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 Feb 2015
underestimate a

b            o  k             n
r                  e


that's what sets it
 Jan 2015
Do you worry that I'll love you?
Sometimes I do.
I think that if I were to love you
I would love you the way I first learned to love:
Quietly, and with no demands.
I think if the worst were to happen
I wouldn't reach for you
Only tell you
That you are beautiful.
It has happened already.
I wonder if I fear it, sometimes.
But what I really fear
Is that you will fear it.
I wonder if you worry that I'll love you
And you are just too good
Too truly good
To do anything about it.
If you do worry,
You needn't:
If I were to love you
I would love you like you were made of glass-
Delicate, exquisite, and untouchable.
 Jan 2015
stacey renei
i know now that you're long gone
from the tight grasp we once held each other in

we were kids. i get that.
young and naive, gullible as to what our friends say.
with a distorted image of love
because of the movies we see on the screen

the first time we whispered our i  love  yous
it was awkward until our giggles filled up the air
and that's when i knew i spoke the truth

when you left me alone, you never said good bye
you were literally just gone
you left my heart in a distinct contortion
and that's when i felt such desperation

To the first boy I've ever loved,
When you come across this poem,
Don't hesitate, you know **** well that it's about you.
Cause the only thing you've taught me is
Forever isn't true.
Hey, I hope you guys liked this poem. I have no idea if it's good or not cause I literally just typed the words down without giving it much thought. I hope you guys were able to relate to the poem even a little bc all of us had probably experienced love or what we thought was love.

Leave a comment and like this poem. Follow me too.  It'd be really cool if you guys got this poem to trend. That's literally one of the best things ever, when I log in the next day and see that my poem has trended. Thanks a lot guys, love you. :)
 Jan 2015
She dreams in scarlet, of far away lands;
Of heroes muscled, impeccably dressed.
She dreams of a charming Renaissance's man,
and murmurs sweet nothings into my chest.
Her perfect lips quiver; red as her face.

Fan blades mock me as I stare into space.

She dreams of torn bedposts with shattered frames,
Broken by passion released uncontrolled.
She moans in her sleep and whispers a name.
My lips start to quiver, matching her own.
That name gifts my ears such discordant tones.

Were I its owner, my heart might be whole.

Slowly, my pulse commences to waver.
I ask, fearing what answers might portend..

                         If I were to move, perchance to wake her,
                         would she regret her dulcet dreaming's end?
I'm not the jealous type, he says, as if the saying made it true.
 Jan 2015
and all those times
you kissed me
you were just
putting your
over my
 Jan 2015
I keep forgetting why I'm a bad idea

I'll leave you alone
Best person I've ever had the privileged of knowing.
I'm sorry we broke each others hearts.
Happy adulthood to you.
 Jan 2015
Jan Harak
How you make me feel?
You make me feel
like the sun rises just for me
like the wind whispers in my ear
"I love you"

You make my heart
race so fast
with every word
and it almost stops
at the end of line

And I'm afraid
that one day
there'll be just blank page
in a box
with your name.
That is how I feel about you.
Its been a while since you left,
But I never accepted you were gone.

I just pushed away the thought you,
And tried to forget those 9 months existed.

For all I remembered, the Creator made a mistake,
And time skipped right over three seasons.

But looking at our words,
I can't deny what is true.

What we left behind had more power than us both,
And so neither of us could destroy it.

And as everything is rushing back,
I don't know what to do,
Because one thing is still missing,
And that one thing is you.

It's been 6 months since it ended,
Yet it feels like 6 years.

I forced tears from my eyes,
Thinking you might return to dry them.

I forced blood from my eyes,
To make space for you in my veins.

But you didn't.
You couldn't.
You can't.
And you won't.

It was a nightmarish hope,
That a mortal soul could **** Death.

And still I'm clinging to you,
Like the ink on a note.

You're my blood that flows,
Through the artery in my throat.

How I'd love to cut you away,
Just to cease shedding tears.

But Death won't yet take me,
Death feeds off my fears.

I expected your return,
But the thought was outrageous,
'Cause the insane part of my mind,
It's proving to be ageless.

I'd beg you to return and receive no answer,
Surrounded by the air that contains a rejected request.
For some reason, the desire of temptresses,
And THC smoke are all that fills my chest.
 Jan 2015
I'm addicted to having my heart broken

Sometime while he's groping my chest
He rips my heart out of it

I live for being lied to

Keeping my eyes covered staying blind
As to only rely on his words

I'm crazy about being a game piece

To be handled and moved wherever he pleases
For toys are meant to be played with

Mostly though
I'm addicted to having my heart broken
 Jan 2015
Hopelessly Devoted
Feeling so emotional, but yet stone faced
Because as soon as I show my emotions all of my nightmares will become a reality.
I will be alone, and she will gone from me forever
My childhood fear brought to a reality.
 Jan 2015
Liz And Lilacs
What more do you want from me?
I've given away my time, my hope, my trust,
And you stole everything that remained.
Now nothing is left inside me,
but you came back for more.
I don't have a **** thing,
I'm just as empty as your head,
and as shattered as your soul.
Nothing remains, but the pain of what's lost.
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