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Nov 2017 · 335
ky Nov 2017
the riptides poke at their flesh
forcing their skins to open as it bleeds freely into the icy water
it ****** their fingers and stings to the very core
violently tearing the soft covers that protect their bones from shattering
their teeth crushing onto each other at uncontrollable speed, biting onto their lips and tongues once in a while making their eyes tear up
the murky water fills their lungs with each breath they take,
their legs and arms flailing, trying to stay above but it's too strong
it bites back and forces them underneath,
suddenly there's no more thrashing, no more screaming
just silence
and the water stills...
but no one comes back up
Nov 2017 · 292
ky Nov 2017
droplets of water touches my revealed flesh,
sliding down until it reaches the end and drops onto the ground beneath my feet
i can no longer ignore the heaviness in my chest as the rain pours onto me and you come into view
my eyes glass over and soon the tears mix with the rain, and
the wracking of my shoulders begin
i entangle my arms around myself as if i can keep my broken self together somehow
my eyes wander to you and you unfold your arms, holding them straight out for me to run into
without my permission, my legs start moving on their own towards you and suddenly, i'm wrapped in your warm arms,
my ear on your beating heart,
t                         t
h                        h
   u                       u
     m                     m
        p                     p

you place a feathery kiss on my temple and i close my eyes, savoring this moment
my short quick breaths could still be heard as the tsunami coming out my eyes still wreck my face and you stand there,
softly tapping your fingers on the small of my back, slowly calming me down until my breathing becomes regular
and the tears come to an end, but we still stand there
embracing each other, encased in each other's scent
silently speaking unspoken words
Jul 2017 · 333
ky Jul 2017
I explored all there was to see
cities, islands, mountains
there was a new place to visit every single day
each one full of life
I could see my dreams coming alive
but in my heart was a pang of longingness
I love all these places but at the end of the day
I just want to go back home and sleep in the same bed that I used to when I was a kid.
Jun 2017 · 4.4k
ky Jun 2017
The music drifts my mind away
Each beat shuddering through my whole presence
Making my heart thump and my blood frantically flow through my veins

The city lights hide the dark shadows of the night
Bringing warmth and safety to the room
Like a big blanket that protects you from the things scaring you

People huddle in groups, all enjoying the ebullience in the air
Smiles and laughter could be heard from miles away
Not a trace of unhappiness on this beautiful night

I look around me, my eyes shining as bright as the stars
Smiling at the sight surrounding me
My stomach fills with butterflies and goosebumps trail my arms and legs
And a warm feeling ignites within me
This is a night, a moment I’ll never forget.
Jun 2017 · 270
ky Jun 2017
i recognize the hollowness in your eyes
pain evident in them
i recognize every wince or jump
when a sudden noise hits your ears
i recognize every smile you fake
and every laughter you force
i recognize the scars on your heart
i recognize all this because it was me who's eyes were hollow and full of pain
it was me who winced and jumped at every single loud noise
it was me who faked smiles and forced laughs
and it was me who's heart was scarred
Mar 2017 · 463
My Air
ky Mar 2017
I gasped for air
but there wasn't any left
all the oxygen in the world couldn't cure my need for you
for you were my oxygen, the only air I could breathe
and the day you left
was the day my heart stopped working
that was the day I went numb, and my body went cold
Mar 2017 · 414
ky Mar 2017
the sultry, soothing sound of your voice
overlies the war in my mind
masking my dark, hidden thoughts
and disguising them as soft-kissed words
instead of vengeful screams

you bring me so close to the edge, so close to breaking you
and yet,
here I am, surrendering to only you
Mar 2017 · 819
My Little Angel
ky Mar 2017
hey my little angel,
how're you doing
haven't seen you in a while
hope I've made you smile

hey my little angel,
how're things from above
do you feel what I believe
do you see what I've achieved

hey my little angel,
things just aren't okay
I keep thinking it'll get better
but instead it's all the same

hey my little angel,
will you recognize me
when I meet you someday
in your land far, far away

hey my little angel,
make me see
show me the light
I won't give up the fight
Feb 2017 · 691
ky Feb 2017
never had somebody
love me like you
the way you take over me
is scary and new

the little sparks ignite
every time you come near me
i don't know what love is
but you help me to see

I've stayed clear
from the big L itself
nothing good ever comes from
keeping someone to yourself

but with you
i love the way it seems
i guess no one can ever stay away
from the root of dreams
Feb 2017 · 382
ky Feb 2017
the lifeless sounds of tomorrow
buzzing in your ears
drowning out the playfulness
with dreading, unknown fears
Feb 2017 · 378
ky Feb 2017
I'm just me
a person that doesn't do anything perfectly

I'm very normal
There's nothing extraordinary about me

If a stranger were to see me, there would be no second glances
I blend in with the crowd

I'm nothing exquisite
I'm just *me
Feb 2017 · 315
mother (nature)
ky Feb 2017
oh , how i love you
I’ve made you with my own bare hands
I’ve made you the trees, the earth, the water

oh , how I love you
The way you use my gift for you
It feels almost nostalgic

Oh, how i love you
The way you waste your purpose here
With selfish and greedy deeds

Oh, how i love you
The monster you’ve turned into
Now I must return the favor
Feb 2017 · 555
A Poet To His Lover
ky Feb 2017
I love you like the sun loves the moon
As they say
It hides every night
Just to let the moon rise

Your smile brightens my mood
No matter what it is
Your touch tingles my very core
You make me feel

I love all your little quirks
And imperfections
They remind me of who you are
And why I’m in love with you

I love the way your eyes crinkle when you smile
And it reaches to your cheeks
It shows me it’s genuine
I love it especially when I’m the reason for it

I love the way you talk
How you look away after eye contact
The shyness doesn’t go away
Even after all the time we’ve spent together

I love the sound of your laughter
The way it brightens your features
And the way it lifts up the tension
It truly makes me happy to know your happy

I love how you stuck with me
Even through the tough times
Even after I was being selfish
It showed me you really care

You’re like the sun and I, the earth
You’re the center of my universe
And I just want to get closer and closer to you
Just like the earth revolves around the sun ; closer and closer

I love you
I’ve been in love with you since the moment we met
I want to spend my happily ever after with the woman I love
And the woman I love is *you
Feb 2017 · 689
What I Love Most About You
ky Feb 2017
I love your eyes the most,
because they hold all the emotions you cannot speak of
they hold such beauty that when I close my eyes
it's yours I see
Jan 2017 · 467
ky Jan 2017
the patriarchy is taking over this world
this world where both men and women have lived for thousands of years
never have we had to fight for rights that was to be given to us
never have we had to reunite millions of people
to try and solve a complication that shouldn't have rose in the first place
no women shall be deprived of basic human rights
no women shall be treated as an insignificance
a women can't do what she wishes without a comment of dissatisfaction,
without a comment of unrighteous criticism
the equality of both genders is a rising problem
we fought this over 100 years ago and the inequality is still not resolved
it's sad to see that gender is one of the major things that tear this world apart
it's retched to know that women are to be thought of as a lesser human and sometimes an inexistent creature
our voices are silenced by those who wish to be in power
by those who are afraid of what we can do
this is becoming history and us women won't stop until we get the same payment, the same rights, the same treatment that men have
we have fought too **** long
we are human, we are people and we deserve to be treated as such
I know this doesn't look or sound like a poem but I really need people to hear this. The march that happened all over the world yesterday has inspired me to talk about this subject. Everyone should be a feminism because everyone deserves to be equal. Now that we have a racist, homophobic, sexist, and misogynistic person as a president, we have to fight harder to make sure that everyone is treated with respect and equality. We, the people, have to protect our rights and we have to make sure that our voices are heard. We are a democracy. It's we, the people, not we, the men. I am not targeting every men, there are a good amount of men that support gender equality and I thank you for that. I needed my voice to be heard so this poem is what I think but I'm not saying that all men are the same.
Jan 2017 · 216
ky Jan 2017
the constellations of stars
as we stare silently into the dark abyss of the sky
remind me of how my heart used to align with *yours
Jan 2017 · 329
heartaches and heartbreaks
ky Jan 2017
I have been broken and bent for so long
Not truly knowing where I belong
I feel the dread crippling through my veins
As I break and break again
I long to see the days
Where I’m finally taken away
From this dark and silent mind
To see what else I can find
Every second, minute, hour I’m here
I’m losing myself even further, I fear
I’ve spent so much time on the ground
Staring at the pieces of myself I’ve found
Still as I try to piece my heart back together again
Like a mosaic, it doesn’t quite fit right in
And so I rest and try again tomorrow
The crushing pang in my chest of sorrow
I rise and fall and rise and fall
I guess life really is a ride of heartbreak after all
Jan 2017 · 291
ky Jan 2017
And I say goodbye
as I fall… blissfully into a deep slumber
where all my vivid imagination stand in front of me
each one more quixotic than the other
Dec 2016 · 503
ky Dec 2016
saying this makes my heart ache
my stomach churn
and my eyes water
but a place like this
is not one i would've liked to exist in
where everyone excludes one
because of a language barrier
and is punished for speaking their own language
because the others felt uncomfortable
it disgusts me
that people think it's acceptable
and it saddens me
that this is a world we live in
Dec 2016 · 531
ky Dec 2016
when we hear someone's name
their face comes to mind
their personality, their body, their voice
sometimes it makes you feel good and
sometimes it doesn't
but when your name is called
it makes my heart beat harder and faster
it makes breathing difficult
it makes a smile tug at the corners of my lips
a name is just a word
but when placed to a person it becomes so much more
it makes you feel just by hearing it
and whenever i hear your name
i *feel
ky Dec 2016
you treat people sweetly
believing they have a heart like yours
but not everyone can be as soft
and sweet as you
the person they truly are
is not that person to you
they become just as sweet and tender in your mind
and you give and give
they take and take
and here you are in the end
left empty
and there they are
left full.
Dec 2016 · 553
ky Dec 2016
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect face
You look like an angel
I just feel so out of place

Your laugh is like music
Your voice like a song
I stand and look at you
And I know I don't belong

You're so special
And I'm a creep
Everybody wants you
But nobody wants me

I wish I was special
But I'm just a creep
everybody wants you
They don't give a ****
About me
Dec 2016 · 299
ky Dec 2016
you wear a mask everyday
retaining your thoughts to yourself
bearing a fake smile as you trudge through the halls

your head down, your pace quick
you disguise the hurt with pleasure
pleasure that quickly vanishes and is replaced with another

I catch a glimpse of you and my mind whirs
you never seem to show any other emotion than a smile on your charming face

I purposely walk in your direction and hastily bump your shoulder
looking into your eyes
and I can tell that only they show the true emotion you hide
the blue swirls hypnotizing me

they hold so much grief and I wonder
what has he gone through that brings him so much trouble
of course I never got to find out,
he was just a stranger that I wasn't supposed to know
and with that we both walked away
Dec 2016 · 1.9k
A Place I Once Called Home
ky Dec 2016
I walk around
The air as still as can be
Shivers run up and down my spine
The room is like a blank canvas
The only color is the yellow tiles
And the fading white walls

The chair creaks as I sit
The sound bouncing from the walls
My shoulders lean forward
And my eyes close to imagine
This room from when I was a child

The memories start spilling,
They make my heart ache,
My throat close,
And my chest burn.

The floor underneath croaks with each step
And the doors have started slamming with the lightest breeze
The windows can’t hold themselves up anymore
And I realize
The room I grew up in
The room with all my greatest moments
Has become a place that’s no longer recognizable
Only the aroma brings back
A trace of childhood
That’s left in this broken place
I once called home
Oct 2016 · 348
Winter Love
ky Oct 2016
white flakes of wintery snow
softly peck my face
his fingers caress my shoulders
warmth radiating from his body
making me draw him closer
I look up and gently plant a kiss
lingering for longer than needed
and finally I could fall
Oct 2016 · 448
a chilly winters' night
ky Oct 2016
the bitter wind tickled my skin
and i hugged my down coat tighter
my nose as red as a cherry and my lips cracked
walking down the snowy road seemed torturous
and there was still a long way to go
each footprint i left were deeper and deeper
the smell of wood burning filled my nose
and the warmth of my house seemed so close
slowly, i walked in the chilly winters' night
Oct 2016 · 661
the spring air
ky Oct 2016
the dust danced
in the sun making them look like sparkles
the cloud much more puffy than usual
the sky looks so surreal, it's like a painting
the grass as green as my shirt
so bright and happy
I breath in the spring air
the feeling is so bittersweet
and I close my eyes wanting to stay here forever
Oct 2016 · 444
ky Oct 2016
her eyes fluttered shut
and her presence was no longer present
her body still there
but her mind afar
her lips slightly parted
her shadow spreading over her, almost like it's protecting her
the lights turn off
and she falls into a deep blissfulness sleep
Oct 2016 · 288
ky Oct 2016
Walking to the front
My palms sweating
Tingles of nervousness flowing through my body
I open my mouth, my voice shaking
I see my friends smiling at me
But I can’t rid this feeling
Speaking in front of fifteen people
And still i’m nervous
Aug 2016 · 339
ky Aug 2016
we are born
we grow up
we fall in love
we fall out of love
we break down
we grow old
we've enjoyed the journey
but it's time for us to go
Aug 2016 · 419
ky Aug 2016
tears dripping from your eyes
and they run down your cheeks
to your nose and your lips

no one there to wipe them away
only a demon inside
to accompany you as you fade
Jul 2016 · 873
You don't know me
ky Jul 2016
you don't know me
not then
not now
we could've had something
something special
if it wasn't for all of your games
you pretended all along
you don't know me
not then
not now
Jul 2016 · 284
ky Jul 2016
Our souls rise
as our corpses lie still
silently roaming the earth
reuniting with our friends
sticking together
even after death itself
let them keep us in their minds
and close to their hearts
finally we rest in peace
Jul 2016 · 2.7k
Body Shaming
ky Jul 2016
bodies are shamed
made fun of
because they don't fit
society's definition of beauty

your weight matters
your waist skinny
your stomach flat
and legs skinny

have we no shame
to make fun of bodies
bodies that are all the same inside

putting somebody below you
because of their body shape
makes you a smaller person
then them
Jun 2016 · 448
ky Jun 2016
a shadow
whispered to me
my only companion
left as quickly
as it came
and i just stood there
in the middle of the night
looking towards where it went
wondering if i'll ever see it again
Jun 2016 · 416
ky Jun 2016
the demons inside me
i can't get rid of
taunting me relentlessly
still i can't shake them off
it's like they have taken ahold of me
taking control of my own body
of my own conscience
making me fall deeper
and deeper
feeding me nonsense
making me believe
believe that i'm nothing
nothing but a waste of space
Jun 2016 · 254
ky Jun 2016
They can't help you
enveloped in the darkness
your screams don't reach their ears
your feet are frozen to the ground
unable to move or breathe
heart beats so loud
you want to get away
but the fear of what could happen
of what will happen
makes you stay put
Jun 2016 · 338
ky Jun 2016
no words spoken
no voices heard
so unusual
so ...  
but beautiful
every once in a while


is good
Jun 2016 · 798
I wish
ky Jun 2016
The water ripples
as I throw a penny in
wishing for something as I do
looking deep inside
I can see others have made a wish too
I guess we want to believe
that they'll come true
Jun 2016 · 270
ky Jun 2016
i came upon this place
over-crowded with people
overwhelmed with sadness
and they screamed
      " run, run
           as fast as you can
              as far from here

                   while you have the chance"
and i took my legs
as fast as they would go
and carried myself so far away
that the place i came upon
looked like a tiny dot
and gave a sigh of relief
for i had escaped in time
Jun 2016 · 332
ky Jun 2016
so i sit on the floor
wearing your old clothes
breathing in your smell


but i can't understand
there's something about you
that won't let me forget you
i try so hard
but every time i go back
to when you said what you said
i still cry from the pain
and the heartache
and i realize, i loved you
i still do
Jun 2016 · 315
ky Jun 2016
stuck in the past
not in the present
not moving forward
instead going back in time
pieces of memories
burned in my mind
too caught up in that nightmare
to see what beauty today is
and so on it goes
like a song on repeat
same yesterday
same today
same tomorrow
Jun 2016 · 409
ky Jun 2016
sweet sounds
so melodious
like a bird chirping a morning song
i listen closely
not wanting it to end
it takes me somewhere
another place, another time
not stuck in the present
until it stops
and i'm back to where i was
before the angel-like voice
interrupted my day
Jun 2016 · 315
Why'd You Leave
ky Jun 2016
going back a few years
when i was just a little girl
stayed up all night
wondering where you were

whenever i asked mum
she would start to cry
and whisper in my ear
it'll all be okay

confused i hugged her
but still i was just a child
knew you were gone
but thought you'd come back

now more than ever
i want to know
why you'd left us
left us in the cold

every now and then
i try convincing myself
that you'd still come back
even though i know you won't
Jun 2016 · 3.1k
Summer Breeze
ky Jun 2016
walking along the beach
a warm summer breeze passes
birds chirping along with each other
laughter in the background
seems like everyone's come
to enjoy a nice summer day
May 2016 · 3.4k
ky May 2016
Glowing in the darkness of the night
Looks too delicate to touch
So far away
Wishing for a better something
Even though it’s superstitious
If only
They really granted them
Apr 2016 · 362
ky Apr 2016
A fresh wind
a walk in the park
leaves falling down
mild weather
sweaters and coffee
then winter comes
white covered land
everything draped in snow
blinded by the sparkles white
Apr 2016 · 289
The Story Of Us
ky Apr 2016
The story of one can be heartwarming
I for one have known it
It started from when I saw a boy
Crying silently to himself
the other kids pushed and kicked
but never once did he speak
I went to them and stood up
they slowly gave up and left
He looked at me with desperation in his eyes
With the tears still flowing down
I helped him up and gave a hey
he smiled slightly and gave a wave
and that was the day I saved a life
just by helping him and being nice
right now we're the best of friends
living life and still moving forward
#benice #friendship #antibullying #life
Apr 2016 · 554
ky Apr 2016
if a man can say what he wants
shouldn't us women get the same chance
without someone calling her a *****.

if a man can eat so much
shouldn't us women get to eat that much
without someone calling her fat.

if a man is a victim of ****** assault
shouldn't us women get the same treatment he does
without someone pinning the blame on her.

if a man was sexually assaulted
and he was getting the blame because of what he wore
wouldn't he get mad.

if a man ate so much
and he got called fat
wouldn't he be mad.

if a man said anything he wanted
and got called an *******
wouldn't he get mad.
Apr 2016 · 548
what drew us apart
ky Apr 2016
For all the times we’ve had together
it was all for nothing
one mistake was all it took
and now we’re on different pages

trying to rip out all the problems
trying to get you to understand
it’s not just me to blame
and it’s not for you to judge

it doesn’t take much to get mad
and the problem may be small
but you don’t know how it feels
until you’re in my shoes

I want you to know
that i’m not mad
but you’ll never see
because you don’t talk to me

don’t want this friendship to end
but I don’t understand why you’re mad
we’re on different pages
and we can’t go back

different minds brought us apart
and now i’m left here to try and fix this
but this can’t be a one sided job
we’re both to blame for what we haven’t said
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