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Marisa Hope Jan 2015
The tags say, "Dry Clean Only" but I didn't have time before I left.
So now my favorite purple sweater, the one with the elbow patches, smells like you and filet mignon.
"Congratulations, it's a match!" Reads my tinder notification.
Little did I know, I'd actually like you.
Little did I know you'd say you wanted something.
I got your number, we planned on meeting up.
Our plans fell through, but we continued to talk and flirt anyways.
I left for school, as did you.
Hundreds of miles away, you could tell there was something wrong through a text message.
You were there for me, everything I needed, you were it.
You told me you didn't just want someone to ****, you wanted someone to love.
October & November:
The texts dwindled down to barely any.
All I wanted was for you to respond, or finally text me first.
We planned on meeting up for thanksgiving, you ignored me.
Finals week approaches and I finally hear from you again.
You want to meet up for real this time.
We say, let's meet over break.
You text me, four nights before I'm leaving again.
Tomorrow? You ask me, I obviously say of course.
Terrified, I think you're going to stand me up,
but when you finally walk into the Starbucks,
my heart drops.
This is actually happening.
You come back to my place, this and that happens.
You leave.
But what I didn't think is that we'd be back at square one.
Ignoring my texts, yet snapchatting me and liking my moments.
I run to rid you from my mind.
But yet you appear so vividly and I can hear your voice saying, "are you gonna come and get it?"
Just like you said that day.
So I never had the time to dry clean my favorite sweater, so it still smells of your cologne and filet mignon.
Marisa Hope Dec 2014
This isn't easy, putting pen to paper figuring out my thoughts, but alas, here we go again.
I don't want to say it's a crush, that's childish.
It's more of a lust, a desire, a fire burning in my heart wanting to pull you closer every time we hug.
My mind screaming, "say something! Make a move already, ******."
You flirt with me like crazy, making my emotions run wild.
You're in my head constantly reigning over my thoughts, haunting my dreams.
It's pretty crazy how this all works.
Everything you do is adorable and everything you are is cute.
I want to be a part of your life, just like you've made yourself a part of mine.
I want you to hold me in your arms.
I want to feel the warmth of your embrace.
I just want to feel loved, but more importantly, I want to feel loved by you.
Everyone says I'm crazy, they say I don't have a chance, but the way you act around me can't just be nothing.
It's quite cute actually.
You play with your hands, you waffle back and forth on your feet, just like I do when I'm nervous for an audition, you come to a loss for words, you play with your hair, and that smile.
You have a smile that makes my heart melt, my knees tremble.
I thought I was over it until that one summer day.
I guess you're just not that easy to get over, ay?
Sequel poem to "Crush"
Marisa Hope Nov 2014
I miss the old days
where life was fun
and boys didn’t matter.
  Nov 2014 Marisa Hope
"Don't let madness corrupt you." A wise man once said, but it is impossible not to be corrupted when you're as dark as insanity itself.
Marisa Hope Nov 2014
I know I have no chance, I know there will always be someone before me.
But before you make this your final decision, give me a chance.
Give me a chance to show you I know how to love, and I know how to love you.
Let me show you my true colors, my real spirit, my real self.
Give me a minute to let all my inhibitions go, be real, and be silly.
I love to be silly.
I guess that's something you should know.
I like to prance around in boxer shorts and oversized t-shirts belting out Taylor Swift like no other.
I like to make funny faces on snapchat and tweet song lyrics.
I will always laugh uncontrollably no matter how funny something is, that's just me.
I will always want to cuddle during thunderstorms, and I will always want to watch movies that make me cry.
I will never not love being kissed on the forehead, and hearing someone say, "you're cute."
This is Marisa, and this is Marisa unraveled.
This is me breaking out of the everyday norm.
And if you want to put me first,
You have to accept the challenge of loving me,
then you have to accept all my silliness and my quirks.
Marisa Hope Nov 2014
Here it is.
I'm saying it now.
I'm giving up.
It hurts too much.
It hurts that I know that you are not alone.
I'm giving up on what we could have had.
I'm giving up on everything.
I'm giving up on myself for giving up on you.
I'm giving up on waiting for you to text, for you to call.
It'd be nice to know you cared.
It'd be nice to know you still want to meet up.
I understand, we all have our issues,
and I've stated mine here.
I'm simply giving up.
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