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 Nov 2015 Dee
 Nov 2015 Dee
Today you will learn.
You will learn because I'll tell you how.
You will listen because you want to know.
This isn't a class room of grey walls,
squeaky desks,
and an over done curriculum.
Today you will learn because I'll show you how
When you shut your mouth,
When you sit quietly and become part of the background,
When you learn to see
but seem as though you are not looking
When you learn to hear
but seem as though you are not listening
When the information isn't being pounded into your head
but is being nudged towards you
When you learn to figure things out on your own
When you learn that it's okay to be alone
Maybe then the world will start to make sense
Just watch, listen, I promise you'll learn a lot
*Class dismissed
Being a wall flower, being quiet, isn't a bad thing.. You can learn a lot if you just learn to pay attention
 Nov 2015 Dee
Dhaye Margaux

How many times I have to cry
this ocean of tears from my eyes?
How many times I have to smile
just to hide these heartbreaking lies?

Oh, beautiful tears from my eyes
come on, roll down in quietude
Beautiful drops like crystal clear
keep my weeping in solitude

Will there be beauty in yelling
letting them know that I'm broken?
I  want to keep my misery
a thousand words be unspoken

Beautiful tears, come hide with me
just stay behind my loudest laugh
Just let them know my victory
A perfect beam in your behalf.

Don't let your failure make any discouragement. Plant the seeds of hope.
 Nov 2015 Dee
Dhaye Margaux
You came that night
when I was afraid of the dark
and the rain
but you let me see
the dark is just a blanket
that I will use at night
when I sleep
and the rain
is just like showers
petals coming from the clouds
gentle and kind
they will never hurt me

I know

Your wings are my protection
Since the day you step your foot
On the ground
for me

Your wings--
my shelter*.
shelter, blanket, love, angel, wings, life, you
 Nov 2015 Dee
Matthew Rousseau
She’s as small, yet beautiful

As the budding spring leaves

She’s as radient and strong

As a summer day

She’s as colorful and calm

As the leaves falling off the autumn trees

Her hairs as white, and her mood as soft

As a snowflake falling on the ground

She's Born budding

And She Dies Soft
I wrote this four years ago
 Nov 2015 Dee
Y Rada
It is difficult to be a man,
For I am not a typical one.
It is hard for me to go on,
There’s a secret that pulls me.

I loathe when my memories strike,
They hit emotionally with might.
I struggle so much to survive,
In a world so deaf towards my cries.

I look at a He and my heart convulses,
For I recall a He who gave me kisses.
I was young, forced and naïve,
I fought but He was much stronger.

Society might tell that I’m gay,
For I let a man violated me in a way.
But I’m not a ***** and I’m sure,
I play a role for which others envy.

When I was a teen I met her,
I admired her even if she’s older.
I was then shy and very timid,
With mental and emotional scars.

I thought of her as a dear friend,
Then she turned to be my worst fiend.
One instance she forced herself on me,
And used things that hurt me so.

A girl’s tactics differ from the stronger ***,
Tears she used first and blackmail next.
She was cunning, sly and very clever,
She stole my pride and my dignity.

My fears now mixed with anger,
My determinations got bolder.
I still cry and sometimes get lonely,
Like any other victim I want to fight.

I can not shout to the whole nations,
For societies will scorn at my declamation.
Both sexes forgot that I have feelings too,
I am also made of flesh, bones and spirit.

I am not proud of what I become,
Within me clouding reasons try to calm.
My desire is to win this battle to the end,
I am capable of vulnerability like any human.

But where does my right begin?
This universe has compassion for women.
The likes of me are expected to be steel made,
Yet I have feelings too for I am just a man.
Dedicated to all abused males by other men and to the men abused by females. A simple shout out to the world that I care…that I have heard your cries… and that you are still loved.
 Oct 2015 Dee
 Oct 2015 Dee
i hear sobs through the paper thin walls,
i feel the grief swimming
in my veins,
the lit cigarette filled
with nicotine and
chemicals, i inhale.
filthy tobacco
smoke clouds my mind,
blocking the colours
of violet of these bruises,
i exhale.
i look out the opened window, seeing a horizon
of stars and constellations,
constantly battling.
the moon, shining oh
so bright;
i stare at it, with
wisps of sadness
and despair
hoping someone,
will look back.
 Oct 2015 Dee
Beautiful Moments
 Oct 2015 Dee
Think of the true beauty in the world,
where you find that artistry doesn't need to fit expectations that have been furled.

I find mine in captivating laughter of babies; which reduces me to tears,
not those of sadness or melancholy - but of overwhelm as their giggles enter my ears,
because there is nothing more exquisite than the mere notion of existing and of life,
the feelings of love and hope in my heart are strife.

What about beauty in those who refuse to give up, ever?
I often wonder how in the world people grow such seraphic strength within and keep it forever!
They get knocked down over and over again,
yet time after time they get back up, pushing aside their pain.

These elegant people keep moving forward - some have no choice,
but they prove the only way is up and they do not waste their time; instead they have an active voice.
They are inexplicably unstoppable,
and are the true essence of beauty - and are in fact unbreakable.

Or what about the beauty of fate?
The pulchritude of chance encounters await.
That moment when you meet someone special and become star-crossed lovers,
and recognise you both have an exceptional purpose; and a connection that hovers.
A time when your eyes lock and your souls connect?
The magnificence in these bespoke experiences *****.
To share your journey in another's grace,
and get to encounter their beautiful embrace.
 Oct 2015 Dee
 Oct 2015 Dee
If home is where the heart is,
They say.

Then why do I feel so empty in this place?
This is no home.
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