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  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
And he told me, "You, my dear, are not a collection of people's memories. You don't need to house and protect everyone; you don't need to display and be proud for what they've done; you don't need to preserve them when all they do is walk over you. There will be moments that you have to guard them, but there will be much more of you having to watch out for your own self. You live for yourself and have confidence in it. You may be broken at times, but it's the fragments which make you much more intricately detailed.  You have the potential to be the main attraction. All you have to do is to let it show. Remember, you are not a museum, but a masterpiece of art."
This is a little write for self-doubt. If you have been having doubts about anything in your life, it is okay and it will pass. You will be scared of the risks, and even your dreams. But I'm telling you: if you're scared, then your dreams are worth the risks.
  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
Mitch Prax
Your smile puts the sun
to shame - without it the sun
doesn't shine the same

7:28 PM
  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
Mitch Prax
If our love
had a sound,
it would be the sweetest song.
Tell me you hear the music-
the beat of our hearts
and our harmonies
  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
Mitch Prax
Even before
the beginning,
I knew that I would love you
long after
the end.
  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
Mitch Prax
you are ready
to let down your guard
and break down the walls,
I promise to pick up
every brick
and rebuild you
as if to rebuild
my home.
  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
Mitch Prax
Drifting across your sea-
carry me away with your waves
away from these people
and this land I have outgrown.
Maybe I will drown
but that's a risk I'm willing to take
if it means I get to
breathe you in.
  Oct 2020 Nadine Peñaverde
Mitch Prax
Your smile still
shines like a sunflower
and only your laughter
can bloom this heart.
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