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Dec 2019 · 408
My Defying Body
Anita Daniel Dec 2019
I hate, detest and loathe when I boldly said No
And my body defied me and gave him the go ahead...
My body responded to his touch even when I did not consent to having coitus with him.
Sep 2019 · 456
Unlived Life
Anita Daniel Sep 2019
Here I am at this adult stage          
Step by step flipping a new page    
Dare to wish I was caught in a cage  
The life I have lived ain't fair              
Cos I never got my fair share              
Fooled myself that I didn't care            
Seconds, minuetes, hours, days, weeks, months, years even decades has passed                                            
After each heartbeat I wish I had asked                                                      
I have been told lies                              
Each time tears filled my eyes              
I have been told that weak is she who cries                                                
Deep inside my heart silently  I could cry
Sep 2019 · 2.8k
" Non licet " love
Anita Daniel Sep 2019
I look through your eyes and I see our future
I see our love
I see our goals and aspirations come into life
Then reality hits me hard like my bottle of chapel sweet red wine crushing the floor
That our love is "non licet"
Against societies expectations
Against family beliefs
Beliefs that have been sown into my magnificent brain
**** that!
I broke the barriers
I don't live up to meritocratic expectations
I live for love
You are my love
I love you
Our energies coincide with one another
You are my "forbidden" soul mate
Just as these words flow
So does my love for you
Meu rei
I am in love with my relative.
Dec 2017 · 898
where is the passion?
Anita Daniel Dec 2017
Everytime I think of relationships my soul dents
We are stuck in societies where boys' glistening hormonal hunger are mistaken for love

Where is the passion?
These days men have gone through underground classes about how to lure women into believing that it is all about love meanwhile their plan is to only get in between women's legs so that their ego is enhanced
He tells you how beautiful you are and gives you a full description of how you make his heart beat fast and his palms sweat
He tells you that only you complete him fully
And asks to meet up with him not even on a proper date like in the days of our parents
You go to his place and the setting screams : Pleasure!
He whispers all sweet nothings into your ears that excites your body and you believe that he truly loves you
Before you know he has gotten what he wanted and wants to get rid of you as soon as possible
The next few days he ignores you and texts you the next time he "misses" you
He types a long paragraph narrating how busy he has been and you fall for it again because of the effort he took to type a long *** raudy paragraph

Where is the passion?
Men no longer send you notes that circulated around the class when you were in 7th grade that read : " You look beautiful as the sky" " Yellow makes your eyes pop" " Mom taught me how to make lemonade I thought you'd love some" "I love you, yes or no"
They no longer secretly protect you from the bullies that always made fun of you in high school down the hall
They no longer want to know what your favorite book is and why
They do not pick flowers from Mrs A's garden to present to you
They don't make jokes about relevant matters
All they know is ****** jokes that downgrade your value as a woman
Men don't want to hear all about your day and the conversations you've had with your girls or the argument you had with your mother
They are all about your paradise
When they look at you they uncover and undress you in their minds
They measure the size of your ***** and behind

Where is the passion?
That boy from next door who always came over to study with you because he knows you need help with maths
That boy that your parents always saw as your elder brother who protects you from evil creatures
That boy that your dad would allow to take you to the movies because he is well behaved and has only blown a kiss to you
That young man who respects you and your values and is concerned with how you will achieve all your dreams

Where are all these boys who are now handsome men
Show yourself for we are exhausted of all these boys that are dressed in men's cloaks...

Young lady I urge you to rise up
Open your eyes and stand your ground
You are worth more than cliché pickup lines from the internet
You are a well crafted diamond
Have high standards that not just any man can approach you
Do not be loose
Your are the carrier of life
Make it clear that you do not entertain hormonal boys
You desire a man that will build an empire with you and raise your family with you in due time when you have achieved most of your dreams and his too
You are that backbone of this earth
Know your worth and do away with mediocre.
passion over lust.
Anita Daniel Sep 2017
It is really my fault.
I let my emotions swim through all this.
I should have kept quiet.
I shouldn't have thought about it.
I tried convincing my heart that there's nothing more to this relation, but no my heart coincided with my mind and breathed out hope, hope that maybe just one day things will change we would be comfortable with being each others.
Seeing that we both know how the other is.
And everything will fall into place.
I always knew that it would not work, but my heart.
It saddens me that I'm divided into three and two, two overpower me they cloud my reasoning and judgement.
I really hope that things go back to normal.
That the balance remains.
Being emotional really *****.
There's no shallowness at least if it were present I would be laughing my *** out about this now, but no.
I won't lie.
I am actually hurt.
It is slowing sinking in that we want different things.
We view this differently.
Maybe if I was still younger I would consider this whole friends with benefts thing.
I am older now.
I can't settle for such an arrangement. I get attached easily.
I won't manage.
Falling for your best friend can take it's toll on you. Sometimes it works and some times it doesn't. But at least he knows how I feel.
May 2017 · 474
His words
Anita Daniel May 2017
"But I took your heart
and soul so you can't run
no matter how u try
I made a mark
I'm not easily replaceable."
May 2017 · 527
What I desire
Anita Daniel May 2017
Not casualty.
Or Meaning less kisses.
Only soul connecting kisses cos the heart connects to everything. All the pain and misery.
But souls don't.
Connect with my soul.
All I want is for
Our souls to dance to angelic rhythm...
Be my true soul mate.
We are in a era where people "hook up" . Souls do not connect anymore. It is heartbreaking.
Jan 2017 · 532
My Cry To You
Anita Daniel Jan 2017
I feel filthy
My mind has seen and thought of unspeakable lust
I continuously opened the door of my Paradise
Great fear has tiptoed into my wellbeing-wounded heart
The fear of being touched
And made love to
Is overwhelming
All the excitement died
And I feel filthy
Save me from this misery my love
Nothing else could ever fix my dented soul
The blood is flooding my chest
My intercoastal muscles have been weakened
Be my surgeon
Glossy eyes makes me blind
Jan 2017 · 721
Anita Daniel Jan 2017
I'm really alone this time around
I've pushed him furthermore
Even though I told him to move on
I didn't think he would this fast
He hasn't texted me yet
I really am all alone this time
There are people around yet I'm all by myself
He made me lively even when he lives miles away from me
Knowing that I am his kept me alive
I'm not saying I will bite the dust
But he kept me breathing
He told me about his new girlfriend
We've only been separated for a few weeks after 530 days
He moved on
Nothing could ever fix a dented soul
If this is love I don't want it again
He told me that he loves me insanely
Dec 2016 · 620
I messed up?
Anita Daniel Dec 2016
Remember that you are the root of your own heart ache, he said.
I looked at him and believed him because that’s all I’ve ever done since we’ve been together.
And now after a year five months we split. And he tells me that I have been helping her heal since May this year.
I honestly thought we could fix it, but that’s pretty ****** up.
I have only ever been honest with him…
I guess I really messed up for telling him that I felt something when I hugged one of my past flings.
And he jumped and called me names. Pushed me to leave him.
I couldn’t sleep, like now.
I woke up in the morning crying.
I wanted him back.
I love him insanely, but he told me about the since May girl and I feel drained.
I can’t keep up…
I mean he is obviously gonna have to always help her heal by telling her he is hers.
So much for being related…
I don’t even know whether what I’ve just typed makes sense.
Nov 2016 · 568
Anita Daniel Nov 2016
Fear, fear drives me insane.
I am not crazy, but sane.

I am not afraid anymore!
I am free at last
Making decisions on my own with no one dictating me
It is no longer like before... I was in a cage being taken from one place to the other
That is all gone I make the calls now

The little girl you'd instruct to jumped and asked how how high is no more
Now when you say jump I say no
I wanna run
I'm tired of jumping
I like running
Yes that's right I do what I like
I am not afraid anymore

I've found out how worthy I am
And nothing not even you can take that away from me
You're were a stumbling block
I discovered how to use my wings
You won't look down on me cos I'm up here

Fear you are nothing, but a microscopic block
A bacteria is bigger than you

I am free from you
Don't be afraid to conquer the world
Fear is just a feeling get rid of it and you will see how great you actually are
Oct 2016 · 421
My Friends...
Anita Daniel Oct 2016
My Friends?
They left me!
I had asked them to wait for me
But they left
They left without the decency of informing me
I am sad
I was all alone
But I'm sad that they did not inform me that they are leaving

I will wait for them
After all it is not in my nature to avenge
And if I have to leave I will inform them
Whoever said you don't need friends was talking to himself. I love my friends... I need them even though they might not need me...
Sep 2016 · 11.0k
What is Heritage?
Anita Daniel Sep 2016
It is the way my traditional head cloth covers my head artistically.
Giving me a sense of a gracefully hand made Crown.
Passed on from generation to generation by
My ancestors from all corners of Africa.

It is the way my hands flatter when I narrate a story.
Giving me a sense of articulation.
Pride, dances through my veins.

It is the way my body moves to rhythm from hip to hip.
Shoulders momentarily shaking to the sound of unique beads woven Shekere.
Legs aggressively moving to the talking drum.

It is the way  I speak to my elders with respect.
Knees on the floor when taking or giving them something.
Sweep the compound when asked to.
Adherence of instructions turn to turn.

Heritage moves with me in one accord.
I am proudly African. My words speak for themselves. Know where you are from it will help you go further with life.
Aug 2016 · 2.4k
I am not afraid anymore
Anita Daniel Aug 2016
Let me tell you a few things about me.
I used to be the insecure one
Felt ugly and worthless
That I am not of this world
Have brains no looks
Didn't put effort in designer clothes

People would tell me that I'm beautiful
I'd smile and say to myself they just try to make me feel better
I doubt the mirror too
Being picked on by bigger kids ruined my self-esteem

Then I started reading books. Taking pictures
"Dressing up" still felt ugly
Boys would come and ask me out
I felt they made bets with their friends

Now I am not afraid anymore
I have decided to embrace my uniqueness
I dress up and attend self discovery  events
I feel beautiful haha I am beautiful
Always have been

I am not afraid anymore

I walk confidently
The ground is made of gold
I am an enchantress
Never doubt yourself. You are beautiful. Love yourself. Nobody has to confirm whether you are beautiful or not. Even the mirror agrees that you are an enchantress. Keep that chin up.
Jul 2016 · 397
Something is terribly wrong
Anita Daniel Jul 2016
Something is terribly wrong.

My heartbeat is fast.

My chest is rising.

Sobs are escaping.  

My cheeks are wet.

Something is terribly wrong.
Jun 2016 · 425
I was
Anita Daniel Jun 2016
A baby bear who couldn't hibernate
Kept everyone up till late
Jun 2016 · 892
The ground and I
Anita Daniel Jun 2016
The ground and I are good friends
We have shared a few encounters
The first encounter was when my Dad went to prepare our mansion in heaven with Angels
I was only seven

The second encounter was when we had to move from our house and town to live with Granny and Pops
My mom's folks
I experienced melancholy
Little did I know that Melancholy signified my fourth encounter with the ground
He touched me made me roll the rubber down his manhood
He put his ugly cigarette thick fingers in my cookie jar
I was only nine
That wasn't enough
He would wake me up in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep and say Angel let us go watch the stars
I wouldn't say no to watching stars that's my favorite thing to do especially late at night
That's when my Fifth encounter with the ground occurred
Pops told me that if I scream he will ensure that he throws myself and baby sister out
I remembered that we had nowhere to go so I obeyed
The ground and I became one at this point for nine years
I didn't tell moms for I didn't wanna ruin her relationship with her folks
She had business trips all the time to ensure that we have all we need
Pops is dead anyways
The sixth encounter was when moms told me she doesn't trust me
That ripped me into microscopic pieces
Luckily we are now good friends
And the rest of encounters are when my "true loves" chopped my heart into cubes

Oh there is encounter it happened when I found out that I have an extra year  in High School
But now all is well

I'm not afraid to fall
For the ground and I are friends
I always standup even if it takes years sometimes
The fall made me who I am now
Don't be afraid of falling. There's good outcomes in falling. You just have to rise. Pick up your shoes and start walking into your destined place. You can do it ***.
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
Anita Daniel Jun 2016
I was dead
You brought me into reincarnation.
My heart was broken into microscopic pieces
You merged those pieces together.
You monitored me into Loving and trusting.
Now that I am immovably tenacious they want me back.
I don't want them.
You are the one I deeply love.
You gave me life for it is said a life without love is not life.
You are my soulmate.
They see that I have found my soulmate now they want me back.
What You and I share is mindblowing.
You are the only one for me.
You are all I need no one else can touch
My heart like you do. There is none like you.  
You are mine and I yours.
Eu te amo tanto querido  
To the one I love wholeheartedly.
Jun 2016 · 878
Anita Daniel Jun 2016
We had agreed to meet up today
I called you twice
But you didn't pickup
Earlier this evening I called
We talked
I asked what happened to our agreement
You said "were we supposed to meet today? Hahaha oh yeah we were"
My heart tore
The art got destroyed
Then  you went on by saying that you had forgotten and tis not important
Wow all this time I thought that I was important to you
You still went on by saying you will make it up to me
This is how you thank me after all I've been through and done for you huh
I forgot about making myself happy by ensuring that you're happy
I don't know
Maybe I'm just the girl who has to ensure that you are where you're supposed to be and that's it
All my the me investing my time and self will be enjoyed by someone else
This is so unfair
If this is love then I don't ever wanna love again
Maybe I'm wrong

I shouldn't have shown you my home
Now you know where I sleep
If I knew I wouldn't let you in
Now my pillow is soaked with my tears
Oh nothing could ever fix a dented soul
Love can't be like this. There's no way. My heart is bleeding.
Jun 2016 · 621
Who Is She?
Anita Daniel Jun 2016
She is accessible at all times.
Defenseless she lost the might.
Naked her soul is dented.
On the line. On the spot. Out on a limb. Ready to be attacked.
She is the one who is a sitting duck.
Sucker. Susceptible. Tender.
The thin-skinned one.
Unguarded. Unprotected. Unsafe.
She is weak.
Wide open.
All I am trying to say is that she is VULNERABLE.

But then again.
She desires to be closed, guarded, protected, safe and secure.
Is that so much to ask?
On the Spot
Jun 2016 · 1.6k
Anita Daniel Jun 2016
I was coming from a prayer meeting with my aunt, sister, niece and nephew.
The car stopped waiting for our gate to open up
I looked out of the window
I had to for I heard laughter
As I looked closer I noticed that he has dimples
Beautiful smile I immediately wanted to see more
He was with his friends, but I noticed him only
I decided to go to the shop
That's where they were standing
I just wanted him to greet me nothing more
Little did I know that he was checking me out
I bought credit then turned to head back into our yard
But someone blocked my way
Hahaha Dimples stood right in front of me
He took my hand and shook it
"You have beautiful eyes" he said
From that moment I liked him so much
Him holding me and complimenting me got him my digits
Serendipity is what caused our encounter
Now we are deeply in love with each other
Nothing can ever break us
I swear everytime I think of that day it feels as though I'm reading a scene from one of my favorite Novels
I didn't know where we would end, but now I do
Jun 2016 · 475
I must have lost it
Anita Daniel Jun 2016
I must have lost it

My words no longer flow
I find it hard  to describe how I really feel
Writing helped then I stopped
I found out of this new invention called thinking
All I do is think of how I feel instead of jotting in down with ink in my poetry book
I must have lost it
I wanna find the inner writer of whom I have neglected
Take me back

— The End —