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 Apr 2021 Clare Coffey
 Apr 2021 Clare Coffey
I'm sinking farther into the sea
Air cut off, unable to breathe

But it's not all too bad
The water's warm
and the fish look nice

It's a shame I can only see this
By myself
at the end.
you are as pretty as a star,
but unfortunately,
just like that celestial body,
you’re also a million miles away.
 Jun 2020 Clare Coffey
.................................I'm sorry I never told you there were stars in your eyes.................
......................cos there were living scars in my soul.........................
 Jun 2020 Clare Coffey
will it be

to be human?

will skin be


will we
be able to

my heart is so heavy.

i am not black, but i hear you. i am not black, but i see you. i am not black, but i stand with you. i am not black, but i will fight for you.

 Jun 2020 Clare Coffey
how long
will this song
play on repeat?

when will they
hear it?
justice. this song is called justice. and i will let it play until they hear it.

 Jun 2020 Clare Coffey
Stumbling upon something unexpected
and beautiful when you’re out in nature
I think brings to light what really matters.
It makes you feel small, compared to the giants that have been built with time.
It was there before you, and it’ll be there after you.
So whatever is going on inside your head that feels enormous, suddenly shrinks.
It doesn’t go away, but it’s not as painful..
For now.
I flew into your enchantment
lost all life in my limbs
as I sunk in your land
of astonishing greatness

I was evaporating
in your escape
splitting apart
like a drifting star
like the sky and sea
like a broken bridge
my body becoming
your heart of wonder

I was in your wings
of eternal heaven
seeping into your
groovy hips
your hands finding
the key to my locked door
unlocking my world
as your magnetism
reeled me in closer to you
Sally yearns for a stimulus check
In part to bring sails to her shipwreck
She could use a timely breeze
To soothe her from the deep freeze
Money's ace but her men mend her deck

Logan Robertson


Poor Sally. On most nights she be seeing new faces, going to new places and parting her social graces. Now she's a head case. Being, ahem, laid off (and restricted from going out) has taken a toll on her.
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