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 Oct 2021 Clare Coffey
Stu Harley
dreams do come true
heart is pure
shining night before
am thinking of you
i am still sure
love begins with a kiss
you said that you loved me
am still in love with you
 Oct 2021 Clare Coffey
I’m sorry to see
you’re falling apart
It could be different you know
We could strive to make things better
  Reimagine our roles…
These dreams manifest themselves
in clusters of agreements
Sort them out and sigh…
Accept the moment
and in the light you’ll receive it
Catch ahold and fly!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Apr 2021 Clare Coffey
Nothing occupies the small tool
than constant vigil of a bigger tool
its a reflected glory kinda thing
though some might say
its crippling envy
while others say No!
we all know small tools
are not usually the sharpest tools in the box
the smart ones are kept in proper kits
and used delicately
and they do not begrude the larger tools
 Apr 2021 Clare Coffey
When you get the measure of the Piped Piper
he tell you he is a kindergarten helper
but even more of a joke is he expects you to buy that
some people have the subtlety of a sledge hammer
 Apr 2021 Clare Coffey
If you know the gate is locked securely
why are you employing a million locksmiths
and seven guard dogs
and ten watch men
to guard a toilet
are the bowl and basin
gold and encrusted with diamonds
methinks some have taken leave of their senses
 Apr 2021 Clare Coffey
Even the biggest fool
would have cottoned on years ago
that its design to create emotional destabilisation
which in turn could exacerbate stress and fuel depression
creating a feeling of constant irritability and anxiety
all one should state at this junction
with sublime grace and aplomb
and the usual wisecrack....cheeky
'Man, its great to be underestimated'
As they say in the Army
No battle plan ever survived first contact with the enemy
A perfect tactical plan is like a unicorn, because anyone can tell you what it looks like, but no one has actually ever seen one.......
 Apr 2021 Clare Coffey
i spend my days
pouring myself into the cups of others

only to find that
when it’s time for myself
to take a sip

all that’s left
in my cup
is the remainder of a girl
who gave too much
self care is extremely important. most days I fight my depression by putting smiles onto others faces, but forgetting about my once bright smile.
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