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Love has no conditions
We make our own traditions
This isn't our first edition
Love has no conditions

We fix each other along the way
What gives you the power to say
What is right or wrong in any way
If love has no conditions

Tear me down, wrip me apart  
Condition, condition, condition
Am I not enough
Are you calling my bluff

Do you not see the same me
Standing here before you
Begging you, asking you
For you to accept me as I am

Are you settling with being content
When you strive to be elated
Maybe our love has faded
I didn't know I was being graded

If love has no conditions
How dare you not accept me
If we were sand and sea
Id see how you wrestle me

I never wanted to fight with you
I only wanted to be with you
This was our time to shine
If love had no conditions

I can't blame you, slay you, betray you
I want all of you unconditionally
I find myself adjusting to you
As we dance this rhythm of love

Love is just a game
The players tend to say
Ive never felt so played
Who am I today

If love has no conditions
Pigs began to fly
If love has no conditions
This is the day I will cry
I want to be loved unconditionally, with all of my flaws.
You surely have traded with me
Some intense part of your soul
Your haunting memories impairs my senses
As i constantly drift into the dark past

I can feel your lurking darkness in my soul
Radiating gloomily
In the deep red stream that gives me life
Power courses through each vein,
Venom fills a tyrant's brain,
Her eyes will tell you that you're prey,
Her words will keep you far away.

Danger waits for mortal man,
When all is not done to her plan,
Her claws will tear away your skin,
Her voice will break the heart within.

Hunger fuels that brutal call,
Bloodlust victims one and all,
Her fangs will drain your body dry,
Her growl will haunt you till you die.

Love was not meant for her kind,
No equal for her soul to find,
Her touch too strong for those alive,
Her kiss a poison none survive.

Pain and torture are her friend,
To hell your soul she'll quickly send,
Her blade a silent enemy,
Her smile your final memory.

Karma may demand a fee,
The void may be her destiny,
Her rule will stand for now at least,
Her name will last once time has ceased.
I find myself
Visualizing your glasses
When he removes his.

I imagine his crooked tooth
When I see yours
Impeccably aligned.

I learned a new word today,
To the act of tenderly running one's finger through someone's hair.

I grew fond of the act
Long before
Getting hold of the word.

I know not whose I prefer
Now his I adore
But as much as I do yours.

This is a *******
Torn by emotions
We have history, we share chemistry
I love you
Though I love him too
Cannot think of him
Without thinking of you

This is a *******
I have come to loathe
But the truth is
I belong to both.
I learned he'd died through a friend of a long distance friend.
I heard he had snuffed it.
Kicked the bucket instead of the usual rock into a gutter.
'Give me another', he'd say until his eyes went glassy and his face went numb.
Until the hands dropped from the weight of his fingers.
No one lingers to watch.
No one ogles the brilliant light of dawn over this collapsed stranger.
New and old to the neighborhood, we all stood where he once stood.
We all walked away from that place.
His mouth agape but no words can escape the blue lips of a fading memory.
He is dead and his time died with him.
i know he never loved me, but i relished every second that he pretended
 Jan 2015 darling iridescence
I hope you find comfort in the clouds,
The one you don't find in me.
I look up at the stars that had once brought us together
And I am thankful they tore us apart
Show, don't tell.


Suddenly he found himself smiling more, and occasionally he even laughed. His sarcasm withered away and instead, what took root was an incredible earnestness to explain his thoughts and feelings to other people and even listen- no matter how stupid he thought them previously. Eventually he figured that this odd happiness couldn't be just a coincidence: it was sustained by the way she dotted her i's with little hearts whenever she wrote his name.


He was in love.
Just as useful for poetry.
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