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 Jul 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
Vani j
Won't he leave her now
More than two decades have gone by
Since she caught his fancy
He turns her stomach to knots
And leaves her heart cold
Throws her fast and catches her slow
She might not glitter
Because he has been stealing her gold
Everyone suspects she is the devil
But it's devil's hold
 Jul 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
Vani j
Oh love
Aren't u a gift from above?!
When a tweet, no longer comes from a bird.
A message, no longer written in words.
A picture, determines your current worth.
A swipe, is not for payments against earns.

Your world, no longer restricted to earth.
Your voice, can control your universe.
Games, without company, a box.
Books, used to be written, forgot.

Love was in letters, not characters.
Eyes looked straight, not down.
Communication, in touch were sound.
Reactions, were not button frowns.

Food shared, not delivered.
Noise surrounded, not muted.
Hands shaken, not email awaken.
The world was claimed, but not hidden.

An automated world,
not an automated me.
Mist drifts amidst tall trees -
Above cool, clear blue pools
And grass splattered with dew.

We too should stay so cool:
Composed and rational even in a duel.
Forget adrenaline
And lose that Cortisol.
Ever see a dog or cat work out
Or do press-ups?
Watch those animals relax
And sleep:
Only springing up when something happens.

Avoid those fiery rages
As much as you can.
Steer clear of hell
With all its fury and flames
And violent eruptions.

Give me a golden pint
Of ice-cold brew.
Any beer will do.
Even without such help
Let us calm our hearts,
Lay back and relax
Even fall asleep for a while.
For we have earned
Our quiet hours
Amongst those misty trees.

Paul Butters

© PB 26\6\2018.
Saw some drifting mist this morning...
Abandoned murals across the boarder, the walls still painted by war. The scrap yard a pile of torn limbs, needles embedded in phalanges divorcing finger from nail the soil still grieves .

Infants don't see the sun.
Autumn leaves with fleeting lives.
a thousands hills with wooden crosses rooted in, What is beneath?

An old man sighs before the last breath departs
Chasing a wind of memories escaping dark pasts. Hands mirror fire remnants, scatter across the vast lands with red tears immersing the white grass .
I was thinking about cities we hear about everyday,  decimated and left for vultures. So I got me digital pen and paper and portrayed.
Weathered and calloused,
Fingers weave your hair
Only for an excuse
To steal a moment touching you

Rough and manly
Stirring honey into your tea
You watch in underwear
Speaking through just a stare

Tense and shaking
Hands grab your shoulders
Pull you in for a kiss
To satisfy that one wish

Cold and clammy
I hold your hand
Only to keep you still
So I know this is real

Slow and steady
My hands play this tune
As an inadequate thank-you
For all that you do
Tongue art
Between blue
And five
Makes me feel
But not hear
Like my floor
Here is were it all begins
Now a life time to unfold
A future lies deep within
And stories will be told.

Your road it will be rocky
You will face those stormy seas
There'll be times you will be happy
And times down on your knees.

You will find that life's a journey
You'll get lost along the way
But your not alone there's many
Who get back on track again.

So put on that suit of armour
It's a dangerous world out there
Beware of all the trappings
Their are pitfalls everywhere.  

Don't look back you have a future
And hope is what you need
Your life will be your teacher
And lessons will be learned indeed.

You will find that new horrizon
It is there behind the door
That door will surely widen
And the world it will be yours.
I think you all will agree that life is teacher and we all have
Made mistakes.some of us more than others.
every day
they'll be looking
looking on the net
to find a much
cherished pet

constantly searching
for that special guy or gal
who'll offer them love's gift

out there in cyber land
someone seeks out another
to adore
a heart to heart exchange
carrying on forevermore

lonely souls wanting
the joy of a relationship
being close and contented
in a loving partnership

every day
they'll be looking
looking on the net
to find a much
cherished pet
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