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 Oct 2016 Loxodes
Arielle Dawn
Now that we've grown
All that we learned
Was the list of things
we had in common
Had only grown
And blossomed
Into a riper piece of fruit
For us to consume
You're the yin to my yang, baby.
 Aug 2016 Loxodes

water bubbles
reflecting there are
golden koi

depth of feathers
ancient moonlight
is the buoy

around the
blue-grey stone's
sand is raked
in perfect poise

has its
crickets make
a creaking noise


within the
island garden
small and jewel-like
in the grove

kimono and the obi
there's a peace
the Nippon know

muted colors
placid faces
the paper lanterns
sway and glow

the lords and ladies
sit for hours
 Apr 2016 Loxodes
Arielle Dawn
Sweet baby
Forgive me

I have sinned
A strayed from your love

Tenderness like a nightlight
In the darkness at the age of five

You give me warmth
I give you butterflies

Without you
Dispair is but an endless routine

Life filled with
Broken rose petals

Fluttering hearts unseen

Lean your head
On my chest

I promise you
My heart will beat
 Mar 2016 Loxodes
Arielle Dawn
10 AM, train

How do you deal with other people if you don't know how to deal with yourself?
How are you supposed to tell someone you're broken?
How do you explain to people that you never meant to hurt them, and you know all too well how it feels to hurt the way they do?

How can you ever expect someone to understand?
 Feb 2016 Loxodes
it's weird
we're not really friends
but actually we are
we're not really lovers
but actually we are
a "you're cute" is too less
a "i love you" is too much.
but what i do know about us
is that i care about you
and i want you to stay close.
Let's be a thing. (wrote this a while back when things were confusing)
 Feb 2016 Loxodes
 Feb 2016 Loxodes
Am I pushing
you away?
I can't tell if
I am.
If i was,
would you tell
I don't mean to.
If I do, maybe
it's because  I
already know
you're going to
leave me like
everyone else.
So I guess I just
make it happen
I'm sorry.
I'd rather hurt
now then later
I guess.
 Feb 2016 Loxodes
James Cracker
I am not a love poem.
But I am a liar.
I love you!
Happy Valentines day!
 Jan 2016 Loxodes
SE Reimer
 Jan 2016 Loxodes
SE Reimer

bits and pieces,
lines and creases,
dusty shelves
of storied past;
where could-haves
turned should-haves,
make half-lives gone by.
haunt in our reticence,
expressed in our sigh;
they hide in our silence,
betrayed by our tears,
from missed opportunities
     down through the years.

this is no stroll
o’er memory’s lane,
but a ***-holed, hard-roll
on a boulevard unnamed,
     where deepest regrets
          must defend against shame.


i make my peace
by drawing a line,
before it can fade
shifting with time.
i say “enough!
this far and no more!”

i give it my heel
and walk out that door.
past the garden,
past the fences,
to the edge of my mind,
resolve saying, “goodbye”  
      to this pain i have known.

then for reasons unfathomed
i turn at the bend,
to see what i'll miss
as if that place were my friend,
yet that house where i lived
so long and knew well,
was standing no longer,
up in smoke, gone in flames,
     now just ashes and bricks
          are all that remained.


so homeless i felt,
with no place to return.
no basement to bury
the ghosts of my past;
no attic to wander,
no hallways to creep,
no corners to ponder,
no front porch to weep,
lost without home,
     now no pillow to sleep.

“please turn around,”
spoke, a voice on the breeze
“there's a new life ahead”
and then, to my relief,
“you're not homeless, my son;
you’ve a new windowed view!
square your shoulders
to the pathway,
see the journey anew!
in promising thoughts
so hopefully wrought
of brand new can-be’s
that only dreamers can see
these, are your new life
you're not abandoned, but free.
     let regrets turn to fuel
          build steam from this fire.”


as i turned back to thank
the voice offering these words
i found no sage of advice
but here’s what i heard.
"offer thanks to your own heart,
to strength buried within.
the matches lay dormant
’til your heart found its stremgth.
the mere act of leaving
was the spark for your fire;
     for in striking your new path
          your past built your pyre.”


*post script.

after much stirring, much wrestling, we are now with anticipations imagining what will change as we light the fire.  i’m excited about the possibilities as we let go.
You used to look at me with ur heart
And you would fill mine with joy
Eventually your heart grew cold
And i would feel myself getting paralyzed
In the frost
And you left me behind

Where did you go
Our happy days seem so long ago
Yet we're still sleeping in the same sheets
Yet i still smoke to eliminate stress
But it's only a timekiller

It's just a waste. waste. waste.
I should walk away
But if you call for me
You know i'll come
But you're already gone
Just fearing one day soon
You'll be gone forever
And i'll sit there in silence
Smoking my last cigarettes
Even if i would make myself prettier
And even if all the boys would want me
If only you will look at me again
With the same dreamy eyes as yesterday
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