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 Mar 2016 Pia
Please go
 Mar 2016 Pia
Why do you like me?
I'm not really right, see

I've got this ****** up brain
that doesn't match my body

It'll be better for both
if you go on your way

I know that you want
me to beg you to stay

the truth can be harsh
I'll spare you the pain

my feelings are missing
I can't really explain

I'm sorry I can't
share the love that you feel

But your arrows of passion
are my Achilles heel

So Before we're to deep
I want you to go

leave me alone
with my mountain of blow
 Mar 2016 Pia
untitled 10WS
 Mar 2016 Pia
She thought her son would be visiting today. Guess Not
 Mar 2016 Pia
Good Girl
 Mar 2016 Pia
Its funny,
you calling me
“good girl.”

Hands running
down my thighs
your lips
leaving saliva,
sticky little white lies.

My back arched
and my eyes closed,

I’m this

But tell me,
what to do
when you assume
because we kiss
your hands
have any place
on MY body.

And tell me how,
you wish
for me
to be
“good girl”
when you have yet
to ask
if it’s okay
that you are already
sticking your fingers
inside of me.
 Mar 2016 Pia
Mikey Pooler
Life is but a game of

I chose to **** the world
for how
the worlds
made me feel

All that proceeds to hold me back
from being one who
what I'll ****

A smile cracks
as it trots
by in
a hearse

As I stand at the alter
to marry the stars
which helped me
through my worst

Each galaxy I've seen
in loves eyes
throughout the universe
 Mar 2016 Pia
Keith Manzano
At the club
Dancing away
In my lungs
Losing my mind
So many thoughts jumbles up in my head.
Why am I like this??
Oh yeah...
Cause your ****** up mind,
messed with mine
Did it with Wardha Malik.
 Mar 2016 Pia
Liz And Lilacs
Today a man told a **** joke.
Everyone laughed.
I stood there and thought about it for a moment
And then I asked,
"What is funny about that?"
The laughter stopped
and they stood there in silence.
The momentary silence of shattered illusions,
There was no answer
Because it wasn't funny
So why laugh?
 Mar 2016 Pia
brandon nagley
(Greek translation \version)

Ischyró, sígoura
tha aposvestoún

Parelthóntos, en afthonía,
lefkí stefáni tou


paratiritís kípou
Pýli tou katóchou;
Chrónos ágnosto.


Ékti aísthisi, Pra shatrent,
Eyne tis astrapís;


Ái tis pragmatikó, ái
tis símaine. Pántote
i feeleth; zontanós
kai to periechómeno.

(English translation)

Puissant, certes
whittled on


Yore, galore,
white corolla's


Garden watcher's
Gate keeper's;
Time unknown.


Sixth sense, Pra shatrent,
eyne of lightning;


Aye tis real, Aye
tis meant. Aye
i feeleth; alive
and content.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Puissant- means powerful or almighty ..
Certes- means in truth or certainly .
Whittled means like carved ..
Yore- former times! Long time ago.
Galore- in abundance
Corollas are like petals same thing...
Sixth sense- a supposed intuitive faculty giving awareness not explicable in terms of normal perception.
Pra shatrent- is a word I made up meaning ( Aware of all spiritual things and non spiritual, aware of both ...
Eyne - archaic for eyes.
Aye- is yes in old form.
Tis- it is ....
 Mar 2016 Pia
Matthew Berkshire
He sat watching as the love dripped out of her,
like broth dribbling off the spoon back into the bowl;
each drop of pho causing ripples of warmth.

He wished to plunge deep inside of her soul,
to penetrate her mind and pause briefly, but
long enough to see how much love remained.

He watched as her hands became a swarm of bees,
her brown eyes turning to fire as she spoke,
and in this moment she was still beautiful.

His heart writhed while slowly realizing that,
it doesn't matter how much you love someone.
Sometimes love just isn't nearly enough.
 Mar 2016 Pia
sitting back and relaxing,
turing the screen on in my head,
i turn up the volume and cant hear anything,
the screen crackles to life,
where once there were colours there is now,


life passing by in a blur,
colours seeped out and washout,
peoples faces blur,
actions lost of meaning,

i tried to change the channel,
nothing happened,
stuck in a loop of the same colours,
the same meaningless expressions and actions,

life is a film meant to be enjoyed in colours and life and sounds.

im lost looking at the black and white screen.
Lost for what seems to be a life time.
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