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 Feb 2016 Mrs Grey
Megan H
All the words he never said
Were written in the stars
Look at me,
They seemed to say.
I'm still here
Let me guide you through the night

All the nights we used to spend
Outside the garage.
His favorite constellations embedded in my mind.
Orion the Hunter.
It would never get old.
I was an image of my father,
And together we could stare at the stars all night long.

So people always ask me
Why I am fascinated with the stars
Why at nights I look up at the sky and smile
And I tell them,
He used to admire the stars as I do,
But now,
He is up there.
He is guiding me throughout this life.
My dad is my favorite constellation.
And then they'd remember-
The twinkle in my father's eye.
And they knew
I was telling the truth.

I miss you, Dad. Forever and always, old man.
 Feb 2016 Mrs Grey
 Feb 2016 Mrs Grey
Once while raining i looked at the glass window
Not to see the spectacle but to see myself
But I'm taken aback with what i saw
A girl I didn't know was staring at me
And I eagerly ask my self who she is
Is she the ever-loving daughter at this house?
Or the  girl who seemed born to please others?
Her bright smile which she never forget to wore
Her silly jokes who makes everyone at ease
And her laugh so genuine always lighten up the atmosphere
But have you looked in her eyes?
Have you tried staring directly at it?
Because it tells another story
Her eyes so pure seemed to have a voice of its own
screaming, searching and pleading
Her gaze is lethal and as broke as she is from the inside
Even the most alluring smile can't hide the loneliness in her eyes
If you'll just pay attention
You will see her heart through her eyes shattering into pieces,
abandoned in a dark cold place and silently shouting
**"It's not me, Its fake"
Texts and Posts and Blogs galore
I must read, reply, comment, or ignore

Symbols, Emoticons, Internet Slang, l33t
What I read and write I can't even speak

What Hero, What Color, What God, What Sign
Profiles, Quizzes, Lists, Fan of and Pages are how I'm defined.

500 friends, 100 requests, an invite and dozens of tweets
Day in and day out come and go on my phone and PC

Yet at the end of the day when the screens go dim
I sleep alone never having acutally touched or spoken to any of them.
Copyright 2010 - Blackdragon Logo & Design
 Feb 2016 Mrs Grey
Mahdiya Patel
We manipulated each other emotionally and called it love.
 Feb 2016 Mrs Grey
I cant seem to shake this feeling
This feeling has started to take control of me
I've lost the feeling of happiness
For its impossible to shake this feeling

This feeling of empty sadness.

 Nov 2015 Mrs Grey
Rachael Judd
 Nov 2015 Mrs Grey
Rachael Judd
I'm in pain
I cry when I wake up
And I cry when I drift to slumber
There is ache inside my heart
And my soul is lost in an abyss of darkness
There is no feeling in my fingertips
And no beating left in my chest
I'm in pain
 Nov 2015 Mrs Grey
black & blue
 Nov 2015 Mrs Grey
Purple is always construed for
those void of black and blue
but how can we see the rainbows
without the hungry,
permanently scarred faces

I suppose an assumption of positivity
is about as fair as
being handed a stacked deck
where the dealer reeks
and his horns
lacerate the connection
between you and your home.

So smiles will be frowns,
and ups will be downs.

You can't ask
pierced noses
without asking
about pierced veins
stained a dark shade
of purple.
 Nov 2015 Mrs Grey
How easy it is to end a life.
With a single movement of your finger,
You can put out a bright flame.
It can shudder and fade before you even blink.
 Nov 2015 Mrs Grey
Lying motionless, pretending to be,
As dead as the bodies, surrounding me,
Covered in blood, bits of dead skin,
Masking my aroma, as they close in,
Dragging of feet, hearing their groans,
A chorus of dead, no longer alone,
Clutching tight, the axe in my hand,
Looking for flesh, around me they stand,
Smelling the air, one turn's his head,
Breathing deeply, he can tell I’m not dead,
Rage fills my body, a fight to the death,
Swinging my axe, with every breath,
Cracking of skulls, I fight through the mist,
A figure remains, the one that I missed,
Anger turns to tears, my beautiful bride,
Killed by them all, now a Zombie resides,
My arm lowers, I beg her to leave,
Closer she comes, I fall to my knees,
She reaches out, as her eyes bulge red,
I scream out as I....
....put an axe to her head.
 Nov 2015 Mrs Grey
And the sun
Kept shining down
In waves,
Warming my skin
With its brilliant glow
And then suddenly
Disappearing behind a cloud
Only to leave
My body aching
For its warmth.

Sometimes I wish
The sun would go away
Instead of coaxing me
Into believing it would stay.

Sometimes I think
The sun is you
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