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637 · Sep 2014
dormant memories
dormant memories.
the cool brook,
gurgles on and on-
memoirs of an age
to always be.
633 · Sep 2014
on monologue
do not be unkind
to yourself
There is only one voice
within, two ears-
Be kind.
what are you telling yourself when you talk to yourself? love yourself.
610 · Sep 2014
exciting ideas blaze through
a shower, a moment,
a life, with you
602 · Oct 2014
breaking Me
breaking Me
is Patience-
bounding across
white peaks of snow
to Nirvana
564 · May 2016
Hello Poetry, I missed you.
Little girl lost,
found her way Home.
Hello, Poetry.
552 · Sep 2014
dream away
dream away hollows and sorrows
see one more life
no more oil spills
and we going forward
temptation scurries
home alone
533 · Oct 2014
poetry was
was a solace
when I was
will it be again

will it chase away
the fog of depression?
525 · Sep 2014
letting you go
      let go,
            relax, enjoy

             pain, decoy-
525 · Sep 2014
blue notes
blue notes
blue smoke
conversations, ****!
no solid occupation
dreams shatter, wither within
504 · Sep 2014
I sought salt in your soul
there was nothing,
putrid destruction only
of everything me!
some people destroy your core.
495 · Sep 2014
why are you here?
why are you here?
what do you want?
an old lover, a call
dare I breathe?
469 · Sep 2014
Two Souls
they laughed on,
two souls,
bound by grief
friendship, grief and laughter
448 · Sep 2014
In Poetry (cntd.)
In poetry, I open the pod of my heart,
without fear,
I show who I am.
poetry has been a welcoming, warm space in times of depression and sadness.
422 · Mar 2018
I feel like drawing.

into nothingness.

Wherever that is.
It has been a while since I wrote a poem; no wonder I have been sad.
399 · Sep 2014
Writer's Block
The ash falls, flake by flake,
into the lake, I am as stiff as a rake-
the oven of my mind can no longer bake,
Whatever I write, it just feels so fake!

This is not me, as I know myself
I'd have been scribbling away, lost in self
but my inspiration is sitting on a shelf,
the kitchen is *****, there is no chef!

I suffer chronically from writer's block,
I sit, I stare and I watch the clock-
The ship of Imagination is in the dock
stuck hard and fast like an old rock!

Verses used to flow so quick and easy
the thought of writing now makes me queasy-
I try and try, but its no longer breezy
I struggle, I fall, I feel rather wheezy!

I wonder when all this will ever go away
I wait, in vain, hoping for that one day
when writing shall be again, child 's play
and my inspiration will be here to stay!

The ash falls, flake by flake,
into the lake, I'm as stiff as a rake
the oven of my mind can no longer bake
and whenever I write, it feels fake!
374 · Sep 2014
fleeting reprieve
from me-
forgotten for hours,
left alone
in woods
of pleasing confusion
287 · May 2019
Hello, Nothingness.
In all your glory.

— The End —