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Jan 2022 · 467
that fierce dawn
J Jan 2022
the sun
rose in your veins

so here i sit

deciphering the plumage
of that fierce dawn
Jan 2022 · 2.5k
J Jan 2022
hers were eyes
that teased the sun
from its slumber,
that made a mockery
of half-moon
May 2014 · 634
J May 2014
We ate the moon
got drunk off its light,
then gathered the crumbs
& tossed them into the night sky.

We called them stars.
J Apr 2014
..& she said, "Bleed with me,
bleed with me into crimson symphonies
& I guarantee our eyes will kiss the sight of dreams unfolding."
J Apr 2014
"Grow up!" They said.
But all I really heard was,
"Conform to the crippling standards of warped society & abandon your robe of uniqueness for this tattered shroud of disdainful worldly opinion."
Apr 2014 · 2.8k
Nova Nostalgic
J Apr 2014
She combed her hair with the night sky
& then let loose those bits of stray galaxy that had embedded themselves in the wisdom of her follicles.
Apr 2014 · 584
Cut the Cord
J Apr 2014
For once, my soul is silent.
Absent of the familiar griffins & phoenixes that ravage & terrorize
my painted mind...
For once, my soul is silent.
Drinking in the muted opinions
of this colorless world
& allowing its comfortable tides
to turn me a dull grey.
The blue skies
that once lined my lungs
have now faded,
Replaced by spray-painted nimbus.
The 4 suns orbiting my Cordibus
have betrayed their axes.
Now dragged down
by the weight of the very air
that once danced in my being,
Sinking to the singing earth
that will one day
shield my burning bones,
I await my birth into a new existence.

For once, my soul is silent.
Mar 2014 · 566
J Mar 2014
Love, erase me.
Erase me from the mind of self
& write me in ink so blue it stirs
The pools of Heaven's jealousies;
Love, write me.
Write me on the core of you.
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Fire in the Rose Gardens.
J Mar 2014
Pardon me O angelic being of female specimen but white feathers like cities of gold
seem to cover your arms of intricate starry mold,
Your scarlet lips,
were they by any chance stolen from the roses of the gardens of Heaven?
& adorned with the blush of cheek of the goddess Venus;
'Cause daughter of Eve, thou art a lush reincarnation of the Gospel of Jesus.

See this young lady I speak of, she represents something larger than life,
I mean, lions run through her hair
& rainbows borrow her complexion,
The civilizations beneath her skin
light their street lamps when those of this world have grown dim;
thus her diamond soul wears a glow shy of a firefly,
It's no wonder that diamond soul sounds like an ocean of fire,
A fire like the song of a thousand golden crowns.
& the way light obeys her curves,
Gravity pays respect, stone statues hold their breath,
like voices in the snow, they remain mute
For they fear they may utter a truth that she already knows.. but here I go.

You are beautiful.
In the very sense of the word,
see how your essence robs sense of these verbs!
Who'd imagine I'd find such exhilaration
just from uttering the 3 syllables of your first name;
from writing the six letters of your second,
No, don't start counting..
Let's just..
get lost in the moment.
& maybe hope to find ourselves
somewhere in the kaleidoscopical symmetry
of an angel's wings unfolding,
Refined by the sunset sketched fires
of our passions, keeping in mind,
that our each & every action
has an impact on a chosen fraction of the Universe;
Like how your butterfly kisses displace galaxies.

But then you put a finger to my lips & tell me to just hush..& get lost in the moment.
Mar 2014 · 824
Your Solar Ferocity
J Mar 2014
It's been proven
that the distance from the sun to the earth is 0.986 astronomical units
which can further be converted into 91.7 million miles,
& yet when your face is merely inches from mine,
I feel the sun's solar ferocity
right in the hollow of my chest casually obliterating what remains of my heart & singeing the stagnant edges
of my soul 'til all that's left is dust..
& ash.
Mar 2014 · 775
On Another's Behalf.
J Mar 2014
O Father of intricate dimension, "grant me a sister I prayed,"
"All in due time young one, all in due time." He said.
But the years rolled on & the horizon
stretched his bones
in his stratospheric bed,
Still my hunger for a younger
affection was never quite fed.
"Father, Father!" One day I called out, "have You forgotten my request?"
"Son, I am appalled & insulted that you'd think I'd think of your request any less."
"Forgive me Father, it just seems to be taking so long."
"Who combs the hair of the oceans & places a glimpse of Heaven in every bird's song?"
So I waited.
All the while, the sun hang up his coat at the close of every day
& the moon bowed her head, old, withering, gray.
Soon Time's old artistic hand began to erase my memories,
& with them went my unanswered request,
It was blown from my mind, white-washed from my soul,
but there is One who never forgets.
The One who tucks the sun in His shirt pocket;
One who the rich winds pay respect.
I will not tell you how my sister came to be
for that is a tale for another time,

I will, however, tell you she stands here besides me
penning these very lines,
A personified proof of love
from One not conducted by Time's familiar chime,
His answer to me from above,
My Valentine.
Dec 2013 · 904
Lady Sea; Sir Gravity.
J Dec 2013
Gravity fell in love
   with the sea;
  that's why his hand upon hers
has always been
one of utmost care.
  When we were younger,
   we took advantage of this,
    their elemental infatuation,
   & we would fly underwater.
  Right through the heightened passion
of their conjoined souls.

    But we have become
   rather dreamless of late;
  Chasing pearless oysters,
We forgot our wings on the seabed.
      We forgot our wings..
      on the seabed.
Sep 2013 · 2.1k
J Sep 2013
Her soul screams rainbow, but the words that take
Shelter under the roof of her mouth are
Part white, part Othello. I wish she could
Be herself… more yellow, like angels that
Drip kaleidoscopes over Italy’s
Stone white cathedrals. Her soul screams rainbow.
Her shoulders are crowned with the head of a
Tiger, yet she still loses sleep over
The opinions of sheep. She beams false glow,
And her thoughts grow like Venus fly traps on
The concrete. Her scars sit on a checkered
Floorboard of sporadic emotion, and
Her poetic pain paints grand pianos.
Know she not that heaven recites her soul?
Aug 2013 · 2.9k
Bleaching Shadows
J Aug 2013
The smell of shadow clung to our clothes like white to chandeliers,
but we walked…
we walked hand in hand, skin to skin, bone to bone.
We walked a world where our indifferent sides
were painted a shade darker than our dark sides,
a world where we spent time
as time mutually spent us,
a world
where every touch of toe upon earth
felt like the devil rearranging hell
just to accommodate our arrival.
But how could death swim in our chests
when we held forests in our hands?

So we washed our shadows in our tears
& hang them up on clothing lines,
Then with all the end in our lungs…
We run into the embrace of the sun,

Ferociously… we run.
Jun 2013 · 816
Showers of Shalom
J Jun 2013
I offer you my hand;
you take it.
& I lead you down to the blue ocean floor,
where all the eyes of the storm are on us.
They whisper winds,
newly born sounds dressed as colors,
but that does not bother us.
We are lost in each others presence;
Lost to the world within & without us.
& yet found.
Apr 2013 · 820
Northern pLights.
J Apr 2013
Droplets of clear red blood soak our fur,
As this paint seeps from our eyes,
Each tear streak a different color,
Crying rainbows... our proud demise,
Holding ***** hands with shadows
& wearing mannequin faces when our hearts crack!
We are simply bittersweet symphonies
Ballerinas in gas masks.
Apr 2013 · 696
Ode Spera.
J Apr 2013
Fluorescent drangonflies vandalize my colorless mind,
dancing to the bass of my African ear drums.
Envelope me in this foreign feeling & seal me with a red kiss,
then mail my essence to the fingertips of bliss
& pray Angel Gabriel's feet meet no hinderance.
Apr 2013 · 667
Spiritus Pars.
J Apr 2013
This* letter I write to you,
I write
on a piece of the moon,
& pray the purple twilight sun
lights the very page I write upon,
so that even when these words are gone,
they'll continually glow on
the back of your unfathomable minds.
Just like the night as it rubbishes the day
in such perfect harmony.
Apr 2013 · 662
Before We Rode Into Battle.
J Apr 2013
We all seek to make names for ourselves
& not just live off the names of our fathers,
But let me assure you...
This night,
They will talk of us
the way they talked of the kings before us,
This war we will fight
will not be one fought in vain,
& in the aftermath
we will discover the reward was ever so masterfully hidden in pain...

...& sacrifice.
J Apr 2013
Your tears,
those pieces of your melting soul
leak through those holes in your face
& slither down your cheeks like two
serpentine snow flakes.
As if
bearing the legendary trickery
of the devil himself,
lead me to that forbidden fruit that seductively
halos your dimpled chin.
But I will not give in!...
No, not again.
Not like my forefathers
as they sought false wisdom.
The only wisdom
that really matters to me right now...
will be to kiss your scars & not judge their depth,
they are testimonies of your existence,
of your swan-like grace,
& I know its pretty much irrelevant
to tell you that you occupy
the empty space in the back of my mind,
& yet transcend the cracks
between my thoughts at the same time,'re divine.
But even divine doesn't really define
that Heavenly Vine
from which you were so masterfully clipped,
just like those wings
that no longer sandwich your spine,
you're divine.

that's besides the point,
parallel pins,
back to your scars...
My foolish flesh questions what earthly thing would
leave it's tainted fingerprints
on the skin of my beloved,
but my Spirit,
conversant with these otherworldly things
calmly states that it's the mark of Life,
God's Tattoo Parlor,
they are simply the traces of the darkened ink
He has purposefully penned your porcelain skin with.
Apr 2013 · 701
Phoenix Sex.
J Apr 2013
The hungry flames lick the air
like a symphonist's finger
as he strokes the beloved strings of his guitar,
Masterfully plucking our memories
& private thoughts with such envious ease.
We sit...
here in the silence of contemplation's own rhythmic beat,
We sit...
being defiled by beauty & yet loving every second of it.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Angelus Sanguis.
J Mar 2013
Her eyelashes
turn into little shy rainbows
when the sunlight
kisses the windowpanes of her soul,
& the pots of gold
are the simple dimples
that nestle in the quiet hues of her cheek,
Like a cool evening breeze...
She is.
The wispy butterflies
that playfully flutter within my hollow chest acknowledge her presence,
their wingtips scraping my paper rib cage
& knocking loose the flickering light bulb
that calls itself my beating heart,
So set apart...
Is she,
that diamonds line the inside of her thighs
& i just happened to find
traces of gold
in the scars that saunter down her spine.
Mar 2013 · 710
J Mar 2013
Call it... denim.
Like faded blue jeans,
the sky smiles down on us,
& the white clouds
are only torn seams it seems,
So I sew my sinister sins
to the skins of doves,
& then ever sooo innocently...
wave them goodbye.
Mar 2013 · 864
Red Carpet.
J Mar 2013
I meander through the open doors of my mind,
Hoping to catch but a glimpse of that fleeting memory,
But it's essence leaves me.
Like the warm kiss of a fading dream,
It leaves it's footprints on the edge of my tongue.
My tongue... red carpet.

— The End —