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 Aug 2014
Michael Amery
Couple of things you should know about me,

One: I don’t like you.

I don’t know you and I don’t like you.
It’s not your fault,
I have been programmed this way,
An overbearing, overprotective monarch of a father
Combined with school yard bullies,
Teachers, priests, mother,
Evil grandmother,
And bad 1980’s movies all combined to ensure that
I don’t like you.
Stranger Danger,
Go away.

Two: You don’t know me.

How could you?
I don’t know myself.
The ‘me’ you find presented before you is nothing more than layers of ******* piled one on top of the other,
By family, friends, school yard bullies,
Morning cartoons, Atari, broken hearts and a mind that never sleeps,
(Certainly never shuts the **** up!)
A product of a society
No more advanced in this age of information
Then when we crawled out of the proverbial goo,
Cheaply constructed, covered with flashy pleasing knick-knacks,
Prettily packaged and presented for your purchase,
Swipe your credit card debt here please,
Yet not build to last.  
I am lost somewhere deep beneath the ‘me’ that was chosen by
This has been popping in and out of my head for years. Not sure where it comes from but thought best to explore it.
 Aug 2014

Falling beneath dark skies
No sunlight finds my face
Lost within bramble and prickly thorn
Tearing at my heart, shredding tiny pieces
What little remains that I can feel
Broken branches splinter
Wilted blooms release no scent
Diluted hydrangea tear drops
Weeping of loss, never ending
Transparent silhouette faintly flutters
A butterfly fades into the shadows
Disappearing from this place
Where my smile once bloomed
*As I cry with the sorrowed flowers…
For a very special friend on this her day of sadness
 Aug 2014
the truth is no one ever taught me how to fix a flat tire or how to ask for help or what love was even good for in the first place

and the truth is that the cookie was good but the lemon icing wasn't and the truth is baking should be done without any kind of lemon at all

and the truth is i wish you'd hold me close enough that our skin fused together and i could burrow into your spine and learn all the things you won't teach me

and the truth is you were never good at making eye contact but i dare you to look at me long enough that i can trace the line that connects your iris to your pupil and count how many shades of black a person can produce

and the truth is i don't know if the grass has fingerprints but i know that yours are cigarette stained and no better at letting go than mine

and the truth is i am a dump site and you are an inhale and i am clockwork and you are a melody and i can't keep my teeth off your eloquence

and the truth is my feet are covered in acrylic paint from leaving smudged footprints in sparkly things

and the truth is i don't want you all to myself but you can pretend i'm yours when i'm engulfed in the ocean and making it hard for you to breathe

and the truth is i'm looking for a different kind of intimacy from you

and maybe it's just some teenage girl talking but the truth is that i want to drown with you. i want to burn with you. i want to scream with you so violently that the body that crushes my lungs crumbles and i become a balloon for real this time

and the truth is, if you hadn't called me beautiful, i would have mistaken last night for a paradise i don't believe in
this is ******
 Aug 2014
Just Melz
You'd be surprised
        How much
               Your touch
*Means to Me
 Aug 2014
Madame Eleanor
Melancholy lullabies.
New expression in your eyes.
Sad and lonely,
Soft and lovely-
Somehow at the same time.

Comforting as acid rain,
You can see me feel your pain.
Hush now love, put those away.
Find your strength it's here to stay.

Melancholy lullabies.
Now you cut off all your ties.
Skipping meals like they were stones.
Hearing madness in your tone.

Finding hope in new-found ways.
Smiling while you feel the pain.
Words so soft you cannot hear.
Chin up darling, I am here.
This probably isn't near done, I'll add to it when inspiration strikes.
This uncertainty
How you feel for me
Honestly, I'm dying inside
It's not right
So now I write and write
And listen to you talk,
About her, about it all,
And it pains me to hear it
About all the crazy *******
But I'm here,  I'll hear anything
Selflessly listening
Being the shoulder, the rock in which you lean
And it remains to be seen
Which direction in life you'll take
Just keep in mind, no matter the road you find yourself on,  
In my eyes you'll never be gone,
There will always be a shortcut, an easy path back
Just get up,  brush yourself off
Take the first few steps in my direction,  
When you get close enough,  
The shadow in the distance will show true perfection
 Aug 2014
Sia Jane
Of course it was never her fault.
So many misgivings, so much insanity,
Capacity to care floundered.
Dispersed white fragments,
Blow, on broken glass tables,
A surrendered white Christmas.
Cartoon shapes form,
A blinkering television set,
With a lowly child meek submission,
Afraid to question a day, date, time,
Just the imagination fuelled by,
Children's laughter behind,
Matted curtains keeping,
Crystal skies bright sunshine.
In darkness, Dr Seuss'
"How The Grinch Stole Christmas,"
The stealing of innocence,
A childhood,
A prevalence greater than,
Any Christmas.
Spirit in shortage,
How she lived alongside,
Cindy Lou, wishing & eager,
For even just one taste,
Of a day so sacred.
Adults circulate, noise polluting air,
Insects festering in,
Corners untouched,
By rancid faeces,
A baby boo striving,
To thrive (survive),
In a climate of disdain,
Another one bites the dust.

© Sia Jane
 Aug 2014
Sally A Bayan

Here on earth, our lives began
Surviving daily, carrying our own crosses.
Some have lighter or easier ones,
Others are heavier than life itself
Too many, laden on their shoulders.
Is there ever life without crosses?


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Is there ever life without crosses to bear?
 Aug 2014
Just Melz
Such passion?
It's a distraction
I'd rather be focused and poised
Forget all the noise
Pay attention to the game
Cause you know we all play
Insider rules
There's nothing to see?
Like a diamond in the rough
It all makes jewelry
Think this game is about love?
Well maybe it once was
Now it's about self preservation
Just staying alive
Through destruction and devastation
Your game is a hard act to follow
Cause you think you always win
But I'm not about too wallow
In self pity or depression
I'm making new rules
And your not allowed to play
Remember how you walked in my life,
Nothing but words and lies?
It's no longer yesterday,
Forget tomorrow,
Because Today...
*You can leave the same way
 Aug 2014
Sometimes I feel scared
Of everyone and everything
And that goes for you as well
© SilentCry
Things are so much clearer
I can see right on through
All the misconceptions
And false truths
I know now life will be good
I know now, everything I should
Like I can love myself
And just focus on me
Feels so good not to care
About someone undeserving
Cause I got so much to give
And someone out there
Will truly understand
How much I can care
How much love I have
And the devotion I can share
Cause I'm amazing
And he knew it was true
But unfortunately for him
*He holds no more value
Just show me you love me,  show me how much you care.
Don't you dare just leave me here with only a memory.
Make sure I can feel what you say you feel,  
Make me believe it's all real,  
I don't wanna dream of you every night,  to only have your face slowly fade away
I don't wanna recall your voice only to have the sound gradually be replaced
With silence
I wanna remember your smile,  your touch,  
And when the pain is too much,
I'll look back on when times were rough and you pulled me through,
Cause it's always been you
It's helped me now and it will help me then,
Just show me how much you love me,  make me believe it's true
Make me believe I'm worth loving, like I believe in you
And if it comes down to finding someone new,  
Your love will be the standard,  
The way in which I'll measure affection and though they may never reach your perfection,  
At least one day I'll find love and attention,
Cause you showed me the possibilities,  
How love can really feel and be
I realize it may not be meant for you and me,  
And I don't know how or where
But show me you love me,
Show me how much you care.
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
The older I get
The less that I want
The less that I do
The more that I don't

The older I get
The less that I need
The less that I want
The more that I see

The older I get
The less that I take
The less that they offer
The more that they say

The older I get
The less time I have left
The less I admit
The more I regret
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