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 Nov 2015 Lexi Dvorak
and you begin to ask yourself why you fall in love with someone who wouldn't accept another part of you
until you realize you don't really want that part of you either
November, 2015
Dying love in a gilded cage,
Imprisoned by my pent up rage.
You never loved me, but neither did I,
The last gift you gave was the gift of goodbye.
Hush, little sister
Please don't cry
I wish I could be there
To sing you a lullaby

I can see your arms
Bloodied and bruised
That's strange, little sister
Mine were like that too

I know you scream
When Daddy's there
Hush, little sister
I know you're scared

I can see the way
He's hurting you
I'm sorry, little sister
He did that to me too

I know that people
Ignore what's going on at home
That makes me angry, little sister
You shouldn't have to be alone

Hey, little sister
You want to know why I'm not there?
It's a sad story, little sister
But people should care

You see, little sister
One day Daddy got high
You were asleep in your crib
So you didn't hear my cry

He screamed at me
And smashed my head against the door
While you slept, little sister
I died on the floor

You know, little sister
I don't think that I would have died
If someone had only bothered
To listen to my cries

But hush, little sister
Daddy's coming home
Quick, get into bed
You don't want him to find you alone

I'm sorry little sister
He's in a bad mood
Run while you can

Uh oh little sister
He's lifting his belt
Scream while you can, little sister
Call for help

Hush little sister
You don't need to cry
No one can hurt you
You're in my arms tonight.
 Sep 2015 Lexi Dvorak
 Sep 2015 Lexi Dvorak
Why would you tell someone that they're good at something even if you thought otherwise
Why would you tell someone that they're beautiful if you don't think they are
Why would you say that she isn't fat when your conscience is screaming for you to be honest
Why would you say that it was okay for him to be crying himself to sleep every night
Why would you say that it is going to be okay if you weren't sure

Just why would you get someone's hope up
To tear it all down,
Over and over again.

You didn't have to lie, all you needed to do was to shut up.
 Sep 2015 Lexi Dvorak
she has this own world
that herself only knows
can't speak even a word
until where can she go

message me if you need someone x
He picked the flowers
Stem by stem
Put them in a jar
And gave her them

She picked the petals
Piece by piece
"Will he hurt me or will he leave?"

She took the chance of
"One more try"
Now she waits
To love or to die
"This is not normal."
That's what I said when I felt the sudden jolt in my heart.
You're making my heart beat abnormally.

"This is not normal."
What my mind speaks whenever I'm smiling for no reason.
I know. I look stupid that time.

"This is not normal."
I muttered when I caught myself staring at you.
My eyes saw what perfection means.

"This is not normal."
When I wanted to have you even in my dreams.
I wanted to be with you all the time.
I couldn't last a day without your presence.

"This is not normal."
When all this time I'm hiding something from you.
I'm afraid. I'm scared that you're going to leave me after that.
I don't want to lose you.

"This is not normal."
You're the only person I'm not afraid to tell everything.
Not afraid to tell everything except for one.

"This is not normal."
This is no longer me.
I'm so in love that it changed everything.

"This is not normal."*
I had to stop.
Because I know what we have now.
Is all temporary.
ZzzzzzZ bored sorry
 Sep 2015 Lexi Dvorak
1:31 AM
 Sep 2015 Lexi Dvorak
My chest has been hurting
And I don't know if it's
A medical issue or an
Emotional issue.
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