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 Jan 2016
Little Bear
Meeting you today, after all these years.
Well my heart almost stopped.
I turned the corner and there you were,
with your beautiful little family.

I was stunned, they are all so beautiful... your children.
I just needed a moment to take it all in.
And that smile you gave me...
**** I didn't think it would take me back so many years...
just like that..

It must be 18.. no.. no 19 years..
You haven't changed,
not one bit..
not to me anyway.

You stood there, holding hands... so in love.
I was... I am.. so happy for you.
My first kiss... with you...was actually so perfect.
My first kiss... with you.

But you are married and happy.
Your children have their Daddy's dimples..
And their Mummy's blue eyes.
You are all so happy.. I love that.
I truly do, with all my heart.

And so as we said our goodbyes,
you looked at me.
Just for a moment too long.
I know you thought of it too, that kiss..
And I blushed.. **** it...
After all this time, you can still do that to me.

And as you walked away,
I watched you go...
I know I might never see you again.
But I will always remember my first kiss...
with you
That and your beautiful blue eyes.
My first real kiss was with a girl, we were best friends :o)
 Jan 2016
Christian Danner
I want something that I cannot have. I cannot have it because I don't truly know what it is. I've seen it polished and propped as if it were on display and I've heard the stories of how much time and effort it took to make it look as such. But I want it. I want love. I want the idea of it at least.
I want the fights brought about by events simpler and less important than the time we wasted to have them. I want to be pained by the sight of her pain and know that the feeling of knives piercing my chest when I see her cry is there because I would literally drive them there myself, if only to prevent her tears.
I want our laughs to intertwine over the smallest things and our conversations to stretch our minds over the biggest. I want to see you sleep at night and I'll smile because I know that you're finally at peace. And I want you to smile when you wake up because you know that I'm fighting to make your reality better than your dreams.
I want love. I want romantic love, I want crazy love. I want passion. I want to pick you up in my arms and in that brief present get lost in your presence. I want to be in you when I am in you and have you wish that I would stay forever. I want to be in your heart and mind, and I want our love to be torturous and blind.
I just want love. I want the idea of it at least.
 Jan 2016
Joanna Rose
The way you walk is an indicator of how many hearts you've broken
How many people you've left wondering why they weren't good enough
The way you smile tells the story of how your mother never loved you
How she made you learn to hate yourself
The way you write tells me that your thoughts are always quick and messy
And how you wish you had someone to slow them down
The way you look at me makes me hope that I could be that someone
 Jan 2016
Joanna Rose
I'd always hated cigarettes
At least until I watched you smoke
Icy hands and thin red lips
I'm convinced that you were determined to ruin me
Because every smile that you gave me made me want to join you
Out on the back porch, cigarette in hand
I no longer associated the smell of smoke with sickness, but with pretty thoughts of you
Your laugh
Your smile
The butterflies I got when your eyes locked with mine
God, I love you and your cigarettes
 Jan 2016
Joanna Rose
Her voice is the only sound that doesn't cause my head to ache
It's soft and sweet,
Just like the rest of her
And It's at times like these,
When my demons are tearing apart the last shred of hope that I've hidden inside my heart
And my room is so dark that I'm starting to question if I'll ever see the sun again,
That I wish she was here,
Whispering loving words to me, our hands intertwined
Because when I am with her, the warmth in her smile and the feeling of her hands on my skin makes me feel alive
She is absolutely everything to me
 Jan 2016
Ambika Jois
When I miss you,
I feel a tingle down my spine
The kind you'd caress with your finger
As you show me you're mine

When I miss you,
I hear the rustle of an autumn leaf
Scraping on the pavements we walked
As you'd started to become my heart thief

When I miss you,
I look into the mirror and see
The pixels of definition the reflection encompasses
As identical and truthful as you = me
 Jan 2016
David Ehrgott
I never knew a thing before
And now I
Hear the ocean's roar
I hear the
Clatter of your
But keep going
And I see
A road that
Never ends
And it floats
It could learn
It just lies there
In the sun
Like a lizard
Gathering warmth
And our minds, Hazel
Gaze into each other's peepers
Become one
The answers
Become wordless
 Jan 2016

It is easy
To say the
When you are alone.
But saying the
To your friends or family
Is as hard as over-baked cookies.

About myself, wants
To be free!
It wants someone to know.
The words want
To burst from my lips,
Like water breaking from a dam.
I'm so nervous. I won't let it.
Not because I'm afraid
They wouldn't understand.
They will. I know they will.
But saying the
Would make it

And I don't know,
If I'm ready for that.
The truth is out now, and I can't believe how much better I feel!!:)
 Jan 2016
As much as I hate to say:
Beautiful People
End Up
With Beautiful People.
Which means,
I'm out of luck.
 Jan 2016
You are my 12am thoughts.
Your smile and your sweet
And gentle gestures
How you would deny you like me
And be confused
As confused as I am

You are my 1am thoughts.
Your sweet nothings
How you'd say you love me
And missed me
And how badly you want
My embrace

You are my 2am thoughts.
How it might be like
To spend a day
Or a night with you
Walk around and talk the whole time
About our pasts, presents and futures.

You are my 3am thoughts.
How would it feel to kiss your lips
Or hold your hand
Would it feel warm
As warm as the tender touch I feel
In my heart whenever I talk to you?

You are my 4am thoughts.
Nothing would be sweeter
Than thinking about
How it might feel to be wrapped
In your tight embrace.

You are my 5am thoughts.
How sleepy I am and yet
You keep running on my mind
Unstoppable. Smiling. Teasing.

And I always fall asleep thinking about you
Then see you in my dreams.
Spontaneous and free verse. Just wrote this now while thinking of someone.
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley
Her orb's
As chandeliers;
In the day's of
Yore, bygone
Year's. Shone
Betwixt, the
Divine clear.
As tis her
Is mine

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Her orbs- means her eyes .
Yore- means times of past ..or long ago or former times .
Shone. Past tense of shined.
Exosphere means- the outermost region of a planet's atmosphere
 Jan 2016
we take long drags
of each others skin,
the addiction comes
in phases.
day 1: my lungs sigh, weary,
air does not satisfy,
day 2: we're chasing
lifelines, that are rusted
and in vain
day 5: bad habits are
hard to break, beg, at the
holy altar of our mistakes
day 8: hands desperate,
clammy, unfurl
like belladonna palms.
day 9: i hope your
vocal cords strain, that
the only word you can
bear to say is 'stay'.
day 11: last breaths
muffled in the
graveyard of a kiss.
day 17: darling, i'm
losing track of time
day 28: i'm finding it
a little bit hard to quit.
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