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May 2016 · 395
Alex M May 2016
You care for me
You give me home and hearth
You provide my many and basic needs
Yet I do not thank you enough

You treat me right
You provide me with things I don't even know I want
You give me the world and universe
Yet I do not thank you enough

You deserve the best
Yet I do not thank you enough

Today is a day where I thank you for everything you do

Happy Mother's Day
For my amazing mom
May 2016 · 561
Alex M May 2016
A caterpillar cannot see what he will become
Wandering aimlessly as a little insect that has no idea of the future
Eating leaves and enjoying life
Crawling about the hard ground
All over and around

One day he gets an urge
Bundles into a blanket of change
He sits and sleeps hibernating
Lonely in the everlasting darkness
Suddenly a crack

Looking out he sees the sun
Blinding light fills his eyes
He steps out to a world of change
Wings like the sail of a boat on his own back
He has felt change in himself forever more
Never to be the same
May 2016 · 801
Alex M May 2016
Lightning doesn't strike twice
It enjoys individuality
Seeks something new when a storm brews
It hits and makes a spark
It doesn't care what is best and worse
It makes it everywhere

Let the lightning come to you
Don't let it strike the same place twice
Be unique and an independent individual
Let the lightning come to you
You be the spark
Be an individual and unique person. Everyone is different. Do not be afraid to show that.
May 2016 · 329
Alex M May 2016
You anger me
I am my best
You scream
I try to whisper
You lie to me
I know the truth
You are bipolar
I try to accept you
Just stop
May 2016 · 654
Alex M May 2016
People Gossiping
Food fights
People crammed and scattered
Yelling and screaming
Chewing and chawing
May 2016 · 500
Happily Ever After
Alex M May 2016
I don't want a princess life
I don't want a prince charming
I don't want a bibity-bobity-boo
I don't want a pumpkin carriage
I don't want a knight and his steed
I just want you
You are my Happily Ever After
May 2016 · 308
Out Of
Alex M May 2016
There are 7 oceans
8 planets
9 continents
7.4 billion people
Yet I still have you
May 2016 · 286
Alex M May 2016
You turn your head
I look away
I peak over
You're hanging out with friends
You laugh
I cry
I want you
Do you notice?
May 2016 · 316
Alex M May 2016
I am nothing without you
But you never seem to notice
I don't say anything
Scared I'll stand out
I want to stand out, but not too much
I've given you signs but your blind to them
I am nothing without you
Please notice me
May 2016 · 2.2k
I Have, I Now, I Will
Alex M May 2016
I have mistreated you
I have thrown you away
I have made you weak
I have polluted you
I have made you *****
I have damaged you
I have destroyed your outer beauty
I have built new structures, that cover your natural landforms
I have made you change so much in such little time
I have mistreated you

I now care
I now think before I do
I now do not litter, but recycle
I now reuse and reduce
I now build more of your natural beauty the best I can
I now encourage others to take part
I now reduce waste
I now conserve water
I now try to make you new
I now care

I will share
I will tell people the news
I will joins “Save the Earth” groups
I will spread the word
I will take action
I will create an army, to save your worth
I will hang signs and posters
I will explain what we have done
I will show new effective solutions
I will share

I have mistreated you
That was in the past
I now care
I will treat you right
I will share
I will spread the word

We will all take action
This poem is about earth day.
May 2016 · 1.0k
I am Grey
Alex M May 2016
Red, yellow, green and blue
Orange, pink and violet, too.
All of these colors are accepted
But me, gray, nobody likes gray
I am gray

I am a dark shade
I am not a color
I blend in, never coming out
The rest of the colors are vibrant
I am gray

I am always in the dark
Never spoken to
Never acknowledged
I am always pushed aside
I am gray

I am by myself - Like a lone wolf
No one understands me
I am the shadows of other people
I feel like I don’t belong
I am gray

I am darkness
Never to be seen with the sun
I have no brightness within me
I stay hidden in the lonely street corners
I am gray

I should never come out
for no one would notice me
I am a shadowy figure
No one understands me
I am gray

Red, yellow, green and blue
Orange, pink and violet, too.
I wish I was like them,
I wish to be known and to belong
I am gray
May 2016 · 808
Alex M May 2016
Perhaps you won’t mind my otherworldyness
I am different, yet similar
We are both living, though that is a bit of a stretch
We have beating and living hearts, though I have three
We have a brain to think from
We both have dreams when we sleep
We are both intelligent creatures living on this earth

Perhaps you won’t mind my otherworldyness
I am different, yet similar
I have tentacles, you have arms
I live in the sea, you live on land
I camouflage, you do not
I live for a short few years, while you live for decades
We are both intelligent creatures living on this earth

Perhaps we are more similar than you think
This poem is for a school project. What do you all think?
May 2016 · 943
Alex M May 2016
I look across the hallway down a ways
What I see also sees me
She waves
I am astonished
Does she see that?
Does she see the way I feel?
I walk over
She is focused on me
She only sees me
I reach in
I feel a chill down my spine
I stay focused
She wraps her arms around me
I feel relaxed, soothed, serine
She can taste me
My Past
My Present
My future
She knows every little thing I have said and done
She has invaded my secrets I tell no one
I don’t mind
She pulls
I let her
I hear footsteps hurrying near
They are pulling me out
I could stay here forever
I am free here
I am suddenly released from the dazed spell she put on me
A little longer?
I don’t mind
This poem is for a school project. What do you all think?
May 2016 · 367
Alex M May 2016
The rain darkens the morning sky
Nothing seems to brighten it up
I see a stranger walk by
The person smiles
They illuminate the world by being so joyous on this grey day
May 2016 · 435
Alex M May 2016
I drive to work in this gloomy day
No rays of light to illuminate the sky
Nothing could fill ones soul with dread quicker that the droplets raining from above
The roads are slick
The grass is damp
The world is dark
May 2016 · 340
God's Tears
Alex M May 2016
I sit beside my windowsill
When the sun should be rising
Instead grey cotton ***** fill the sky
Drops of God's Tears fall upon us
Why is he so sad and gloomy?
He is not happy because the sky is dark
Why so sad?
Will we ever know
May 2016 · 532
Bad Dream
Alex M May 2016
"Mommy?" I say as a walk through the door
"What is it dear" she replies with her heart in her voice
"I had a bad dream" I say "Can I lay with you?"
"Of course!" She answers in her sweetest, kindest, most heartfelt tone
I hop in her bed, just her and me
I grab her arm, she pulls me close
I hug her
She hugs back
May 2016 · 639
What is Pain
Alex M May 2016
Mama, what is pain?
Pain is hurt
When what gets hurt, Mama?
Your feelings, your body, your life
Have you been hurt, Mama?
Many times
When, Mama?
When your father left us
Why did he leave, Mama?
He was in Pain
May 2016 · 390
Alex M May 2016
Why can't you understand I have feelings, too

Everything you say to me hurts

I do have feelings, just like everyone else

I may not be normal, to your definition, at least

That does not give you the right to treat me like that

I never say anything

Maybe that is whats wrong with me

I was happy as a child

What happened?

I do have feelings, too

— The End —