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1.1k · Aug 2018
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Maybe thugs aren’t shooters,
They all need to decompress.
Calling themselves gangsters,
Never should they be blessed.

Thugs don’t get all their girls,
They pay them just big bucks.
Killing like they own all worlds,
Murdering with all their Glocks.

Blood gangs, where are the Crips?
Crip gangs, where is the Bloods?
They are fake owning their cribs,
Murdering just to own any goods.

Gangsters don’t own their swags,
It’s the Rap Game, it’s the G Code.
They rob and steal, filling all bags,
Man, these gangsters seem all old!
653 · Aug 2018
Spare Change Ma’am?
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Once there was a very poor man,
He needed to get off these streets.
So he wished for this for a reason,
Spare change ma’am? He pleads.

The lady he asked, had no change,
So he begged and pleaded for any.
The lady felt bad and had nothing,
I’ll take anything ma’am, I’m so sorry.

He just needs money so desperately,
I’m trying to get off these ***** grounds.
I’ll take anything, I needed this so badly,
I’m so poor, I’m robbed from these towns.

Just the man wanted to ask another lady,
She wanted to help him, she was so nice.
Gave three hundred and thanked her kindly,
He got up and saved this, kept this as a prize.
589 · Aug 2018
Thy Almighty God
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
When you pray and God answers,
It’s God who should have needed.
Overlooking all trust in only words,
Thy almighty God shall be treated.

Don’t be a righteous, all total freak,
Is thy word a commandment right?
Just have Jesus and thy worthy feet,
Thy truth is the only one that does fight.

Just be praying to a God to begin with,
Trust and obey, don’t break commands.
Righteousness is the one that’s only this,
Don’t overthink about a truth and be glad.

Thy almighty God I seek only that is good,
Just don’t reenact these possible outcomes.
God be thy word, and it’s always a should,
Jesus, you’re the one that does overcome.
505 · Aug 2018
Softly Praying to God
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Once there was a teenager,
She wanted nobody’s hate.
So she began doing prayer,
She wanted God to relate.

She’s softly praying to God,
Thanking him night and day.
My Lord, couldn’t she begot?
Never overlooking all betray.

God, can’t you please help me?
Praying for his answer returns.
Lord, can’t you hear any plead?
As he never looked overturned.

Just as she began to bow and pray,
She never wanted forever begged.
God shall be an answer, she’d say,
Heaven’s angels sang what is said.
454 · Aug 2018
Ain’t Worth Those Fights
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Life is mysterious as we know,
I just can’t overthink a reason.
Fighting hurts doesn’t it show?
Seeing the fights and bleeding.

Ain’t worth those fights all day,
Just don’t think about this fighting.
I see the emergency on the way,
Killed over stupid, you’re dying.

I’m just sorry for all the deaths,
Just it’s ain’t worth those fights.
You just killed to see bloodbaths,
I just saw you carry the knives.

Is it not this way for you ain’t it?
Just you see this good in nature.
You all know never to do all this,
Ain’t worth the fights, so mature.
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
When you say you love forever,
Its forever doesn’t mean always.
Always don’t wish to be a lover,
Just kiss her, in school hallways.

Just be a lover, not even a hater,
You all loved her always the same.
Just if you ain’t, then see you later,
Because I am done playing games.

Just forever doesn’t mean always,
Kissed her and now you can tell me,
Just feared that she won’t like all this,
Because she won’t even get to meet.

Just I need to wave her and say well,
She’s my world, she is all everything.
Hating on me, then you can even tell,
Just I need this girl, I’ll buy her a ring.
318 · Aug 2018
Tommy’s Imaginary Friend
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
At Tommy’s age of being seven,
He had a friend named Augusto.
This is his own imaginary friend,
He was so nice, he loved him so.

They’d play and laughed together,
Thinking that he wouldn’t hurt him.
Young as he was, he was so clever,
Wanting him to meet his friend Tim.

Augusto wanted for him for a friend,
Tommy introduced him, he was nice.
Tim wanted this for Tommy to begin,
Just they played together till the night.

Then the night came and he vanished,
Tommy was so sad that he was leaving.
He cried all night till he had no tears left,
Just as the sun rose, he was back again.
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
It was the nightfall of summer,
A man wanted to buy a house.
Just he knew it is a real comer,
Puts it in his own name Straus.

Mr. Straus wanted it to be quick,
He wrote down the rent pricing.
Hope its low, or he won’t buy it,
I want it low, it’s all to my liking.

He needs this to become his own,
What do I need for an experience?
Just I wanted to call this my home,
For a house, needing a cleanliness.

He’s happy to buy his first house,
Just couldn’t wait to check inside.
He lives far away from his spouse,
Living here so if he needs to hide.
300 · Aug 2018
As the Creepiness Follows
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
In the nightfall, there was a girl,
She wanted nothing for safety.
One day she wanted the world,
Then she realized it’s imaginary.

Once she was out in a dark storm,
She knew as the dark was all fears.
As the creepiness follows unwarned.
Just she feared that she’ll be scared.

Just as the wind blew, she will jump,
Looking for another way out of there.
Creepiness followed all the way home,
Jumping as she wanted daddy dearly.

Following her the way home scarcely,
She prayed to God, her only true friend.
Couldn’t wait to get home for her safety,
She knew if she didn’t, she will be dead.
292 · Jun 2018
Mysterious Love
Steven Bowman Jun 2018
Tonight it’s just you and me,
I’m just here because of you.
Our love is like cute puppies,
I love how you’re loving too.

Our love is like working hard,
It needs time for us to picture.
You’re loved this so from the heart,
Love is like a large architecture.

It can be messy, it can be sloppy,
Our love is keeping us from apart.
I know this, our love is all choppy,
You just need to know from heart.

Just need for me to respect wishes,
I’m always stopping how it is real.
I respect us and how it’s all feelings,
Love is a mystery, to me it’s unreal.
287 · Aug 2018
What Our Parents Taught Us
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Remembering when you were young,
When mommy and daddy taught you.
They’d teach you from rights to wrong,
Just how they taught us keeping truth.

Don’t ever lie and steal, they’d teach us,
They’d keep us from unbelievable things.
You’re loved by your parents, that’s trust,
I hope that they will do the remembering.

What our parents taught us, never do bad,
Always do the good in life, you will get far?
Just don’t react on the worse, just be glad,
You’ll need them and they’ll need you more.

What our parents have taught, may be good,
It may be all bad, neither overthink all worst.
When I knew myself, all needs are a should,
I need this to be glad, even if it’ll all just hurts.
279 · Aug 2018
Love Is a Two-Way War
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Love is a two-way war,
Love and every hatred.
Just don’t leave a scar,
Beaten till I am so red.

Love can have wounds,
It can have battle scars.
Preach death very soon,
Love steals all of the hearts.

Stealing everyone’s battles,
Just it’s so two-way war.
My God, all love saddens,
Leaving any type of a scar.

God shall have been a witness,
Just love ain’t all that pretty.
It’s never had its forgiveness,
Love isn’t all about its lovey.
271 · Aug 2018
The Bride of His Dreams
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Once there was a wedding,
He wanted the bride happy.
Needing all this supporting,
He just needs this way gladly.

Breaking over a groomsman,
Just he wanted her so badly.
I’ll be this way for all women,
Couldn’t stop and step away.

It’s so hard for him this way,
Wants the bride of his dreams.
Just ignoring whatever to say,
She wanted him, only it seems.

Killed over always whatsoever,
Needed his way become like this.
He really wants to be together,
Loving her and that’s how it is.
265 · Jun 2018
Maybe I’m Not So Perfect
Steven Bowman Jun 2018
Maybe I’m not so perfect,
It seems I’m not smarter.
You’ve made my world it,
At times it may be harder.

All I’ve wondered for is you,
You’re my lover until the end.
Just I hope that loving is two,
Because she’s my great friend.

Just don’t wish for the hatred,
Loving you might be a chapter.
Think about us for the positive,
Maybe I think before and after.

Maybe I’m not so perfect at all,
Just can’t stop wondering of her.
She’s everything, I’m at her call,
I may not be perfect, not dumber.
263 · Aug 2018
Another Child’s Sad Death
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
As he watched the children,
They would laugh and play.
Looked over a way to them,
The police he knew on way.

The children were laughing,
The children try to run away.
He creeps closer for a killing,
Killed a boy, now he’s ******.

The man wanted his victims,
He wanted them very ******.
He killed boys for themselves,
Now the police caught many.

Another child’s sad death upon,
Now the man was thrown in jail.
The police saved many children,
Rotting in prison without any bail.
251 · Aug 2018
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Men thinking of themselves,
Ladies maybe overpowering.
They think they’re invincible,
When sadly, it’s so cowardly.

Unforgiving truth when comes,
Just we’re dying from the inside.
Arriving late, the cry overcomes,
I need comfort, nowhere to hide.

When thinking they’re invincible,
Just they’re all just being foolish.
Killed by a crime, uncomfortable,
She dies judging by a death wish.

Unwelcomed by her own guests,
Her cries were so misunderstood.
Just she needed all their respects,
Chose death, fears were no good.
223 · Aug 2018
All Things Not Needed
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
When you first started cursing,
You’ve got soap in your mouth.
They’d say there’s no swearing,
They’d ground you for a month.

Parents that need their children,
Trying to stop any type of curses.
When you’re young, all forgiving,
Just don’t swear, see it all works.

I think of this as a really bad thing,
Swearing is a thing, it’s not a need.
Just don’t rap about all drug killing,
Don’t be this and do not be greedy.

I need the world to be so perfectly,
It’s already filled with the pollutions.
Our future children, killing so sadly,
We really need this for constitutions.
188 · Aug 2018
Our Dirty Little Secrets
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
Once they knew a secret,
They needed it so rudely.
When it came to a regret,
Thinking over it abruptly.

Hey, you over on that hill,
Don’t look at her like this.
Look for a guy named Bill,
Knowing all of my secrets.

Can’t stay away from that,
All of our ***** little secrets.
I need to find his friend Pat,
It’s a fact, he’s all my regrets.

Jumping, he’s like Air Jordan,
Sneaky little *******, stealing.
Just it’s a miscommunication,
He’s not just this very worthy.
Steven Bowman Aug 2018
It’s faith that will set us free,
It’s a truth that says it’s a love.
Just don’t think it so harshly,
Just I say you’re so beautiful.

Never should have overreacted,
Never have I had a reaction.
Loving this world I’m alive at,
Loving how you needed action.

Just don’t ever rethink on bad,
Just don’t ever react all worst.
You need to think and be glad,
You need to think doesn’t hurt.

Once you controlled what needs,
Once I’ve defeated overreacting.
Don’t rethink about your pleads,
Don’t think of its underreacting.

— The End —