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740 · Apr 2018
Heart Strings
LCP Apr 2018
You make my heart hurt. I'm not going to be all poetic and say, "Oh how I long to be with you." I am simply going to say, "I love being around you."

My stomach does triple flips when I'm around you and sometimes I wonder how I manage to not spontaneously toss my cookies when I see you.

My heart thinks it is a metronome, a broken one for that matter. My heart thinks it has the stability to beat faster than 250 bpm (maybe someday it'll realize that it can't).

My brain constantly forgets what day of the week it is, or what time I'm supposed to take my medicine, but miraculously it remembers your birthday, your least favorite color, and your middle name.

Lastly, my soul is unsure of so many things; which way is right and how to face the things which I fear, but the one thing my soul is set on, is you.
I wasn't too sure if I wanted to post this one but my heart kept nagging me to do it anyways. I should stop ignoring it so much I suppose.
674 · Apr 2018
The Fear of Love
LCP Apr 2018
Keep quiet
My mind screams the command

I don’t want to keep quiet
I want to be able to live honestly

I want to hold her hand

Without being ashamed
Without being scared of what They might say
Without being scared of my friends finding this poem

Without being scared to love
I hope she doesn’t find this.
502 · Mar 2018
LCP Mar 2018
Someone once told me that I was in love with the sea

And I believed them

I was entranced by the steadiness of his current

He kept me afloat even when the storms would jostle me about

How his gentle saltwater kisses on my cheeks would leave me breathless by filling my lungs with water

How the consistency of his tide made me run to him daily

How complacent I was to be at his beckoned call

All because people told me that I was in love with the sea

But I am not in love with the sea

Because I am in love with the shore

How she sparkles when the sun shines on her

And how her sand tickles between my toes

Her warmth engulfs me like a blanket

How she pulls me back and keeps me grounded

She catches me and holds me close when the sea throws me in its rage

Oh how many times it took me to be hurled from the sea until I realized I belonged in the arms of the shore
This poem is based off of the word Metanoia which means “the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.”
485 · Dec 2018
In Absence of Mistletoe
LCP Dec 2018
Baby it's cold outside
So snuggle up closer

If hot chocolate was alcohol
We'd be well past drunk by now

I could lay with you for hours
Until we drift off to sleep

I want to wake up in your arms forever
Listening to the crackling fireplace

We don't even need mistletoe
Just kiss me darling
447 · Jul 2018
The Grimm Truth
LCP Jul 2018
Mental illness not a romantic tale about a princess in a dark tower
The one who gets rescued by a knight in shining armor
In the story you might feel more like the huntsman
Who never sleeps in fear that something might pass him if he does
Or maybe you’re more like Sleeping Beauty minus the beauty and the prince
Who never stops sleeping but when she wakes she’s still exhausted
Maybe you’re the witch
Who fears other might take her only friend away so she locks them in a tower for eternity
Maybe you’re the heroes who can rescue everyone
Well everyone except themselves
Or perhaps you’re just a simple peasant, as most are
With no role to play in the story
“Would the author care if I were gone?”
It’s a question you ask yourself daily
This is the truth about mental illness
It’s not a fairytale that you get to romanticize
It’s reality that never ends
And it ******* *****
- the Grimm Poet
423 · Apr 2018
Unwanted Glitter
LCP Apr 2018
I said that you were amazing
But you yearned to hear it twice
So you said that my life was dull
And the words cut me like a knife

You insisted upon staying
Forever clinging to my side
To help the world around me
See how brightly I could shine

But your words stuck to my skin
And the poison stung my eyes
You convinced me what you said was true
And I believed the lies

Until one day I flushed my eyes
And washed the glitter off my skin
Seven months and here I was again
Finally tired of what you did

As I went to run my errands
A little girl stopped me on the street
"You're as pretty as a princess!" she said
And I smiled in disbelief

That little girl helped me realize
Something very important that day
You were foolishly advertising glitter
To a chandelier on display
This poem addresses the issue of manipulative people and how important it is to love yourself. The glitter may be pretty and shiny but you are glimmering with confidence, and nothing outshines that.
416 · Sep 2018
LCP Sep 2018
You take my breath away
Stealing the sweet oxygen
Like a thief who leaves me in a blurry state of mind
Unsure of what has happened
What has been taken from me
Sitting static  
Dizzy in your love
You spin me in circles
A never ending loop of joy
Oxygen is overrated
All you need to survive is
408 · May 2018
Ribs & Other Cages
LCP May 2018
I've always wanted someone to take my breath away
Bu after struggling to obtain oxygen these past few days
I have realized how precious it is
Saving it and storing it up for the right words
But my oxygen could never be wasted on you
My ribs may creak and crumble
And my lungs stretch paper thin
But oxygen is a precious thing
And you are worth every single breath
That burns me from the inside out
I have been very sick with a respiratory illness and lately it has caused my ribs to ache and it's a pain that I've never experienced before. Doing simple things hurts and requires so much effort. Important people in my life have been very helpful and they make me want to laugh even though it hurts but they make the pain worth it.
383 · Mar 2018
Blissfully Yours
LCP Mar 2018
I am in utter disarray by your beauty
Your smile drives my heartbeat insane
You’ll never understand the struggle of loving someone like you

Bubblegum lips
Subtle smiles
Deep eyes
Sunshine laughter

You are breath taking

There’s no wonder that why I wish I were yours, all you have to do is feel the same.
I spent an unusual amount of time writing this because I would experience sudden bursts of energy and would immediately lunge to my phone to write another line.
258 · Aug 2018
The Question
LCP Aug 2018
Is ignorance bliss?
Or is it simply lying to another?
Are you keeping them for yourself?
Or taking their air?

Is it being so honest that the truth is blunt?
Or is it keeping loved ones away from the true battlefront?

Honesty can be
Rarely confessed
So here’s the question you must answer:
Is it better to keep a lie tidy?
Or reveal that the truth is a mess?
241 · Nov 2018
LCP Nov 2018
I love wearing dresses
I love the color pink
I love flower bouquets  

I’m also in love with a girl

I’m a sucker for sweets
Lipstick and mascara
I’m all about bubblegum kisses

Soft and cuddly
Fingers intertwined
Blankets and body heat

Perfume and her hair
Her warm embrace  
As I’m surrounded by her arms
Being feminine but also being with a girl can be a bit complicated to the general public it seems.
221 · Oct 2019
the scary thing about sex
LCP Oct 2019
i don’t think the thought of having *** scares me

i think the scary thing is

showing the person you love the most in this world

all the things you hate the most about yourself
i’ve been struggling with body image again lately

— The End —