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Hussein Dekmak Nov 2020
She is made of sun, radiating hope, love and beauty.

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Nov 2020
In the midst of sorrow and tears,
Embrace your pain,
Craft it into a sweet wine,
Imbibe it's positive energy!

In the midst of sorrow and tears,
Make room for a smile and laughter,
Intertwine agony with a kind deed,
And color it with a rainbow of humanity!

In the midst of sorrow and tears,
Derive strength from God with a little prayer.
Plant a garden of hope in your heart, dreaming
Of a new dawn, a beautiful day, and enduring sunshine!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Nov 2020
He couldn’t help but love her more for her soft heart!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Nov 2020
Nature speaks beauty and love,
She is a melody and a prayer,
A beautiful song with muted words;
God’s silent language!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2020
Is your worth:
The bread you eat,
The clothes you wear,
The car you drive,
The vacation you take,
The house you own,
The money in your bank account?

Or is your worth:
The rainbow of people's dreams,
The catalyst of positive change,
The smiles on friendly faces,
The gratitude from an individual's lips,
The Mecca of someone inspirations,
The crown of human hearts?

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2020
Gazing at you this morning, your face was pale and your body appeared Fragile;
This brought tears to my heart!

Not long ago, you were full of energy, looking vibrant with life; so Beautiful!
Your smile was soft, your scent was delightful.

Without you,
Life won't be the same;
Fall will be long, winters will be cold and empty!
You are my beacon of peace, love, and inspiration!

I will miss you,
Yet, I will be waiting for you
At the corner of love and hope, to see you bloom once again with such life.
Enchanting me with the joy and beauty you bring.
The chance to admire you will be absolute bliss!

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2020
My favorite music is the tune that I hear playing off at the hospital, when a COVID 19 patient is off the ventilator!

This music is:
A song of a new dawn,
A journey to the future,
A melody of new life,
A symphony of hope, and
The rebirth of the universe!

Hussein Dekmak
Kudos to all of the healthcare workers who are risking their lives to save one life at a time! Edited.
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