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wind of summer
too vagabond
touching the melancholy afternoon
of the last pale season

flowing over the
deep yellow barren field
echoing the last mystic sound
though yet romantic
the purples are deep

butterflies are flying around
a few birds playing
on the ground
suddenly singing
uttering love

the golden yellow floating
in the eyes  
over hued

dropping on the ignored
wither leaves
as the rain drops that has made
a blue
day dream

crossing over the mind  
a jingle
leap singing
the very lost spring
scrolling into

even in the lonely dark night
rolling up
the sound
as the rolling stone
of the sounding sea

@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Apr 2015 amelia
Just Melz
If you accidentally
             fall out of love,
Do you just dive
                back in head first?
           Feet first??
                     Eyes closed???
        Cannon ball????
Do you walk away
       Cause you can't swim
And you're scared to death
                   of *drowning?????
I don't know the answer and I'm not sure what I'm even asking..... Enjoy.

Comments welcomed and appreciated.  
I'm not only asking for financial help, moral support and advice can help too.

Share my story, help if you're able.
THANK YOU all for any help or support.
why can't people just admit they have done wrong.
why do they need to find someone to blame
and make them fell awful,
put them to shame.
Can't you see I'm trying my best,
but I wont submit to you.
Not like the rest.
Just admit your faults
the rest of us do
you're not perfect.
You make mistakes too.
So yeah this one actually rhymes. im actually pretty proud of it
 Apr 2015 amelia
 Apr 2015 amelia
but how sad the rain must be.

an entire lifetime spent just falling.
 Apr 2015 amelia
grand reopening
 Apr 2015 amelia
hearing you call my name again
strangely feels like
12:19 AM

Sitting on my bed staring at my screen.

L o s t

Not only in my emotions but in a plethora of words and thoughts running through

M y

complex, depressed, and hopeless

M i n d

Sitting on my bed staring at my pathetic words on my pathetic screen

12:28 AM
i cant...
 Apr 2015 amelia
DC raw love
 Apr 2015 amelia
DC raw love
What can time bring me
That I have not already lost

What does life hold for me
If I no longer have any wants

What can someone give me
That has not already been taken

Why should I hope for something
When none of my dreams come true

As my pain is self chosen
The only direction I know is

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