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As chaos abounds,     I look to the dark
and distant grey clouds.      Their weight is with me.
16:15 - 15/03/18
State of mind: patient; waiting; worried.
Perspective: personal.

Thoughts: none.

Questions: none.
Too lost to turn back.     Time covers its tracks.    
Voices go unheard,     stolen in the wind.
11:00 - 26/03/18
State of mind: calm; reflective.
Perspectives: natural; philosophical; social.

Thoughts: from thinking - about the problems that arise when a community is broken up, society becomes divided and people no longer understand one another.

Also from watching the film Jane - about the primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall - and this passage from the book, The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying:

             'Obsessed, then, with false hopes, dreams, and ambitions, which promise happiness but lead only to misery, we are like people crawling through an endless desert, dying of thirst. And all that this samsara holds out to us to drink is a cup of salt water, designed to make us even thirstier'.

- Sogyal Rinpoche, Patrick Gaffney and Andrew Harvey, The Tibetan Book Of Living And Dying (London: Rider, 2008), p. 21.

Questions: None.
A small pebble is placed in the stream. The pebble is carried away.
A large pebble is placed in the stream. The water flows around it.
Sēma is an ancient word for 'sign'. The poetic form Sēma points to signs of change in nature. Using intuition and imagination, a Sēma's meaning can have a human context. To know nature is to know humanity, for they are one and the same thing.
Rain does not fall forever but where it is stopped, there it continues.
Trees will not grow forever but when they die, death is not the end.
Sēma is an ancient word for 'sign'. The poetic form Sēma points to signs of change in nature. Using intuition and imagination, a Sēma's meaning can have a human context. To know nature is to know humanity, for they are one and the same thing.
A drop of ink does not need stirring to be diffused in water.
A drop of ink becomes concentrated when the water evaporates.
The fall of a great tree has the power to take down others.
A clearing is made in the forest and new life fills the space.
Why do you keep relapsing?
Its like yours mind give s you a hunderd reasons
To be happy.
And your depression says
Here's a reason to be sad.
Every single thing thats wrong,
That you have done wrong
In your entire life.
All of the memories
And then that voice over rules
Hope you like it
 Jul 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
Behind a pause
Is an unspoken word
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to listen to you.

Behind a distance
Is an urge for eagerness
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to join you.

Behind a tear
Is an ignited resolve
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to push you.

Behind a pain
Is a locked up bliss
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to cheer you.

Behind a mask
Is yourself that's lost
But it's okay
Because the crowd
Isn't here to accept you.

There are so many things
That I want to share
With the world,
With someone
But maybe it's just okay
To talk to yourself
Because the crowd
Isn't here for you.
Love yourself before it is too late.
if the thoughts
were confined
never been aligned
with your path defined

the dreams
could be tamed
their flights could be restained
and the boundaries, maintained

the desires
could be guided
at the will, subsided
within the heart, resided

could pause
my footstep
from your doorstep
an obvious misstep

the lines
of untamed destiny
would never have a harmony
with an elusive symphony

the life
would never have your footprints
on the life's blue print
permanent and so distinct

then i
would have never lived for you
lost myself to you
or thought of you

You are what you think...Just a thought turns into dream and then arises the desire which causes the action and creates the destiny.... That's the life now
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