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3.4k · Nov 2016
Salted Caramel
Rola Al-Ghoul Nov 2016
Mannequin pose …
A hundred likes and a thousand posts
Caramel skin from head to the toes
A thousand tears and million woes
Sugar cane lips in a pout for days
Salted caramel in your veins
Veins that run in a bathtub drain
Mannequins break and sugar lips pain
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The social media is full of imagery of "perfect" lives and perfect people. Everybody is human and everybody has daemons. Everybody suffers in one way or another.
1.3k · Oct 2016
Rola Al-Ghoul Oct 2016

Like a hungry storm. Like a famished sea, you devour me
With no restrain, I drown in you, gladly, willingly
You fill your empty void with my trembling sighs
With intricately woven lies, you capture me

Entrancing like a blinding star, strangely captivating
Out of reach, you slowly breach my walls that cave in
I fashioned them of broken dreams and force I’m faking
You broke into me only to leave me wounded and aching

And you are mighty in your selfishness
Glorious in your confidence and roar
Like a giant beast
who flaunts his feast of spoils of war

You are selfish and I am, without a doubt, selfish too
For freely I torment my core
Only to feel the soaring roar…
of a hungry, distant, selfish you
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1.0k · Apr 2017
Rola Al-Ghoul Apr 2017
How to have a one night stand:

Bring enough red wine
to ****** her mangled mind
and enough care
to fit into an overnight bag
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1.0k · Nov 2016
The Riddle
Rola Al-Ghoul Nov 2016
This feeling persists
A ghostly feeling like I don’t exist
A hollow wall of ash and dust
Punched through with an iron fist
A haunted house, an empty room
Packed to the rim with a rusty mist
Ladies and gentlemen, riddle me this…
If a tree falls among the crowd,
If the tree breaks but makes no sound,
Does it even exist?
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934 · Nov 2016
Water cooler
Rola Al-Ghoul Nov 2016
Our conversations were volcanos erupting
Hot, heavy and life shattering
Now we're reduced to water cooler talk
About the weather and the new office space...
© copyright
862 · Sep 2016
A Half Self
Rola Al-Ghoul Sep 2016
This feeling, so familiar. Demons awaken in my soul…again. They have never left though. They are always there. Half asleep in a deep slumber deep within, beneath the half smiles and the almost laughter! My demons, feelings that like to come unannounced, uninvited and extend their stay. And they stay…so present, so wholesome and whole they overtake the threads of my consciousness and play with my mind a marionette!

These feelings: heaviness all over my existence. Every inch of me crushed under the seamless weight. I'm moving at a glacier pace, carrying a backpack full of burden, rock solid burden. And I move in my place, un-forward, un-free...this feeling is rock cold.

It’s empty... Emptiness fills me to the rim, pours over through my skin in a stealth so intoxicating, slowly suffocating the smiles that were barely there. And now I'm heavy, and empty.

Those feelings, invisibly permanent, scarring and thirsty like demons ought to be... They hide in the lies I weave to conceal the darkness...consuming me from the inside in! They are constant...omnipresent. They are my only constant thing...

And I breathe, hoping the breath would sooth the fire burning within. And I breathe. The sound of my breath reminds me I am still here...temporarily. My life is everything else worth having. My home is temporary, my happiness is temporary, my pain is constant. My whole life is a combination of hellos and goodbyes...3 homes so far and looking for the next. Like a bird I fly, but have no nest, no rest. Home is where the heart is, but my heart is lost...home is where I lay my head, but my head is spinning!

And I am red with anger; green with envy as I see the "wholes" walk around so complete and weightless...they are whole. I walk about so invisible, my heaviness so silent, my emptiness so quiet...a half soul, half heart living a half life...temporarily...

And I yearn; I yearn for the care, for the attention, for the consideration, for the affection. I yearn for the love, the passion, for the purpose. I yearn for a kiss that is not the last, for an embrace that is not the last, for a promise that will last. But then I remember, I am temporary, nothing ever lasts.

I am a half life, and I give that half away with every day that passes, with every night that unfolds I give my half self away. I miss but I'm not missed. I yearn but I'm not yearned for, I care but I'm not cared about...a half life, half heart, a whole emptiness...

And I sleep, for only in my dreams I am whole. In my dreams my demons are dead, buried underneath the rubble of a past life. In my dreams I am embraced, I am loved, I am wanted, I am needed, and I am the half life that found its other half. In my dreams I walk amongst the wholes, full of freedom, feather like, I sprint into a future so certain and bright. So I sleep, and maybe, just maybe, when I wake, I will find my demons gone, my heart found, my head calm and my half self...a whole
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846 · Mar 2017
You, I and the New World
Rola Al-Ghoul Mar 2017
When will we stop provoking tears
building houses out of fear
burning all the bridges and
highlighting all the edges
of our borders and frontiers?

Our ego's leading us to madness
viral violence,  pain and sadness
Beyond this mental state is light!
So you and I must stop the fight
For one day you and I just might
ascend the path and be alright
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828 · Feb 2017
Search Party
Rola Al-Ghoul Feb 2017
Went searching for my soul; don’t know where I lost it
No map to trail its path, no breadcrumbs behind it
My soul has lost its way, I resigned in defeat…
Went searching for its traces in old strangers’ sheets
Little did I know that pillow talk is fiction
And strangers in the dark cannot give direction
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796 · Nov 2016
The Mighty Tree
Rola Al-Ghoul Nov 2016
He gave me a seed
He said: “Plant it in your earth and let it be
Let me feed it of your love
Let me quench it with your gently flowing tears
Let me grow it for us both, full of life and full of fears
Let me watch you watch it grow, every branch and every leaf
Till you and it melt into one…single root and single seed
And then… watch me burn it to the ground, every stem and every leaf
Till you and I become but none, you fade to smoke and I just leave…”
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677 · Apr 2013
Black Heart
Rola Al-Ghoul Apr 2013
I am falling apart
All ends, no start
The bulls eye to the dart
All holes…black heart...
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653 · Jan 2013
Rola Al-Ghoul Jan 2013
Amongst the crowd I stroll and stumble
Alone I tread so small and humble
Beneath the grey and mighty skies
I’ll walk and fall…I’ll break and crumble

And every piece of me will scatter
Beneath the crowd and piercing chatter
The once so slight and humble soul
Will be eternal shreds and matter
And gentle winds will spread my core
Through boundless earth and endless water
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630 · Sep 2016
Small Talk
Rola Al-Ghoul Sep 2016
Last night in bed we spoke for days
We made big bright plans for a life that we’re yet to see
The house we will buy and what our children's names will be
We drew dreams of honeymoon nights and days soaked in ecstasy
Sunkist hearts, smiles as warm as fireplace flames on Christmas eve
Years gone by and our big bright plans have taken sail across the deep
Where the tides rage high and the winds blow by
I guess our big bright plans have died at sea
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407 · Oct 2016
Rola Al-Ghoul Oct 2016
Eyes closed in a restless clinch
To memories lost and words misspoken

Holding on to what appears like inch
Of miles of dreams and love unspoken

Frantic screams and a violent flinch
From pain and dread and lies outspoken

Looked for peace yet drowned in a binge
Of made up hopes and lies soft-spoken

Numb to the dreadful burning singe
Of truth so bright and ache foretoken

Life on the edge of a desolate fringe
Where words are sweet and hearts are broken
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— The End —