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I've never loved

         or hated you more

                   in this moment...
It's a thin line between love and hate,  I'm balancing myself atop it.
 Aug 2014
His fingers grew cold and stiff in the cradle of my own
Last breath rattled, marker of death
Innocence violently stripped away
Shell left, a hollow reflection
Those pieces lay in defeated slumber
For months the clouds gathered
Rain, soft and chilling
Lulled quiet the rage, tears fell
A violent gush coming dangerously close to flooding
All of the hidden cavities that remained
Until one day the sky opened
Hesitant rays like bird's first flight
Shimmered down with angelic serenity
Bringing warmth once again
My eyes squinted to adjust
Recoveries healing hand
Had finally reached out to sooth
The wounds remain, puckered, ragged edged
I will carry them like badges of honor
For you were worth fighting for
Your laughter still echo's
Plastering the walls of the hole you left behind
With saturated, hopeful colors
For Jeremiah. May you be soaring above these clouds. I have a kite string up there you may always grab ahold of incase you get too high.
 Aug 2014
Bobbie Lea Mullener
We are told to believe that in which we can not see.
They tell us that the earth is round and that there is a man in the clouds.
And we take their word, reluctant or willing.
The thought of being lied to is just so chilling.
You must have faith, no questions asked.
Well I'm sorry sir, but I see that grin behind your mask.
We need faith in ourselves.
The kind that you find within your soul and your mind.
Today is today, who knows about tomorrow? You don't know who's leading,
But surely you follow.
Because they are and she is and who wants to be different?
Yeah they might shine, but look kid, you glisten.
Like the diamonds and gems we feel the need to buy,
But they'll never outdo the starts in the sky.
Which we now also buy,
Because the words from your heart aren't worth the time.
Until you make them rhyme and now they're changing lives.
We're living in a fantasy, like our own little cave.
But trust me when I tell you, everyone's scared before they are brave.
 Aug 2014

As we gaze upon the light
Of shimmering desire
Silhouettes a’ play this night
In shadows they retire

Here upon this hillside dream
We watch the great expanse
Far beneath the midnight moon
Does bloom a found romance

As the silent valley sleeps
Lingering the skies
Reflections of a moonbeam kiss
Now glow upon your eyes

O’ to spend this evening pure
Alone just me and you
Here beneath the midnight moon
*As dreams do all come true
 Aug 2014
John F McCullagh
X used to mark the spot
where two hearts intersected.
X used to mark the spot
On a map where  treasure was hidden
X used to be the variable
For which I sought the solution.
X turned out like all the rest
which explains why I’m disillusioned.

Nowadays X marks the spot
Where love found its conclusion.
For all you "X"s out there who are still wondering "Y"
 Aug 2014
This love
short circuits my system.

Unsure how to deal,
all such new ground.

What are the rules?
How does this end?
What goes in between?

Do not trust…
so says my head.

says my heart.

I am a rose.
Soft petals,
subtle scent,
but get too close,
hold too tight,
and you might bleed.

Perhaps more a
Venus fly trap.
Interesting, odd,
hybrid colors,
keep your distance,
at arms length,
pray for safety.

All It ever knew,
all it ever learned was…
don’t let’em too close,
always retreat,
and, if they reach out
to touch…
chomp down,

Your love overwhelms,
short circuits
my system.

Creates new paths,
opens doors unseen,
wraps the heart
in silk and velvet,
tenderly held
in a special place,
away from
unwanted storms,
aimed at maiming
and destruction.

Nerves grow,
reaching out
to new ground,
sprouting words and
images never
known before.

Not sure what
to make of it.

I hear again
the whispered exchange
between mind
and heart.

Mind asks,
“Can you…
should you…
What have you
learned in eons

Heart replies,
“We can smile,
wide, bright.
A smile that reaches
the eyes,
and we can try,
can’t we…maybe…

This time
we will try.

This time,
the heart wins.

-by Mercurychyld
Can one ever truly, blindly trust the mechanics of something
as complex as love? Who knows.
 Aug 2014
SG Holter
I think I want to get old
Alone. Learn how to grow
Strands of white in

Deaf to a silence as
Complete as any ever. I'll
Have longs since

To talk. I'd like to go like
That -still in the rocking chair.
Or find myself locked in the dark
Boot of a car, with a shovel and

Every last thank you prayed;  
Hearing, from the sound of
The gravel, that I'll rest in home-
Ground soil. Both feet in leather.
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
I feel such Gratitude when I think of you
I feel so much it overflows
I want you to know how much I appreciate you
You are an inspiration and a muse to me
I have not met many of you face to face , but
No one else can take your place
I hold a special place in my heart for you
You are not just mere followers I consider each and every one of you my friends
We are bonded together as artists of the written word
In case you forgot I will tell you again
You are Awesome
You are special
You are a muse
You touch my heart with your poems, and because of all of you I am forever changed
You are amazing  in many ways
I just had to share my gratitude for each and every one of you
 Aug 2014
Michael Amery
The lone wolf mythology is a ego driven shield behind which hides the shy and the wounded;
I have resided in that den of pretend solitude only to rage at the overwhelming loneliness as the need for companionship screamed and beat fists from inside of my chest, the heart hammering at my ribs to be free of its proud prison.

The need for individualization and a removed identity is just another drug to poets and artists; where else to find motivation if not within our personal tragedy still wet from the drink and tears, and blood spilled from hearts never quite mended, soldiers of love who feel in a way the common man cannot, will not, for who better to put pen to paper the raw emotions of man if not those who are lost in their feelings like maggots writhing in forgotten butchered meat, wounds that will never heal yet can only be seen in the wary yet wide open eyes of the addict yearning for the next high, not for the warmth and caring that is love rather for to the hurt and the harm and the inspiration that can be found there.
This started as one thought but became another as often happens to me.
 Aug 2014
Mary Generic
I woke up adrift this morning
Guilt a million leagues deep

Nothing done is undone
This Morning
Apologies do not come free

The sun which glistens
Upon the drops
Between my moistened

Carry this morning's

Trembling ashamed
Of the lust which came
Into me last night

My mouth has forsworn this place
My darling, forgive me

Of the low hanging fruit I partook
Above the devils knees
Writhing snakes within me bid


The meat is
ripe and sweet
 Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance
Massive destruction
Can we be the architect
Recreate the original draft
If not, why destroy
Devastate the present
Barren future awaits them
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