from  sweat.
They're constanly recycling  and bleeding into one another like
night bleeds into day. I get that and I even love that because where
does hardship go if  not to tears?

Stuffing grief into the cracks of the bodymind is a recipe for sick. I get
that too. People may tell ya to take a pill, have a swig, do anything to
bully your discomfort away but you sense
and you know that you sense and only you can sense what it is you
have to do. So you keep on going because what has drinking  the
sweet numbing  Koolaide ever done for ya anyway?

And it's a relief to come out of the comatose to watch the rose-gold
sunrise coming up over your landscape as your gears shift on the
broken hill of this awakening;
laser sharp beams of light gutting the nonsense out of ya, your feet
touching down onto solid  ground  and you feeling shaky but all
aglow in your skin
and this departure is telling every cell in your body that you have arrived.
There will be other departures and other arrivals, other days and other
nights but for now,
in this moment you have arrived and you don't give a **** about and
you're almost grateful for the dust and the  particles and the freaky
and the the not so freaky  fallout hovering over ya like a halo

The renewal of the spirit, thru departures and arrivals...leaving and entering new phases, lessons absorbed, learning to navigate through the dark, coming out of denial, allowing, sitting with the pain and uncertainty and coming clean with self.
Mercy B  Sep 2013
Mercy B Sep 2013
In the wake of my self destruction, when i thought all hope had escaped my reach , a whisper of a voice came calling deep with in the night.

Softly wrapping me up in tender words of encouragment, unbeknownst to me this voice had a goal to vanquish all my self-hatred by gently nudging me to rise up and  fight.

Willing me to stand and face the devilish hauntings that are relentlessly  stalking me ,constanly tring to creep through the past's closed door.

Pushing me to believe in my self and my inner strenght, validating that i can no longer hide from the shadows of uncertainty nor fear what they have in store.

Make no mistake it is painfully obviouse that I have only been treading water barely keeping my head above the surface just waiting for the current t o drag me under.

Stiffin up that upper lip and walk with your held held up high, almost maternally spoke this whisper of a voice, which is  now reigning down like thunder .
I had to work thru a bunch of things this past month. I know that I must stay on a positive path so here is my beginning of that journey.
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Hundreds of miles is where he is
And also my heart which is stone hard
Hopefully he has it kept safe
In his jean pocket, or maybe in a jar
Do we have to be so far?
Does this have to be so hard?

I'm just a young girl who's lonely
And who's slowly
falling apart
little by little
My skin is paper thin
And my body is. weak and brittle
Why is this life an
Unsolved riddle?
Why am I always stuck in the middle?
Why do I taste the fruit that is bitter?
I want him here to hold me when I cry
Without him
its like trying to live underwater
There's noway you could survive
But into his waters I want to dive
Why is sadness a regularity?
Why do I want to always die?
Why is my breath just a constant sigh?
I have nothing
You have it all
I'm the sun shining
you are gravity
Without you, I will fall.
I'm an artist
Without a pencil
How can I draw?
I'm a guitar without strings
How can I play you a song?
Will the pain go on forever this long?
Did I do anything wrong?
The sun beams
And I dream
Of the days I wont constanly weep
Of the nights I can finally sleep
But this can not be
Until I'm laying next to you
Forever you and me
Is this what you've been waiting for too?
Will you promise me eternity?
Without you
Simply I cannot be
Without you
Truly I cannot see
Will you stay forever?
Promise you won't leave?
In me, will you alway believe?
Distance won't ruin us
Wait & you will see
Distance did ruin us.
nadine shane Aug 2018
when i am with you,
i feel
particles of myself
slowly sweep away
i am no more
than an empty entity
of existence.

i am
a melancholic siren;
consternation constanly emerges
from the salty ocean
i baptize myself in
to rid myself
of the blood of agony
on my lips.

sailors enchanted
by the wicked melody
i speak of;
eyes closed shut,
listening closely to
the languages
my mouth formed;
demise imbuing
their eyes
for this sonata
is bewitching yet atrocious.

yet you pay
no heed
to my woes,
even after the
nights transitioned
into light years;

i call for you,
you dare not
look back at me;
for i looked
just like everybody else,

just another
mistaken identity.
z, this one’s for you.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2012
Sometimes I'm amazed by things people say.
But then again.
I've said some stupid things.
But to constanly do it again and again.
Only means, I'm livin' in a world of idiots.

We know lies gets twisted around.
That they sounds like truth.
We know the smartest people acts dumb.
To the point that they rub off on you.
That only proves your point.
We're livin' in a world of idiots.

From regular folks to politicians.
We're livin' in a world of idiots.

We know that those with the business sense.
Sometimes operates around false pretense.
It's just the pressure they are under.
They got to answer to the stockholders.

These are the ones that states they care.
Until their stocks begins to fall down.
Then again you know.
We're livin' in the world of fools.
Who hadn't met one of them too?

We're surrounded by them.
From every direction.
Mwrath  Oct 2017
Mwrath Oct 2017
Every time I look now gotta say it bothers me
constanly following what they wanna be-
Fake news feeding fuel to a world not for me
And i feel l like we been doomed since we started thee -
Nation with liberation for generations
We're always placing-
on top of a pedestal There they go -
making us feel vulnerable With metaphors
"You're free" but you have to pay them more -
Cuz we're insecure covering what they arent looking for, Who would know -
we would come to this?
Brainwash the poor while the rest get filthy rich -
People getting sick
the hospitals won't let them in -
Without falling into debt before you can settle in -
Even the reveren gets a cut -
When you're praying to the ones above -
They demonized what we feel inside too many lies, I feel its time -
We realize they made us pay till the end of time. .control.
Tsaa  Dec 2015
september poem
Tsaa Dec 2015
beyond the lights
beneath the music
i see an angel
who sings my song
i constanly wait
on a shooting star
just so i can wish
to hear that song again

— The End —