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 Nov 2015 Dee
No Longer Yours
 Nov 2015 Dee
I gave you all the power to destroy and **** me,
and piece by piece you mutilated me to debris.
You left more than a bad taste on my tongue;
and you forced stories within me to go unsung.

While I held onto your toxicity I failed to grow,
but once I'd fled your ghastly hold, I began to glow.
I stopped being a **** and grew my petals,
I blossomed into a beautiful flower while you remained a stinging nettle.

Now the tastes of alcohol and cigarettes no longer
remind me of you in the way they once did. No, I'm stronger.
The things you did to me are memories that have stained,
but I will not let you define who I am; by you I will no longer be drained.
 Nov 2015 Dee
emma jane
 Nov 2015 Dee
emma jane
When my heart hung in the stars
I'm convinced
my better parts got lost
on the dark side of the moon.

the doctors say I'm dreaming
but I could swear to you
that the man on the moon is crying
asteroids and wilted flower petals.

we revolve around the same sun but
our revolutions although
intertwined, are chasing
different horizons longing for unfamiliar faces.

the stars are in my eyes
but it will take years of staring into
broken mirrors before I find the planet
that my smile resides on.
I don't really know about this one. I wanted to try something a little more abstract. Please please please leave feedback, I want to do everything I can to mature as a writer.
 Nov 2015 Dee
Juan Manuel Romero
There could always be disaster but after all the warfare all the shaddow of defeat you see a rose growing on top of the gravel that's when you know things are gonna get better ahead
 Nov 2015 Dee
Let Me In
 Nov 2015 Dee
All these dumb, ****** daisies
Overgrown at your stone
Brightening up the place
As if it were a home

All these excessive gardens
Crowd around your tomb
Revealing truths about life
And its temporary bloom
 Nov 2015 Dee
Elisa Maria Argiro
Eyes opening to quiet wonder
in the stillness
of night.
My young mother
beside me.

Top bunk bed
positioned by my father
for a view of
the cosmic smile...

shining with light
way at the top of
Manhattan Island.

"Look what the tooth fairy brought to you."

In one graceful hand
my mother held
a nickel,
flowering majesty
shone huge, and white
in her other hand.

Each of us tenderly new
to this magical
of love.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
 Nov 2015 Dee
Emilyn Nguyen
 Nov 2015 Dee
Emilyn Nguyen
Lily, you grow delicately like the dreams in your undefiled mind,
internally defiant of your ambition to the people; kind, and graceful;
Loving all; Ivies and cattails envy you when you bloom lonely on single:
Lilypads, refusing to accept anything that you deserve. You must realize,
in time you deserve to be called by something so beautiful, and stop,
answering to everything but your full –
 Nov 2015 Dee
E Townsend
 Nov 2015 Dee
E Townsend
I crave human affection as much as
a flower demands photosynthesis
hiding beneath a shaded tree. It has
no control over capriciousness
from the sun.
this is ******* ignore it, I'll finish it later
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