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 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
كلام الليل يمحوه النهار ...                                                                                                   لا تصدقوا كلام الليل                                                                                                         فالنهار له بالمرصاد ...                                                                                                       البحر عسل ليلا                                                                                                                و نهارا مالحا !                                                                                                                 كل كلمة تقال في الليل                                                                                                        ماهي الا كسحابة عابرة ...                                                                                                  احذروا كلام الليل                                                                                                              لأن كلماته هراء بهراء ...
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
I am missing ,but                                                                                                     Not anywhere or everywhere ...                                                                              I feel that I am missing ,but                                                                                     I don't know ...                                                                                                          I am like a missing-link that                                                                                    Looks for itself ...                                                                                                      I am missing ,but                                                                                                      I find myself in the mirror only ...                                                                           I am still looking for myself ...
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
If you don't have money ,then                                                                                Get a job to make good money ,                                                                             If you don't have a pretty wife,then                                                                        Get married and have a wonderful wife ,                                                               If you don't have sisters or brothers,then                                                                Look for them around you ...                                                                                  If you don't have patience towards others,then                                                     Learn how to be patient ,                                                                                         If you don't have a dream ,then                                                                             Try to find good dreams ...                                                                                        You have many options ...                                                                                  There are many options here and there ...                                                        ___________________­__
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
I walk alone                                                                                                              All in my imaginative realms                                                                                 Like an adventurer who looks for                                                                           The impossible in the possible ...                                                                             I walk alone                                                                                                              All in my dreams ,but                                                                                              I find only horrible nightmares ...                                                                           I walk bare-footed                                                                                                    All in my impossible kingdoms ,but                                                                       I find only uneven ways in front of me ...                                                          I walk alone                                                                                                          All under those heavy rains ,but                                                                         I lose my pretty umbrella over there ...                                                              I walk alone                                                                                                          All in that gloomy darkness,but                                                                         I find only scary shadows near me ...                                                                 I walk alone                                                                                                          In the realms of my words ,but                                                                           I find only emptiness over there ...                                                                       _____________________
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
Barefooted is not good ,so                                                                                       A pair of shoes helps in any season ...                                                                     People rush to buy the best and the highest qualities                                            Even if their prices are like pyramids ...                                                                 I don't understand this rush towards                                                                      All different kinds of pairs of shoes ...                                                                     There are people who are ready to buy                                                                 The whole shoes' stores                                                                                            At any price !
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
Handcuffed somewhere ,                                                                                         Absent somewhere ,                                                                                                 Invisible somewhere,                                                                                                Surrounded somewhere ,                                                                                         Besieged somewhere ,                                                                                              Frozen to death ,                                                                                                      Shaken ,                                                                                                                    Tied,and                                                                                                                    It depends ...
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
We play like kids                                                                                                      Simply because there is a kid                                                                                  Inside each of us ...                                                                                                   We live happily,but                                                                                                   We feel we're only unhappy ....                                                                               We live in death and                                                                                                We don't live life accurately ...                                                                                       We dream everyday ,but                                                                                         All our dreams come in the shape of nightmares ...
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
في ناس - كتير كتير -                                                                                                       بيحبوا يلمعوا ليمشوا حالون                                                                                                 بأي شكل من الاشكال ...                                                                                                     كلام مالو معنى بس فيه لعب ...                                                                                          هذا اسلوب بعض الناس اللي                                                                                              بيخكنوا حالون اذكياء                                                                                                        بس نحنا منعرفون واحد واحد ...                                                                                            هادا كلو تلميع بتلميع                                                                                                          لأنو الآدمي بيمشي مظبوط                                                                                                    بس اللي ما مظبوط بيعرف حالو ____________________  بالعامية للي بيريد .                                                                                                       _____________________
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
To thank someone ,                                                                                                  It means you appreciate his acts or                                                                         Her acts anytime ...                                                                                                 Thanks are like treasures                                                                                         One pushes oneself greatly to afford                                                                      To the other side anytime ...                                                                                    It's not compulsory to thank someone,but                                                             It's a great reaction to one's favor or                                                                       One's good acts anytime ...
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
It is located over there                                                                                                Beside that pretty and blue sea ...                                                                           No one goes over there to commit suicide ,but                                                        Just to be there like a great eagle ...                                                                         No one ever tried to commit suicide over there                                                     Simply because people love life in truth ...                                                               It's just a nominal label to that pretty rock and                                                      People are against committing suicide over there ...                                             Only love prevails over that rock anytime .
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
Summertime versus Wintertime                                                                            Simply because Summer is hot and                                                                       Winter is cold anytime                                                                                            It's cold outside ,but                                                                                                My heart is very hot ...                                                                                            I ignore that image of a Summertime  that                                                                   Might live in a Wintertime                                                                                      Simply because I can not resist it or                                                                        I can not tolerate it anytime ....
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
On every other line of our current world ,                                                              I read greatly and wonderfully words or                                                                Names written with capital letters anytime ...                                                       Death tolls are increasing everyday on all                                                              Levels and in all directions ,good or bad ...                                                            Our world has turned into an alien world                                                              That can not recognize between what is                                                                 Good or what is bad anywhere and everywhere ...                                               We only reap pains and sufferings everywhere .
 Jan 2015
Mohammad Skati
It's not just white pages or                                                                                       Any pages ,but                                                                                                         It's in what it contains anytime ...                                                                           Every book has those pretty thoughts or                                                               Wonderful ideas that make us                                                                                Benefiting from them greatly ...                                                                              Books are our havens                                                                                               When we don't have any other places ...                                                                Our good friends are those pretty books ...
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