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 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Stars streaked past.
Stars shining at an all time high.
Brighter than the lights in our eyes it shines.
We kissed, we danced.
Our fingers intertwined as the world around us collapsed.
Dancing and singing our favourite songs among tree tops, we danced towards the light.
Although afraid of heights.
We soared.
High above the failures and the depths of the sea.
High up in the sky in symphony.
My forehead touched yours.
And yours touched mine.
The winds of our hearts carried us as we danced away...the world becoming the room where we danced in before.
Where we met.
The stars becoming the light bulbs hanging in the dusty old room.
The space around us folded us in like an origami.
Things didn't make sense.
I wish I never find it.
I don't want to get lost in your gaze.
Lest I fall into the hole of your pupils,
lest I collapse when you leave.
Lest I tried to erase you from my memory.
Lest I lose you and I can't survive...
Let's...stay as friends...
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Dear child,
Don't be afraid,
When the moon
Isn't up in the sky.
He's quiet but there,
Always aware,
Watching you
with loving eyes.

Dear child,
Don't be afraid,
When the moon
Isn't by your side.
He's silent but cares
For you who's so bare
In the dark
of lonely nights.

Dear child,
Don't be afraid,
When the moon
Is out of your sight.
With distance you wonder,
Yet your heart grows fonder,
Hence do you look forward
To living every night.
Dear Tamia, if astronauts can do it, then so can you. You will reach the fullest of moons. Don't be afraid, live your life like every day is a night, and happy birthday. Perhaps and truly, you are the moon, and I love you.

 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
his name
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Hearing his name destroys me
He doesn’t think about me
The sound of my voice
The kiss of my lips
He said my eyes were the most beautiful thing
He probably forgot the colour
Or the way they sparkle when I look at him
He use to send paragraphs about how much he loved me
Now the only thing he says is that he hates me and that I’ve changed
I’ve changed because I gave all of me to you, and now that you’re gone
I don’t know who I am.
Hearing his name destroys me
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Lillian May
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Lillian May
a wish
a whisper
the breath of a kiss
the way the word alone
slips off the lips
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Is It
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R

Is it the wave kissing the sand
          or is it the ocean
                   deep from her heart
sometimes gently,
                                  often hard,
but always with passion?

Is it the sand kissing back
        or is it the land
            happily losing ground
with every kiss
             to his eternal mistress,
the occupant of his soul?

No one else in sight
Passion burning bright
If you close your eyes
You'll lose control
Cause when I kiss your lips
I feel your soul
Found this poem I wrote for my ex after our first kiss 3 years ago.  Crazy how time slips away.
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Prathi Sekar
Golden light fills the sky
Gentle breeze embraces me
Warm sand kneads my feet.
A soft gurgle escapes
When the waves tug the shore playfully.
Time has paused at this perfect moment
Or Is it my heart pacing as fast as time
Creating a perfect illusion?
I look at your lit face,
Eyes wide above that sunken nose
Brown hair reflecting the golden hue
The soft brush of your hands against mine
Jitters emanating from our bodies
I look into your eyes
shoving the muddles from my head
I lean closer
My lips brushing against yours
Our first kiss
Etched by the golden sun
The gentle breeze
In the Eternal truth
Sun at its peak, everything outside is so bright,
but her room is giving a horrific sight.
She stands in front of mirror wearing his favorite dress.
Her reflection looks back at her, asking
"who are you?"
She touches her lips, closes her eyes.
"You're a freak and I love it. Can you be mine?"
She opens her eyes wide,
as woke up from a nightmare,
or maybe it was only a haunted memory.
But something is breaking inside.
She picks up lipstick, paints her lips red.
Looks damaged but but beautiful outside.

"I love you so much. You're the best thing happened to me. Stay with me forever. You're my life."
She walks towards the side table.
A suicide note is waiting there to get read.
Burning it with her lighter, she smiles.

"Why are you so depressed all time? What is bothering you?
Why you get this anxiety? You got me baby. Its all fine."
She turns and makes her calendar marked 6th of July.
Putting all pain behind,
she lefts a sigh of relief as if the beast,
that stalks her is duped forever.

"Why are you so possessive? I hate it.
How can you have a lot of Internet friendships but no friends in real? You gotta change yourself."
She walks through the door.
A new life is ahead her.

"No you don't have to change yourself this way. Don't be childish."
She is going down through stairs.

"There is nothing normal with you. You always exaggerate things. Sometimes I hate even myself to be with you."

Suddenly she hears a phone ring coming out of her room.
Her stomach drops.

"Things are not working out baby I'm sorry..."

She is going back to her room.

"We must get separated."

Her hands trembling, her heart making a one last wish.

"Why did you cut your wrist? I hate you even more now"

Mommy's text was there that she might get late today.

"You're a freak. Get out of my life."

She smashes her phone into mirror.
She is done with being all fine.
She is not going outside now to show the world that she is strong.
Her screams filling the room.
"I love you please come back."
But only echoes are there laughing back at her.
And here she goes
writing again a suicide note.
Lately I wasn't feeling fine and I wrote this. Maybe there are some mistakes but this is what all I have to write
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