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 Aug 2014 Julie Butler

Now at the Seventh Gate the seventh chief,
Thy proper mother's son, I will announce,
What fortune for this city, for himself,
With curses he invoketh:--on the walls
Ascending, heralded as king, to stand,
With paeans for their capture; then with thee
To fight, and either slaying near thee die,
Or thee, who wronged him, chasing forth alive,
Requite in kind his proper banishment.
Such words he shouts, and calls upon the gods
Who o'er his race preside and Fatherland,
With gracious eye to look upon his prayers.
A well-wrought buckler, newly forged, he bears,
With twofold blazon riveted thereon,
For there a woman leads, with sober mien,
A mailed warrior, enchased in gold;
Justice her style, and thus the legend speaks:--
'This man I will restore, and he shall hold
The city and his father's palace homes.'
Such the devices of the hostile chiefs.
'Tis for thyself to choose whom thou wilt send;
But never shalt thou blame my herald-words.
To guide the rudder of the State be thine!


O heaven-demented race of Oedipus,
My race, tear-fraught, detested of the gods!
Alas, our father's curses now bear fruit.
But it beseems not to lament or weep,
Lest lamentations sadder still be born.
For him, too truly Polyneikes named,--
What his device will work we soon shall know;
Whether his braggart words, with madness fraught,
Gold-blazoned on his shield, shall lead him back.
Hath Justice communed with, or claimed him hers,
Guided his deeds and thoughts, this might have been;
But neither when he fled the darksome womb,
Or in his childhood, or in youth's fair prime,
Or when the hair thick gathered on his chin,
Hath Justice communed with, or claimed him hers,
Nor in this outrage on his Fatherland
Deem I she now beside him deigns to stand.
For Justice would in sooth belie her name,
Did she with this all-daring man consort.
In these regards confiding will I go,
Myself will meet him. Who with better right?
Brother to brother, chieftain against chief,
Foeman to foe, I'll stand. Quick, bring my spear,
My greaves, and armor, bulwark against stones.
 Aug 2014 Julie Butler
Bob Sterry
Run away my pale sister
Sink safely below the rim
Else my rays will burn your face
As my strength explodes over the earth

But, then savor these minutes
When we share the sky
And your lovely illumination
Yields always to my blaze.

And through the day
As I burn the landscape
I forget you, until,
You appear again, behind me.

Hard and soft, hard and soft
Warm and cool, warm and cool
We soak this planet in our own cycle
Using the same light. Mine!
I am a Leo. No other words necessary
 Aug 2014 Julie Butler
May D
feeble ribs
caressing porcelain  

ink dipped tongue
every word he
uttered was

she painted him
with hues of gray
leaving a piece
of her crumbling
soul in each

his sleepless nights
spent with
pencil smudged
trying to find
the words
to describe her

they were 2:00 am
with blemished
hearts trying
to find love
in each other

~ am
raised a passionate voice
against the darkness
and standing as one in the setting sun
we held hands and looked on with
wonder in our eyes and joy in our hearts
as the banners flowed in the late day breeze
as the children of our beliefs carried the day
as our trusted man took the field with victory's cheer
saw the fruit of our labors come at long last
peace had defeated war
love had destroyed hate
caring had swept away all the cold hearted
and we could at long last breath free
long last we could thrive in the sun
they say that the time has passed for such dreams
that the sixties are so long ago
but history is filled with men who stood up
and changed the world luther king...
so take my hand and lets not ever stop trying
to change the world
one smile at a time
 Aug 2014 Julie Butler
Jedd Ong
Scares even the
Moonlight away—
His only friend
The artificial
Sun of street lamps
Marking "X"
His position.

I'm quite sure he's
Perhaps a new age
Nightcrawler only,
Not powerful at all.

I can see
His hands—
How they yearn
To clutch something more
Than the cigarettes
And the rosaries
That line his left and right
Ring fingers—
Shapeshift and
Take heart.

Behind him is
The old Senate,
To be converted to
A museum—

His name swallowed up
By the hollow grandeur
Of a once great Nation's
Emptied stronghold.
 Aug 2014 Julie Butler
Ayman Zain
I sit, procrastinate and wonder
How my country became sundered.
I'm referring in this to my country Sudan which used to be one country until July 9th 2011 when both the North and South separated and each became an independent country cause of civil wars of political and peace conflicts which were going on for 30 years. It just saddens me to see how divided and messed up we are.
 Aug 2014 Julie Butler
Ayman Zain
We're all born in this river without knowing how to swim*
And eventually we learn how to keep the water under our chins

*Micheal Larsen a.k.a Eyedea
 Aug 2014 Julie Butler
Ayman Zain
If you had an hour to live..
Would you spend that hour saying that an hour isn't enough.
Makes you think.. What would you do?
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