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 Nov 2016 Cleo
Samara Metz
 Nov 2016 Cleo
Samara Metz
It's like a volcano waiting to erupt
exploding all over your brain
Can't breathe
Can't see
Thoughts are everywhere
Feels like drowning in cold water
No one can help
You just wait
Wait for it to disappear
Wait for your lungs to start working again
Wait for the anxiety to vanish
And then
Wait for it to come back
Repeat its destructive path
The choice to cut is a signal .
I am trying no more ,
Taking a break from doing my best .

There are reasons why one would do it .

To ease the tension ;
Express emotional pain ;
To punish the body for its history ,
Or alleviate inner rage .

To express shame ;
To provide biochemical relief .
 Nov 2016 Cleo
Samara Metz
 Nov 2016 Cleo
Samara Metz
it's not that I want to ruin my body,
but you ruined it.
you did this to me
they don't make me any stronger,
in fact they make me weak.
all the pain, all the truth
I wear like a battle wound.
you did this to me.
and for some reason, the loss of my own blood doesn't upset me.
the loss of my dignity doesn't upset me.
but, the loss of you does.
56 days clean
 Nov 2016 Cleo
 Nov 2016 Cleo
All you see around you is people who cut,
You can't run away from it, though you've tried
They are always following you
Even when you hide.
Your friends, your family?
They don't understand.
Once you've started you can't help but stare
They're gonna be there until the very end.
you've left the mark now you have to bear
The pain you tried to leave but was to weak to see it near.
It consumed you until you couldn't breath again.....
 Nov 2016 Cleo
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

In my eyes,
You were a killer,
Stole my heart,
Vanity and Paul McCartney,
Were your faint to part,
Let me hold your hand,
I hope you understand,
I would never give my guilty side,
To you,
In your hands.
The title is a lyric from a song :)
It's almost like her demons are in her blood
And the blade is their final expulsion
Don't hurt yourself gorgeous, I know why you do it but remember who you really are x
 Nov 2016 Cleo
 Nov 2016 Cleo
Go ahead, stab me,
break me, shatter me,
cut me out.
In the end,
I will bleed on the paper
 Nov 2016 Cleo
Let me bruise, break, and bleed
There's no one who really needs me
My brother and I both have dermatillomania, his is worse.
Don't know why I wrote that.

— The End —