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 Jul 2017
Diary of the Damned
Gazing into ever after, I see naught, but for disaster
Somehow, being happy only leads to my demise
Trying to heal, I break what’s broken
Fighting not to let the ghosts in
Choking on the words my bleeding heart so ill-advise

My losses and my failures always seem to plague my mind
But I’m trying to hold on for better days
Smiles and laughter
Then disaster, always close behind
Too often I un-sleep the night away

Too many seconds in a day when time stands still
I’ve had my fill
But to un-break my will is something that may never come to be
I’ve fought myself for far too long
I’m losing strength to carry on
Just how long until there’s nothing left of me?

Too many words so sweetly spoken
Hope the smoke I slowly choke on
Even so, not wishing to take back a word of what I’ve bled
Just how do I defend against a night that never ends?
My every fear insisting to be fed

Gazing into ever after, I see naught, but for disaster
Somehow, being happy only leads to my demise
Trying to heal, I break what’s broken
Fighting not to let the ghosts in
Choking on the words my bleeding heart so ill-advise

Some may think it’s not that bad
But too long, it’s been my hell
Where everything I set my heart to fades away
Becoming scarred with my chagrin as sorrow tangles deep within
Each smile I find is never long to stay

In my heart and in my mind there seems no peace that I can find
When every dream that seems come true
Comes crashing through all efforts made
‘Til even beauty can’t console a weary heart that’s never whole
Just a broken-hearted fool out on display

When comes the day when I can say
It’s worth the price my heart has paid?
Has every war I’ve waged against myself been fought in vain?
If happiness will come, I beg it soon
Lest I succumb to the darkness where no trace of me remains

Gazing into ever after, I see naught, but for disaster
Somehow, being happy only leads to my demise
Trying to heal, I break what’s broken
Fighting not to let the ghosts in
Choking on the words my bleeding heart so ill-advise

Am I doomed forever after?
Is there naught but for disaster?
I want so much more from life than merely to survive
Tired of always being torn open
Never whole, but wholly broken
When will come the day my bleeding heart can finally thrive?
Diary of the ****** - Chapter 2
 Jul 2017
On the passenger side, I sat
Carrying my frustrations,
heartaches, and vulnerability.
Looking straight at the road,
Lost in my wilderness,
Trying to ponder,
"What is happening?"

I looked to my left, then
There was you, Theo.
On the driver seat,
spinning the car wheel,
leading the driveway, and
Maneuvering the destination.
Without knowing,
"where the real destination is?"

You looked to your right,
Our eyes have met, finally.
Bespoke to one another,
How each of our hearts broke,
Our longing, and anticipation
Of the next that is yet to come.

Day after day, night after night
Our communication hasn't stopped.
As if sleep, was our only enemy.
For every chance, every day,
on the same vehicle,
in which we met,
there was only bliss and hope.

Not until one Monday afternoon,
On a sudden depth,
every bliss and every hope vanished.
"What happened?" I pondered,
this time.
The answer, I tried to seek.
Your presence, I sought for.
I had nothing, nothing
but faded memories, and
Blurred dreams for the two of us.

On the passenger side, now I can't sit.
Frustrated, heartbroken, and vulnerable, once again, I am.
I looked to my left, now you're gone. You looked to your right,
someone else's eyes you've met.
But no, this can't be..

Theo, my love.
Oh how you changed my life,
You have no idea, I'm sure.
You are the sun that shines bright throughout my day,
You are the gravity that holds me down in every way.
You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night,
You are stars that glimmer oh so bright.

You are the oxygen that keeps me alive,
You are my heart that beats inside.
You are the blood that flows through me,
You are every color, and every love song, there is.
You are both my answered and unanswered prayer.
You are the one more chance,
I never thought I'd find.
You are the only guy I can see now.
As if you are my everything now.

I never want to lose you.
I want to be with you for every day and every moment, there will be.
Oh my Theo, why do I fear?
Why am I so jealous?
But hopeful, I must be.
To stay in love with you,
Still I want to be.

Over a period of time
I got to know the real you. 
My Theo, so caring and gentle 
with a genuine heart so true. 
I told you I'd never leave 
because of the feelings I have inside.
Of the destination, we are to go to, 
Maybe I'll just let you, and time
befriend each other.
If it is meant to be,
time will remove the wall.
My love shall open your heart.

I love the way we are together.
You can always make me smile. 
Will our love can ever really be true? 
I guess I will have to wait awhile. 
And see what lies ahead, 
but always remember 
what I have said. 
Meeting you has changed my life, 
and I really love you so, Theo.

Oh my Theo,
such a blessing you are to me.
Open your heart for me, my love.
Seize every love I have for you,
Let go of the rest, and Carpe Diem.
The feelings I feel for you 
I am never letting go. 
Remember me always,
Theo, my love.
I hope and pray that one day,
finally you will, too.
 Jul 2017
The more I recall the
things you ranted,
the more angry I feel towards you,
and all the less enchanted.
 Jul 2017
Melissa S
Breathe you all in
Can't help myself
Get ****** in :)
I cannot get enough it seems :) Love to you all <3
 Jul 2017
Searching through the boxes for some books.
I was standing there wondering how it all looks?  
The kiss we had before we parted,
Will always be something that I will keep it guarded.

The moments we shared were for sometime,
Even though it was nothing still it had some life.
The beauty of what we have shared,
It never was confounding and/ or snared.

I will fondly remember your beautiful smile,
My loneliest hours were made worthwhile.
You have made me feel good in a way,
The guitar solo in the back on the first day.

We are flying to our separate continents,
Will only can meet if there is a providence.
Whatever the future may unfold for us,
Will you remember me with a sweet blush?
 Jul 2017
it doesn't have to be him
so, get up
wipe your tears
and man the **** up.
it doesn't have to be him
 Jul 2017
i wonder if it ever occur to you that i was truly hurt,
or did it ever occur to me that you were hurt too?
or was it that love wasn't the case,
just loneliness
filling voids

you've hurt me
i was scared
i fear you.
 Jul 2017
I am sick of being silenced
These chains wrapped around my voice won't break
By the time courage has woven around them
The words are lost and I have slipped into an anesthetic languor
I crave the feeling of the fire
But when I want it the flame is extinguished
And when it burns for me the chains snake around my brain and the words become jumbled
I have the fire in my heart and hands
But I no longer have the power to use them
 Jul 2017
Lora Lee
The floodgates
                      have opened
                  and the tide is high
            the dam has burst
    in explosion
of tear-bombed third eye
      saltwater rushes
           culling dark demons
              from the deep
the most buried
of creatures
awoken from sleep
viperfish and tube worms
                     vampire squid
twirling their tentacles
to summon the id
squelching up
from sinkholes of mud
primal instincts excavated
                     from tombs
                          of slick crud
Deep-seated fears
have been beckoned to play
to disregard tears
take resistance away
and while blown over
by this twisted abyss
she remembers a flicker
            of the shadow of bliss
      and like a mermaid rising        
up towards surface
                      blue heights
she grasps at the cirrus
leaking tendrils of light
pulling up hand by hand,
in sea-tangled vine
a vague sense of sweetness
flushes out brine
and when she breaks through
                           the surface,
her heart like a sieve
she finally owns it-
the power

Sometimes we are overwhelmed..but like a river, it flows through and passes....:)
 Jul 2017
stefania rivoltini
new distances
old silences
"come-hither" gleams
I can’t touch you
I can’t feel you
a mound of distorted truths
is separating us
we were just two steps from the top
our fingers were about to touch
but we fell
in the frosty mud of exhaustion
I  saw the light shift
concealed by ruthless grudges
rediscovered enemy
illusory belief of a yes
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