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 Sep 2015
raine cooper
you wrote a story
of a girl and a boy
they fell in love with old books
and each other
but the pen wasn't real
and sadly,
neither were you
#boy #girl #books #pen #story
 Sep 2015
Lynn Al-Abiad
I can't tell people about you.

They won't understand how my pupil dilates at the sight of you
They won't understand how my happiness resides in your face
They won't understand my silence when you choose to devour books instead of my neck
They won't understand the twenty minute ride back home with your hand in mine against my chest
They won't understand the void your arsenic-like words left me in

And I cringe inside
Because, just like people, you won't understand neither.

I miss you, but *******.
 Sep 2015
Innocence is the days when
I thought that monsters
lived under the bed rather
than slept right beside me.

It was the times I feared
heights almost as much as
I now fear brooding stares.

Back when I thought
passionate love was the
only kind worth having
— that I now wish for a
lover who loves quietly.

Innocence was thinking
danger was an ill-advised
adventure, not a man.

It was admiring a tornado
heart and not realizing the
damage it would cause.
© copyright
 Sep 2015
damsel in distress
I can write a book about you
When you don't even know my favorite color, it's blue
The same feeling I get when I am missing you
I don't know why but also when I am *with you
 Sep 2015
my heart keeps on beating and beating even when
it breaks
 Aug 2015
Him around
Heart starts to pound

Fast, faster
Loud, louder
Hard, harder

Wildly now my heart’s pumping
To my face blood keeps rushing
My cheeks starts flushing

My chest now aching
I stop breathing
Now I’m hyperventilating

This is embarrassing
What if he’s looking?

Oh no...


Nah, I’m just joking
Who am I kidding

He didn’t notice
He doesn’t care
He doesn’t even know I exist
Ever felt like this? Or similar to this? If you haven't experienced one sided crush/love, either you're lucky or you don't feel anything at all.
 Aug 2015
Had I known
That I would miss him this much
I wouldn't have left

Had I known
That it would hurt this much
I wouldn't have let him go

Had I known
That I would fall for him this much
I wouldn't have started loving him

But the truth is I have known

I have known all along
I knew so well

I knew I would miss him so much
But I needed to leave
'Coz I knew that it was wrong for me to be with him
I knew it would hurt me so much

But I needed to let him go
'Coz I knew that he was not mine to begin with

I knew that if I would fall, I'll fall so deep
But still I let myself fall
Hoping that he would catch me

But he didn't

He was already at someone else's embrace when I started falling

The fall hurt
It hurts so much
It left my heart shattered into pieces

But what hurts more is
Knowing that I am still clinging to those shattered pieces
Hoping you'd want it.
 Aug 2015
My chest is heavy
like there is a burden that I carry
so I feel a bit weary
and my eyes are a little bit teary

But I needed to be strong
To cry I felt was wrong
Instead I just sang a song
To forget the pain I've endured for so long

But what I didn't knew back then
For every single time when
I held back the tears I should have cried
by those tears my heart was drowned and died

for every tear that didn't fell on my cheeks
accumulates on my thoracic cavity, where my heart is
For every "I'm okay" lie, done by my lips
locks my heart deep into the abyss

In that abyss
filled with every tear I wasn't ably to cry
I drowned my own heart.
It was I who killed it,
**It was I who made it die.
Ever felt a time that you wanted to cry but you just cant? When your heart seems heavy and you just want to let it all out but your afraid to do it.
But don't let those tears you weren't able to cry drown your heart. If your chest feels too heavy to carry then let it out. Don't drown yourself.
 Aug 2015
When you cant even say it.

When you dont have the energy to even say you had enough.
Then definetly
I can say
And people can tell
That you
*Had enough.
For those asking on how can u tell u had enough, this is what i can say.
 Aug 2015
David Ehrgott
I'm a teenage ******
I stole my uncle's rifle
I took it to school with me one day
to show all my friends
what I can do

I said "Yo, Roger!"  BOOM!
***** you
Look what I can do
I said "Hey, Nancy"  BA-BOOM!
I can't meet you after school
Not today

I see more friends
I shoot them too
I really don't know what I am doing
and could grow up one day to
see how foolish I was but

That is not going to happen
as I point my weapon at my head
and escape
the misery
in this world of madness
 Aug 2015
a heart that's never been broken
is a heart that's never felt love
 Aug 2015
damsel in distress
The day you entered my world
You erased every painful things in it
You've made me the happiest girl
We are the author of our own story
Filled with sweets, rainbows, and butterflies

Until one day,
You wanted to erase yourself from my life
I don't think I could ever do that
Because since the first day
You have become my life - *my world
So please come back.
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