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 Mar 2015 Rachel Brooke
when his lips touched hers
the rest of the world disappeared
and in the moment she could taste his breath
she believed it was the only air she ever wanted to breathe again.
excerpt from a pending novel
I just said, I hope, the word for love in 10 different lanuages.
If that doesn't send a global message I don't know what will.
Spread the love people.
What would you do
If no one loved you

Would you cry
Would you sigh


Do you care
Do you swear

Do you look for love
Do you hide from love

Do you want it
Do you need it

Do you know what love means
Real love
Never ending love

are you a hopeless romantic
romantically wanting love

What are the feeling of no love

are they silent
are they loud

are they sharing thoughts
are they lonely thoughts

do you have thoughts of joy
do you have thoughts of nothing

do you smile
do you cringe

do you want it

It's actually not that hard to find

I write to survive
and to state what's on my mind.

I do it to stay alive,
and digest what I find

in these forests who revive
me; they show me a sign

to keep going,
to keep pushing

--stay within these versatile lines,
write these words in real time.
Never erase or rewind.

Kiss me with poison
That poison we call love
Poison each other's purity
Like two dying doves

We'll hit it off with all this poison
Drugged up till we hit the next town
And when we both decide it's over
That poison will bring both of us down.
Love is harmful, beware.
 Dec 2014 Rachel Brooke
Life breaks us down
Each and every one
In different ways.
But if we don't persevere
To fully rise between the blows
Then we are destined
To live life on our knees
Lost somewhere
Between joy and pain
Never fully feeling either.
She sits alone,
doesn't want anyone to know,
she's not a ******,
but the choice wasn't her own,
by night her oldest protector, and friend
takes a piece of her time and time again.
She doesn't fight, but always cries
"Daddy, how could you do this my protector and friend"
One day I asked her why she's always alone
she started to cry and took off her jacket
behold her arms were covered in scars
when I asked her why she said
" There is a slash for every time my oldest protector and friend has taken a piece of me"
I sat and counted every scar on her pale skin and when I was done I also started to cry
How could someone do this to one so beautiful?
I asked why she didn't eat and she replied
" maybe if I was skinny he would stop"
I told her she was beautiful but she thought  that it was a lie
so I cried
" I asked her why she didn't tell someone and she said
" why should she he's my oldest protector, and friend"
I replied if you told it would stop
she got up and asked if I would come with her
Yes I replied
we walked together and I cried while she told
" he wasn't her oldest protector or friend"
Later that night I talked to her on the phone
she told me her father was arrested and how she felt so lost
I told her if she ever  needed me just pick up her phone
She called me two weeks later and I talked her out of suicide
Three years later
I got another call
she told me how she's pregnant, but not sure if she's ready
I told her to have faith, because things will always work out because she has me her protector and friend.
 Dec 2014 Rachel Brooke
two fragile hearts made up of glass
everyone could see right through them both
only they themselves couldn't see the reality

both fell for each other
and whatever falls
will end up breaking

now those two once-glass hearts
shattered into a million emotional pieces

now those two once-glass hearts
will never find their missing parts

now those two once-glass hearts
have turned into nothing
but back into crushed sand
 Dec 2014 Rachel Brooke
summer nights
fairy lights
women rights
skinny tights
we ended up with
lovers' fights

plain as day
you took away
a sunshine ray
left me with
no words to say

feelings fade
a girl's parade
to hold her head high
and hide the mess you made
 Dec 2014 Rachel Brooke
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out
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