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  Apr 2014 ɐnoɹ
To my mother, to my brother, to my sister..
To the ones that made my life a living hell, those who made have nightmares when I wasn't asleep..
To the 'best friends' the ones that back stabbed me, and told that they'll never leave me alone..
To the teachers who never cared, never noticed and never liked me..
To the bullies that pointed at me, pushed me down the hallway, spilled soda on my hair, threw my books in the mud, called me a freak, *****, ****, ******, loner, fat, ***** ; and a lot more..
To this country I had the misfortune to be born here..
To my school, that made my life miserable, made me want to **** myself everyday..
To the doctor that forbid my parents to abort me, when they wanted to..
To society that made me feel like I'm never good enough, a waste of space, made me hate myself to a point I'd despise me....
I am ending my life, and I am leaving this world!
I can not take anymore of this! Enough is enough!
I do not expect you to mourn over my death, or even shed tears for me!
Do not fool youselves!
You never noticed, you never cared, you never wanted to and you never tried!
It's too late now!
  Apr 2014 ɐnoɹ
A cut on a lonely day
a cut to feel okay..

A cut to not feel sad,
a cut to not forget..

A cut to not break down,
a cut to let it out..

A cut to feel strong,
a cut and I'm almost gone...
  Apr 2014 ɐnoɹ
When did sorry become throwaway?
When did remorse become a game to play?
When did I become an adult?
When did I lock myself in a vault?

When did life become so serious?
When did life become so meaningless?
When did you and I last cry?
When did we both ask why?

When did we re-evaluate our pain?
When did we measure our gain?
When did you and I remain,
Together,  forever, in emotion and shame?
ɐnoɹ Apr 2014
So Lonely-was the Sun
So Beautiful-was the Moon
So shinny-were the stars
but so happy was the universe
that holds them all

But the Sun cant touch anybody
Because of its danger
and the Moon didnt know what to do
so she stayed alone for forever
ɐnoɹ Apr 2014
People are monsters
but with  beautiful faces

People are humans
but sometimes with no feelings
  Apr 2014 ɐnoɹ
Christina Rossetti
How many seconds in a minute?
Sixty, and no more in it.

How many minutes in an hour?
Sixty for sun and shower.

How many hours in a day?
Twenty-four for work and play.

How many days in a week?
Seven both to hear and speak.

How many weeks in a month?
Four, as the swift moon runn'th.

How many months in a year?
Twelve the almanack makes clear.

How many years in an age?
One hundred says the sage.

How many ages in time?
No one knows the rhyme.
ɐnoɹ Apr 2014
Loneliness doesnt mean staying alone,
Loneliness means nobody understanding your soul..
-and you push people away then.
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