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 Dec 2017 luci
Shah Ahmed Farouq
I wished all the clocks have stopped
So I could enjoy my youth
With no burden or responsibilities
For me to think my actions through
Time never seems to wait
I felt the years have just gone by
I felt my body slowly getting weaker
In a blink of an eye
Soon my skin would be wrinkled
And my hair would turn white
Soon life will leave this body
And all it would be is just a memory
Time is a friend and an enemy
 Dec 2017 luci
i've never told you before
but i caught a glimpse
of your skinny wrists
two years ago

brown lined up so neatly against beige
i couldn't help but stare
and trace over the fresh red blooms
on my own arms

and scowl at the thought
that someone as beautiful as you
could be as damaged
as someone as disgusting as me
i need to tell you you're not alone
 Dec 2017 luci
 Dec 2017 luci
there’s a
stuck inside
my chest,
it throbs in pain
every ****
time when
someone says
your name

 Dec 2017 luci
Father, Daughter
 Dec 2017 luci
Little girl so loved by her number one fan
A proud father, he does what he can

A women who has a world of support
Her dad to talk to, a man in her court

Too many drinks deep, he should have learned
His wrath untamed, her world has turned

Hurtful words are just a game
But coming from him, her body shakes

Slurred speech, bloodshot eyes
Dissapointed girl, a man of lies

Once so wise and once so kind
Has nothing left to hide behind

She knows he's wrong, shouldn't drink 'till sleep
But this is her secret, an embarrassment she'll keep  

A role model ruined by self destructive paths
A girl too scared to take off his mask

So she lives to believe he is the one
To look up to so blindly, staring straight into the sun

She convinces herself its okay
Until the point he drives his little girl away
 Dec 2017 luci
Alex Day
not just water or air
could fill my body
with the gentle force
that the tides do, and
so it is with you--

not just your kiss,
your smile,
the cold of your
hands on me

just out of reach,
the same power that
brings sea to shore
is behind us, or
around us

there's vulnerability
in the way i even
think your name.
 Dec 2017 luci
low on battery
 Dec 2017 luci
10:00 A.M.
Battery: 100%

12:00 P.M.
Battery: 80%

2:00 P.M.
Battery: 67%

4:00 P.M.
Battery: 45%

6:00 P.M.
Battery: 30%

8:00 P.M.
Battery: 10%

10:00 P.M.
Battery: 0%

10:03 P.M.
Notification: You have one unread message:
from Andrea

"i love you ♥"

10:03 P.M.
Battery: 100%
for all the boys and girls who still yearn for love in our digital age
 Dec 2017 luci
A Thomas Hawkins
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Dec 2017 luci
this is how it happens
it's the last day the temperature will be
above thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit
until February
you're not looking at the date
it's just the end of November
the middle of the night in the middle of a road
at the end of November
the hum of this small town hurts your ears
you're stuck in a dream where everything you see
turns into a weapon
this is how it happens
you knocked back sharp, amber liquid
to make this place feel a little more okay
and it only worked halfway
no matter how soft the edges are
you bruise your hips when you
run into them in the dark
you're ******* on your fourth cigarette when
a police officer pulls over and asks
how you're doing today
in the too-bright white of the headlights
the sick taste of Red Stag sticks to
the roof of your mouth
the mouth that you're moving into a smile
the mouth exhaling plumes of smoke at the ground
you're okay
"i'm okay."
you don't tell him what you're really doing
you're really taking all of your
thoughts about stopping your pulse for a walk
you don't tell him you've been
chasing ambulances all night long
please, officer don't leave me alone, you don't say
he tells you to have a good night and drives away
and this is how it happens
the moon smiles at you with every single one
of its tiny, sharp teeth
nobody but your cat finds you in that bathtub
nobody but your cat watches you rise from red water
watches it drip drip drip
from every chasm carved in your left arm
nobody but your cat saw the soft animal of your soul
shiver from the cold that day
it's the first day the temperature
dropped below
thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit inside your chest
based on true events
 Dec 2017 luci
a haiku on poets
 Dec 2017 luci
Regular people
Don’t feel this way in their minds.
They must be so bored.
people who write poetry are definitely special.
 Dec 2017 luci
 Dec 2017 luci
maybe if you loved me
i could finally rest my head
on a white pillow
"i adore you"
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