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 Jan 2019 Kate Red

The beauty of walking in
the rain is that no one sees you cry.
instead, we are just strangers
getting water in our eyes.

 Jan 2019 Kate Red
 Jan 2019 Kate Red
I work all day
And then at night
But I can’t seem to do anything right

I’m not the best
This is true
But it's nothing new

I have failed
Once again
Why can’t everything just end

This tests I take
I’m always wrong
Please leave me be

I can’t go on
 Jan 2019 Kate Red
 Jan 2019 Kate Red
I wish loving myself was
as easy as loving you

to put myself above

 Jan 2019 Kate Red
 Jan 2019 Kate Red
You are the rose
that managed to grow
In my field of darkness
idk here's a poem
 Jan 2019 Kate Red
if you are going to fall in love with me,
you must know that i cry. a lot.
i cry during rainy days, sunny days, or on a monday morning.
i cry everytime i watch a happy movie and everytime i cut onions,
but do know that i cry harder every time i talk about the things that have hurt me, even if they don’t hurt anymore.

i need constant reassurance.
for i am afraid of being left behind, of being unloved.
i will probably tell you all the things i hate about myself
while you disagree with each one of them
but i still won’t believe every single word you’ll say.

i got used to shutting down the people who care about me.
it will be so hard for me to open up,
but all i’m asking you is to stay patient, and give me time to adjust.
you might think i’m rejecting your company,
but don’t blame yourself, i appreciate you.

so listen, if you are going to fall in love with me
understand that i’ve been through the worst
but still, i’ll love every inch of your skin unconditionally
a head’s up for my future lover
 Oct 2018 Kate Red
Once upon a time
I was in love with your quirky smile
  Once upon a time
   I thought we'd last forever
    My naive brain led me in the wrong direction
      You see, you were poison
        You had left the most awful of tastes in my mouth
       Making me believe that you were the only thing I needed
      You damaged my heart to the point of no return
     As sad as this sounds, I'm okay with it
    You taught me that love is a cliché
   That, love is never true and pure
  That, the only point in love is heartache and misery
And, you broke my heart
I know this is everywhere but, it's just some thoughts put together
 Oct 2018 Kate Red
 Oct 2018 Kate Red
Two different worlds
Two seperate skies
And only one that they can see

Inside my mind
When darkness falls
There is no other soul but me

Alone I pace
In deepest night
And no one takes my hand

To lead me from
My shadowed tomb
Where I am doomed to stand

Ah, pray for me,
Though kindness helps,
For only love can save me now

A lonely girl
Lost long ago
Who does not trust, and knows not how

Too often left
Though many cared
And no one saw the pain inside

That lonely girl
The happy mask
Was made so carefully to hide

But now it cracks
The paint wears off
And someone soon is bound to know

And steps will tread
The lonely walks
Where only I’m allowed to go

Perhaps at last
Someone will break
The wall I’ve built around my heart

But no one will
For all have eyes,
And I have been too long apart

And so, alas
For here I stand
A lonely girl in a shadowed land.
oh, how in this dark
oh, how the wave flows,
the sky black and stark-
oh, how the wind blows.

the little dogs bark
their songs full of woes,
oh, how in this dark-
oh, how the wind blows.

the autumn draws nigh -
last splash of the rose,
a withering sky-
oh, how the wind blows!
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