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He's my favorite poet
but he doesn't write his words
with pen or paper
instead he breathes them into my neck
while painting me
with the smooth touch of his lips
His hands glide over my body
effortlessly and smooth
while he sculpts out my figure
better than Michelangelo
ever could
He is my favorite artist
and I am his favorite piece
but I am afraid
that all art must be finished
one day
 Nov 2018 Chelsea-Michaela
You look & see me
as an innocent soul
but only,
if you knew what I've done.
If only,
you could see me for me,
for who I really am.
All the enmity
I've caused
in the lives of those
who have done nothing
but love me.
and i don't even know if i want to kiss your lips or just your skin
because i'm
but i don't want to hit the ground again.
are you sure your arms can hold the weight of my love when it's wrapped in wet clothes?
and are you sure it's the best idea to take this where the wind goes?
i'm not yet sure if love is a real thing
it's just a
and you still kiss me like i'm sane
but i know it's all just another game
so don't be surprised if i refuse to participate.
and you're like a
but your vicious words still gently drag me along.
and i'm not sure if you're really toxic
or it's just all in my head.
i love you
love you
ove you
ve you
e you
or maybe i love when you're in my bed.
there's a difference between someone telling you they love you and them actually loving you
i haven't figured it out yet though
 Nov 2018 Chelsea-Michaela
 Nov 2018 Chelsea-Michaela
This is for the two boys who might be together and there are so many theories
I believe they love each other
You can do it boys
for my boys
I have loved you since I was 12 and I will until I die, I am a die hard fangirl
1d as ****
"i am in love with you
and i know that love is just a shout into the void
and that oblivion is inevitable
and that we're all doomed
and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust
and i know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have
and i am in love with you."
from The Fault In Our Stars
 Nov 2018 Chelsea-Michaela

paint me
with the wet tickle
of your tongue
lingering with affection
savoring my fervent flavor
in bold strokes
of your obsession

color my essence
in heated hues
sending shivers
down my spine
in anticipation
of your warm breath
against my flesh
with every blissful caress
to ensue painted petals
of animation

with your supple lips
gently blur the lines
of my curved hips
softly stroking
the subtle shadows
of warm depth,
quivering thighs
as I gasp
of breath

plunge in
a primer coated palette
dipping your stiff paintbrush
deep within
the folds of my blanket
a trembling image
of your voracious lust.

craze me
again and again
in breathless
****** glow,
your sensual brushstrokes
gently murmuring
layer on layer
in alla prima flow

delve deep
into my eyes
paint splattering
the passion
of my soul
drizzling silken strands
of love
in their entirety,
polishing me whole

and then
in blissful backwash
the tangled limbs
of your
completed masterpiece
in smiling
sated repose

You’re beautiful in the way you hurt me
In the way that I’ll slander your name
But willingly fall into your arms in the cover of darkness
I can’t remember when you first fell for me
Only the look in your eye that said you wanted me
I fell for you at first
You, with your pretty words and promises
And by the time you showed me your true colors
A piece of me had fallen in love with that, too
I kept telling myself that someday I’d walk away
And break free of your grasp
But that grasp has arms that hold me
Arms that, when I’m lonely in a sea of people
Are at once my lifeboat and the chain around my leg
Your kisses were beautiful, pure life flooding through me
Red hot and sweet and painful
But they left marks when your lips left my skin
Rivers of red that remind me of your affections
How is it that you were my death and my revival?
 Nov 2018 Chelsea-Michaela
i sit with my legs uncrossing on the toilet seat, 7th period
smells of puberty
of wasted ambition and scathing regret of everything
of whispered secrets and sore thighs, ***** dripping out between your lips into the bowl
of tortured angst, of pulling your skin taut and drawing the blade against you over and over, for trusting someone like him
of hope that the next day will be better than today (it isn't)
of high school.
written in 2018
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