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Dec 2020 · 204
kaehaniya Dec 2020
i’ll always be here
Dec 2020 · 211
blessings/curses/who knows
Dec 2020 · 152
kaehaniya Dec 2020
“sorry” means you regret it
and you won’t do it again.
you may regret it,
i don’t know.

but you always do it again.
Nov 2020 · 285
goldilocks zone
kaehaniya Nov 2020
i have a cousin
who leaves for college
in two years.
she’s always wanted a pet.
since she was little,
elementary school.
her mother
(my aunt)
always told her
(and her little brother
who’s in seventh grade)
that she wasn’t old enough for a pet
and that they could get one—
a cat, or a dog, maybe—
when she was older.
she didn’t stop asking.
now she’s sixteen.
her mother now tells her
that she’s too old to get a pet.
that there’s no point anymore
since she’ll be moving out soon.
there was nowhere in between.
no goldilocks zone.
she was never just the “right” age to have a pet.

i don’t know what this is a metaphor for,
but there’s a bigger picture here,
i know it.
this is a true story
Nov 2020 · 127
kaehaniya Nov 2020
all of this will just be a memory in the morning,
they say.
but what if
that’s what i’m scared of?
of not remembering?
of being vulnerable?
of not remembering being vulnerable?
of just...
because, well,
how would you even know if
you’re going insane?
would you know?
would i know?
but then again,
would forgetting—
just... forgetting—
really be the worst thing?
i don’t really know
Oct 2020 · 185
my one wish?
Oct 2020 · 139
kaehaniya Oct 2020
the people say good morning like they're used to me,
they wave when they see me in the hall.
but i know that as soon as they get close to me,
they'll wish that they never had at all.
look another poem y'all
Oct 2020 · 208
whenever, wherever
kaehaniya Oct 2020
just know
that if you ever need me,

i’ll be there.
i’ll always be there.
Sep 2020 · 3.8k
god's plan
kaehaniya Sep 2020
wishing for calm
trying to keep it peaceful
i don't feel good, so don't start
it's a lot of bad things
don't start, i won't struggle
won't tell them ****
won't tell them
i wanna die
don't miss me, don't wish for me
make sure you outlive me
hope it goes down as g.o.d.
there'd be no me
it was god's plan
hope it was god's plan
found poem
Sep 2020 · 736
define "squares"
kaehaniya Sep 2020
awkward questions, awkward stares
told that i'm putting on airs
written out of all the prayers
i don't fit into the squares
Sep 2020 · 307
kaehaniya Sep 2020
and so she kept herself alive
purely out of spite.
Aug 2020 · 486
kaehaniya Aug 2020
thought he was doing the right thing too.
Aug 2020 · 724
kaehaniya Aug 2020
this is a song
it’s about math
it’s not too long
i’m sure of that.

math has always
been quite fun
and you’ll never faze
the endless puns.

math can be easy
math can be hard
but it’s never cheesy
it’s never charred

well, that’s all for this poem today
but math? it’ll always be there, in a way.
this was for a challenge - write a shakespearean sonnet about math
Aug 2020 · 195
in the background
kaehaniya Aug 2020
I don’t belong in the background.
I don’t want to live in the background.
But I do.
I don’t belong where I live.
I realize that now.
Maybe if I belonged in the background, I wouldn’t be like them.
They belong in the background.
But I don’t.
I am not like them.
But I don’t have to be like them.
I don’t have to belong in their lives.
Not in the spaces, the margins.
Not in the background.
I just have to be me.
You might think you know me.
You might think you know me as a woman.
As an Asian.
But you don’t.
You don’t know me.
Yes, I am a woman.
Yes, I am an Asian.
But I am not only those things.
You don’t know me for who I am.
I am not just a woman.
I am not just an Asian.
You don’t know who I am.
I am me.
I am not a hero. I am not a savior.
But I don’t belong in the background.
And I am just getting started.
words taken from Kelly Marie Tran’s article “I won't be Marginalized by Online Harassment.”
Aug 2020 · 371
joseph mccarthy
Aug 2020 · 362
unmarked graves
kaehaniya Aug 2020
unmarked graves
have nothing to say.
were they the hunters?
or were they the prey?
“are we the hunters, or are we the prey?”
- ruelle // game of survival
Aug 2020 · 205
a heaven
kaehaniya Aug 2020
even if we can’t find heaven
we get three 6s instead of 7s
i’ll walk through hell with you
i’ll find a heaven with you
“even if we can’t find heaven, i’ll walk through hell with you.”
- rachel platten // stand by you
Aug 2020 · 270
kaehaniya Aug 2020
the electronics of your heart
can’t stop or they won’t ever start
see how fast they fall apart
they'll always be the finest art
make sure no one has a head start
don't you dare call me a sweetheart
everything's state of the art
i'll never manage to restart
what always seems to outsmart
but your electronics, they're so ****
they don't ever need to act more smart.
"the electronics of your heart, see how fast they fall apart."
- lorde // biting down
Aug 2020 · 229
kaehaniya Aug 2020
these rumors, they have big teeth
they're not afraid to bite
they hide their truth beneath
what you see at first sight.
“these rumors, they have big teeth.”
- lorde // green light
Aug 2020 · 214
nine lives
kaehaniya Aug 2020
thirteen chimes
out of time
hint of lime
twisted rhyme
last of nine
kaehaniya Aug 2020
if my heart was made of stone,
would i feel not so alone?
"heart made of glass, my mind of stone."
- billie eilish + khalid // lovely
Aug 2020 · 196
i make
Aug 2020 · 283
kaehaniya Aug 2020
i didn’t know what to think
i didn’t know what to do
but what i did know
was that you were see-through.
Aug 2020 · 232
kaehaniya Aug 2020
with the power for good
or for the reverse,
it was a blessing
and it was a curse.
Aug 2020 · 305
milk and honey
kaehaniya Aug 2020
hands so ******
tastes like honey
money, money
it’s not funny
milk and honey
not as lovely
as you’d like to think.
“hands so ******, tastes like honey.”
- halsey // the prologue
Aug 2020 · 215
they told me once,
kaehaniya Aug 2020
don’t trust the moon
her pretty face
her pretty lies
don’t quite hide the darkness on the other side.
“they told me once, don’t trust the moon.”
- halsey // good mourning
Aug 2020 · 184
pretty lies
kaehaniya Aug 2020
save your fuel and energy
go down without a fight
sleight of hand won’t win me over
but pretty lies just might
Aug 2020 · 130
fire, ice and stone
kaehaniya Aug 2020
she is fire
loud, raging, shouts
indignant flames of fury

she is ice
sarcastic, cold, rolled eyes, raised eyebrows
scornful jabs deeper than knives.

she is stone
silent, hidden tears, jaw set, hard eyes
infuriating, feigned indifference.

she is angry.
Aug 2020 · 172
but a clue
kaehaniya Aug 2020
that isn’t what i meant to say
that isn’t what i’d do,
but what i really should’ve,
i haven’t but a clue.
Aug 2020 · 190
not my fault
kaehaniya Aug 2020
do not cross the ocean,
never sail the seven seas
if you want to never
want to see lands again like these

if you do decide to go
to step onto a boat
don't say i didn't warn you
that you'll always be afloat

don't say i didn't warn you,
don't say i didn't care
if you do become a pirate
it's not my fault, i swear.
Aug 2020 · 171
bloody murder
kaehaniya Aug 2020
don't scream or cry by light
don't shout or rage by night
win my hand in ****** ******
and take me in a fight
Aug 2020 · 193
kaehaniya Aug 2020
never sin before a mirror,
for it will never forget
no matter if it's no big deal
or your greatest regret.
it won't shame you,
it won't hurt you,
it won't blackmail you, nor bribe
but if a mirror knows a secret,
you’re as good as dead inside.
“Mirrors remember everything they have seen.”
Aug 2020 · 120
they say
kaehaniya Aug 2020
they say, she was locked up
in that tower of hers
forever alone
with only the sea for a companion

they say she was seen on occasion
pacing the rocks
never looking behind her
or back at the town

they say she’d stand in silence
staring out at the midnight sea
always at the same spot on the horizon
listening to the crash of the waves
they say it was all she had.
"they say, she was seen on occasion, pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea." - taylor swift // the last great american dynasty
Aug 2020 · 129
kaehaniya Aug 2020
i need to run
i don't know what to do
i need to run
feeling stripped
of my dignity
of everything
that I love about me
of kindness
of gratitude
of hope
i need to run
i don't know what to do
i need to run
"feeling stripped of my dignity, of everything i love about me."
Jul 2020 · 149
hot air balloons
kaehaniya Jul 2020
dreams floating above the clouds
colorful, high in the sky
gone forever,
like hot air balloons
prompt: hot air balloon
Jul 2020 · 177
kaehaniya Jul 2020
the tiles are cold
***** and wet
but the blood is warm
crimson, flowing down her wrists
no, i don't know either
Jul 2020 · 291
the pain
kaehaniya Jul 2020
look at me
don't call me a king
i'm not a king
why be a king
when you can be
a god?
it ain't that hard
but it ain't easy
not even a little
it's closer to misery
closer to pain
closer to never
nothing is gained
except for the pain
the pain
"why be a king when you can be a god?"
- eminem // rap god
no i don't know what this is either
Jul 2020 · 164
you were my life
kaehaniya Jul 2020
you know i miss you
you know i need you
you know i want you
but you're not there
you know i love you
i always have
you were my life when
life wasn't fair

i didn't want to
want to love you
i didn't want to
want to care
but then you kissed me
then you loved me
you were my life when
life wasn't fair
"you were my life when life was far away from fair."
- billie eilish // no time to die
Jul 2020 · 457
enchanting curse
kaehaniya Jul 2020
i don't know what i expected,
when i walked away with you
but certainly not
for you to do what you would do

it wasn't like you showed it,
it wasn't like i cared
but when i walked off with you
you gave me no reason to be scared

when you leaned in close to me
when you took my hand in yours
i told myself i wanted it
i told myself to open the doors

but then after you had left
when you had made everything worse
i realized what had happened
was an enchanting curse
"All curses are enchanting in the beginning."
Jul 2020 · 2.9k
the other side
kaehaniya Jul 2020
i love you,
see you on the other side
i'm done trying to hide
what you didn't see, and i denied
i guess at least i can say i tried
to make sure that when i died
you'd be one of them that cried.

i love you,
see you on the other side
i was too afraid to confide
when i decided i should just die
i guess i always had too much pride
i hope now you're satisfied
now i've committed suicide.

i still love you,
see you on the other side.
this is supposed to be a suicide note but it's not autobiographical. i'm not committing suicide y'all
Jul 2020 · 231
broken but still beautiful
kaehaniya Jul 2020
you say you're broken
you say you’re a monster
you say you don’t deserve love
what you don’t see
is the beauty in you
you may be broken
it doesn’t make you any less of a person
it doesn’t make you any less beautiful
Jul 2020 · 234
me, myself and i
kaehaniya Jul 2020
i am me
and i
that's it
that's all i need
just me
and i.

i don't need love
i don't need anybody
just me
and i.
i've got me
for life,
just me
and i.
"it's just me, myself and i, solder right on till i die, cause i've got me for life."
- bebe rexha // me, myself and i
Jul 2020 · 197
you didn't hear me
kaehaniya Jul 2020
you didn't hear me
when i told you
to be fair

you didn't hear me
when i told you
i was scared

you didn't hear me
when i told you
you don't own me

but you heard me
when i told you
not to care.
Jul 2020 · 161
yesterday ago
kaehaniya Jul 2020
there wasn't any reason
you had to say goodbye
except to get away from me
yet, you felt the need to lie

you had nowhere else to be
you had nowhere else to go
but you got away from me
you should've yesterday ago
Jul 2020 · 245
till the end of time
kaehaniya Jul 2020
you're sitting on the bathroom floor
head in your arms
tears dripping off your face
and i don't know what to do
i reach out
touch your arm
you look up
smiling just a little
eyes wet
"hey," i say. "you okay?"
your arm comes up
swipes across your face
and you're getting up
holding on to me for support
not crying anymore
and i don't know what to do
do i say something?
comfort you?
just smile?
i settle for
taking you in my arms
and holding you there
with me
till the end of time
Jul 2020 · 198
cloudy sky
kaehaniya Jul 2020
i'm not crying,
not anymore,
and i'm going to stay that way

you can't make me cry,
not without my consent,
not when i can stay brave

i don't need your help,
i don't need your pity,
i don't need anything from you

not if you've made me cry,
not if you've made me shy,
not if you've made my clear sky gray.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Jul 2020 · 305
the roses are burning
kaehaniya Jul 2020
the roses are burning,
they shout
the roses are burning

the roses are burning,
the fire is spreading,
they shout
the fire is spreading

the roses are burning,
the fire is spreading,
the animals fleeing,
they shout
the animals fleeing

the roses are burning,
the fire is spreading,
the animals fleeing,
the people are dying,
they shout
the people are dying

and the fire
is finally put out
gif prompt
Jul 2020 · 123
thinking of me
kaehaniya Jul 2020
i know you think of me
when you make a bad joke
and you hear my groan
my chuckle
in the back of your head
so quiet
did you even hear it?
you tell yourself it was real,
that you really heard it,
but we both know
that's a lie.
don't we?
Jul 2020 · 178
i shot him
kaehaniya Jul 2020
i shot him
and snow came out of the open wound
i shot him
no blood
just snow
i shot him
he did not scream
he did not cry
he looked at the wound
and said
that he did not want to see me die
i shot him
he did not hurt
he did not die
did i really shoot him?
"i shot him. and snow came out of the open wound."
i dont know what this is but it seems kind of symbolic
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