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Kitts Apr 2015
Light weight, black glossy, perfection
You must hold such a weapon with confidence
Slender black arrows with green feathers
Bundled in the fine homemade black leather quiver
The silver steel tips made to ****
Sunlight playing peak a boo
With the shadows all around you
The ancient trees look down upon you
The wind picks up and gently plays with your hair
You breathe in the familiar smell
Of the ancient forest you call home
You haven't caught an a-wi in days
What will the hungry little ones do?
You see a flash of movement and you freeze
Draw a single arrow from the quiver on your back
Without a sound you take your position
Silently with practiced ease you aim and fire
You hear the death cry of the animal you have shot
Swiftly you run to were the cry came
There lays the plumpest most beautiful a-wi you have seen in moons
Thanking the a-wi with the words you were taught as a child
"Thank you dear sister/brother for giving your life so that my family could continue to live theirs"
With the sacred whisper you end the a-wi's pain with a quick slice from your blade
Smiling and whispering you’re thanks to the Great Spirit
You run as fast as you can to get the villages warrior braves
You are small but you are part of the Tsa-la-gi
Therefore you are never alone
Kitts Apr 2015
Lay me down to sleep
Ignore the way I weep
And when you realize that I'm dead
Don't let the pain go to your head
Remember how I used to be
Or better yet forget all about me
Don't let me cross your mind
Don't remember when I was kind
Forget the way I kissed
And let it be said "She won't be missed"
Just burn my body and bury the ash
Save yourself from wasting your first love; Cash
I know you will forget all about me
As soon as the life leaves this pale, scared body
Kitts Apr 2015
Gray flesh sown and stitched to blue flesh
Staples reflect the silvery moonlight
The professor scurries about like a crab around the massive human-like Creature on the cold metal slab
The monster isn't alive, not yet anyway
The professor is hurrying now
To make sure everything is perfect before the time comes
Wires and cables run from the monsters flesh to an assortment of Machines that whirl and flash with color
The machines look like monsters themselves, far more scary then the one on the operating table...
The professor, my master, says that this HAS to work...
I do not doubt my masters genius
But I fear the monster I helped him build
From bodies we stole from the morgue where the professor works
He says that if it works he will make more
I do not understand how the machines, lighting and moonlight and all that complicated things work
My mind is too simple for such things
I simply serve my master and do what he asks
The monster will be my masters greatest achievement
The greatest achievement science has ever seen!
I know I won't be remembered, my role is too simple for that
It will not be written down how I cut up those smelly corpses
And sown the dead flesh together to make something new
It will not be written how cold it is to sleep on the uneven castle floor With no more then straw and a moth eaten blanket for warmth
No, it will not be written down that I was the one to pull the switch
No, I will not be remembered but the monster will be
The monster my master would not have been able to create without me
Me, his faithful servant
Me, his pitiful slave
Me, the sower of flesh and assistant of a mad man
A crazed genius, with skin as white as paper
And cold as ice, how my masters eyes almost glow as the time draws near
There is not trace of fear on my masters white face
With a wild grin that reveals his crooked tombstone like teeth
He commands me to do what all the others before me were born to do
I reach out my green/grayish hand and...
Obey... I pull the black cold lever with the red *** on top

The artificial lighting flashes!
The moonlight quivers!
The machines scream as if alive, as if in pain!

The monster writhes and convulses with life
Suddenly as if someone had turned a switch everything dies
The machines the artificial lighting even the moonlight is gone
Pure darkness, solid almost tangible blackness
And just as quickly as it had left all the light and noise came back
And there strapped to the cold metal slab
The monster lay still
The defeat,
The utter hopelessness,
The grief that now was etched so deeply in my beloved masters pale face broke my simple heart
And as I was about to take a step towards my master
Something, I don't know what made me look towards the monster

The monster opened his eyes...
Kitts Apr 2015
I'll protect you,
Do what ever I have to do
To make you smile, to make you happy
I'll save you  from everything
I'll buy you whatever you want
Because your love is all I want
Please, just smile my way
I'll pick up the pieces of your broken heart
I promise, baby, we'll never be apart
I'll be your hero
I swear I'll never leave, no, won't ever go
Baby, I'll never hurt you
Not if I can help it, I promise my words will always be true
I hate to see you mad
And it **** me seeing you sad
So, please don't cry
Let me in, I want to be your guy
I know you say "We'll always be be friends"
But is that where our story ends?
So when you're wanting to go
Think of my hero syndrome before you let your true colors show
You're my damsel in distress
My Meg to my Hercules, I don't care if you owe the devil
Every encounter I'll level
I want to be your hero
But you don't need to be saved, but I can't walk away, no
I have this urge to save you
And you tell me that's not something I need to do
I see you in pain
And it drives me insane
You want to save yourself, you want to be strong
But how can I see you struggle on this road so long?
I want to save you
But you say that I'm just another boy with hero syndrome, how can I just be another guy?
Have they ever wanted to stop the tears you cry?
You laugh in my face
And when you run I can't help but give chase
I want to be your hero
But you tell me to just walk away, to just go
You try to tell me you're trying to save me from who you are
But I love you so much, I don't care about what you've done or how far you've gone
I'll join the crowd of the boys who love you
I'll be there when the rest of them don't come through
Girl, I want to be your hero
And I'm making no plans to go
Dedicated to Cory
Kitts Apr 2015
My hunger grows day after day
All boys should stay far away
Or I'll rip open their chest;
Take their heart and leave the rest
Even though I hunger and thirst for love
I am but a raven acting like a dove
For behind this oh so,"pretty," mask
Is a monster who has only one task
To rip open, break apart and devour
The hearts of boys who do not cower
For where my own heart once did beat
Lies that which several boys did defeat
And though the pieces lay true to form
My broken pieces will never again reform
I am the one monster, the only blue beast
On which little boys hearts, loves to feast
I sound and look like a victim:You are the prey
But the prey never listens to what predators say
I long for someone to break the spell, this curse...
But Who Could Ever Love A Beast?
Kitts Apr 2015
Just look up and this is what you'll see
Me swinging gently from our favorite tree
So you once said it'd be forever, and ever
But what you really meant was never, never
You left me so crippled and so very broken
Took the cornerstone of my heart as a token
All I wanted was your black and twisted heart
All I received was my small world torn apart
Now here I hang, waiting for forever and ever
Might as well've been the one pulling the lever
How useless i have become, how can I ever forget?
I happen to be broken, I haven't forgotten you yet
Was it something in your stormy blue/gray eyes?
Or in the way you caught me in your web of lies?
The lies that you hung me with and now I swing
Forever doomed to love the boy who is my suffering
Kitts Apr 2015
It's always in my dreams that you slap and hit me around
It's always in my dreams that I'm a little girl again
Helping her bleeding Mom off the ground
It's only in the night that I remember being
So tiny and to just live was a huge fight
I remember crying as my great aunt washed the lashes on my back
The way the blood swirled in the clear water of the bath tub
The lashes coming from the fishing pole that had met
My flesh during your drunken attack, How it hurt...
I ran into you the other day at the store in broad day light
And no matter how big I get you will always scare me in a fundamental way
I never backed down from you and I never will, no not ever
I will always remember the bruises you left on me
We still have the scars you left, me and my family
I remember the hatred that would flow through my little body
Because my Mom wouldn't tell anybody
They like to tell me that you have changed your ways
That you're better then you were back in those days
But people like you never change that much
Because I remember your fierce anger,  your hurtful touch
I am full of hate for you, and I wish to forget every memory
But I haven't, no not yet... I wish I could
My nightmares are memories of you
True Story
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