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 Apr 2014 Red
Charles Bukowski
she's young, she said,
but look at me,
I have pretty ankles,
and look at my wrists, I have pretty
o my god,
I thought it was all working,
and now it's her again,
every time she phones you go crazy,
you told me it was over
you told me it was finished,
listen, I've lived long enough to become a
good woman,
why do you need a bad woman?
you need to be tortured, don't you?
you think life is rotten if somebody treats you
rotten it all fits,
doesn't it?
tell me, is that it? do you want to be treated like a
and my son, my son was going to meet you.
I told my son
and I dropped all my lovers.
I stood up in a cafe and screamed
and now you've made a fool of me. . .
I'm sorry, I said, I'm really sorry.
hold me, she said, will you please hold me?
I've never been in one of these things before, I said,
these triangles. . .
she got up and lit a cigarette, she was trembling all
over.she paced up and down,wild and crazy.she had
a small body.her arms were thin,very thin and when
she screamed and started beating me I held her
wrists and then I got it through the eyes:hatred,
centuries deep and true.I was wrong and graceless and
sick.all the things I had learned had been wasted.
there was no creature living as foul as I
and all my poems were
 Apr 2014 Red
Charles Bukowski
I met a genius on the train
about 6 years old,
he sat beside me
and as the train
ran down along the coast
we came to the ocean
and then he looked at me
and said,
it's not pretty.

it was the first time I'd
 Apr 2014 Red
Charles Bukowski
sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think,
I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside
remembering all the times you've felt that way, and
you walk to the bathroom, do your toilet, see that face
in the mirror, oh my oh my oh my, but you comb your hair anyway,
get into your street clothes, feed the cats, fetch the
newspaper of horror, place it on the coffee table, kiss your
wife goodbye, and then you are backing the car out into life itself,
like millions of others you enter the arena once more.

you are on the freeway threading through traffic now,
moving both towards something and towards nothing at all as you punch
the radio on and get Mozart, which is something, and you will somehow
get through the slow days and the busy days and the dull
days and the hateful days and the rare days, all both so delightful
and so disappointing because
we are all so alike and so different.

you find the turn-off, drive through the most dangerous
part of town, feel momentarily wonderful as Mozart works
his way into your brain and slides down along your bones and
out through your shoes.

it's been a tough fight worth fighting
as we all drive along
betting on another day.
 Apr 2014 Red
#2 (10w)
 Apr 2014 Red
i tremendously
adore anything
and everything
that's bad
for me.
 Apr 2014 Red
sorry (10w)
 Apr 2014 Red
i am so terribly sorry for
 Apr 2014 Red
worn out
 Apr 2014 Red
i am so ******* tired,
of playing the same
game over and over
doing the same ****,
over and over again.
i am really tired
of listening, watching,
breathing, living.
maybe i should
just simply disappear,
and never appear again.
i don't even want to
exist anymore,
dying would be
the cure for me.
i just want to get
a ******* break.
 Apr 2014 Red
 Apr 2014 Red
you were so distinctive,
      that i had to delete
          all the history that
               you made, all the
                    marks that you left,
                        just so they don't
                           know about the two
                               of us,  just pretending
                                  that you were never here.
maybe you've changed, but i still love you.
 Apr 2014 Red
 Apr 2014 Red
I call her Moon.
              Why, you ask?
Because she is light
     when my nights are heavy.

r ~ 4/24/14
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