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Oct 2016 · 162
Sam Oct 2016
Those words I will hear, forever more.
Each time I will melt away.
Either good or bad, It doesn't matter,
Just the presentation gives it to the entirety.
Listening makes me go insane,
I fall a little harder every time.
I shouldn't, but I do.
It all started long, long ago.
My eyes were widened to this new tone.
As I sat there, hearing the words,
I fell into a dream.
A dream that I wish was reality,
But I know will never come true.
Oct 2016 · 221
Sam Oct 2016
It would be easier
much faster
but would it be worth it
would it still be the same?
the little thoughts
Oct 2016 · 633
Songs Speak the Truth
Sam Oct 2016
Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you
Let me inside
Let me get close to you
Change your mind
I'll get lost
If you want me to
Somehow I found
A way to get lost in you
("Lost in You" -Three Days Grace)
Oct 2016 · 138
Everyone knows me...
Sam Oct 2016
At least they think they do.
Is this the real me?
Are you interpreting things right?
Wonder, Ponder, and Listen.
Do you actually know me?
Or do you just think you do.
Oct 2016 · 390
Sam Oct 2016
I read the book,
I wrote the notes and I interpreted.
I came in to school,
and the teacher told me wrong.
I my interpretation was totally off,
even though I had resonable proof for my assumptions.
I just don't see, what others see,
Ya know?
Oct 2016 · 213
Sam Oct 2016
I am being pulled back,
Well, I am already back.
I was improving,
Then stuff happened,
and I'm back where I started.
Why did I let go
How did I let go
I try to make up metaphors but they never work so I apologize for my blantely obvious poems that **** anyways :).
Oct 2016 · 143
I need to stop
Sam Oct 2016
I distract,
I move,
I find,
I come back.
I get pulled,
I get drawn.
Why can't I just stop?
I can't.
I'm afraid to...
I cringe at my own poems
Oct 2016 · 170
I wonder? Nah.
Sam Oct 2016
I got the sign,
I understand now.
Another puzzle piece was placed on the table,
Though a piece was ripped out of my heart.
You don't know,
You will never know,
But I do.
im sorry for my dramaticness =_=
Oct 2016 · 134
I see
Sam Oct 2016
I say I do,
But I never actually.
I say I'm through,
But am I really?
Sep 2016 · 374
Sam Sep 2016
The one who I vent to,
The one who listens.
The one who probably thinks I'm crazy,
but loves me anyways.

The one who I trust for anything,
The one who I tell everything,
The one who knows all,
but never judges me.

The one who trusts me,
The one who has my back,
The one who I am here for,
and doesn't push me away.
The one? Or the many? I cannot choose.
Sep 2016 · 132
Confessions #1
Sam Sep 2016
Slipping away by the tips of your fingers,
Watching it go by,
It's beauty and grace,
Ever enchanting,
Forever beautiful.
The real meaning? Guess. It isn't what you think, or is it? Your welcome.
Sep 2016 · 261
All the Questions
Sam Sep 2016
All the answers desired,
no answers given.

Questions wanted to be asked,
No courage to ask them.

Forever wondering,
Forever waiting,
In curiosity.
Sep 2016 · 240
....Or is it?
Sam Sep 2016
For I once believed it was,
Now I'm not quite sure.
I never know exactly what,
That has kept me here this long.

I don't know if I should stay,
Or to leave it be for good.
Because whenever I feel that I am wrong,
Something happens to prove me right.

So I decide to wait,
Is it worth it?
Give me a sign,
So I know.

I am not asking much,
Or maybe I am,
and am reading this wrong.

All I know is,
I try to understand.
I try to interpret,
but I usually fail.
I wasn't sure how to end this-so it is kinda abrupt...oh well
Sep 2016 · 435
Sam Sep 2016
I think too much.
I make stories up, that will never come true.
I tell my self scenario's, that are impossible.
I hope for things, that never actually happen.
But it's always there.
Hope for, I can not say.
For it is not something that I believe to be true,
But it's something that I so desperately want,
So Hope remains.
What I say, What I do, I plan.
I have a meaning for everything,
because I think too much.
I overthink, I get scared, I get anxious.
Why must my mind question everything?
Can't I just live in the moment, see what happens?

because that wouldn't be me.
I am someone who thinks too much,
Someone who worries about everything,
and takes everything to the next level.
My thinking may go over the top,
but it gives me occasional happiness,
and eternal hope...i think.
Yes, okay, um, maybe?
Sep 2016 · 354
Knowing the truth...
Sam Sep 2016
Would make things so much easier.
I could know what to wish for,
without me being broken in the end.
I could know who to follow,
So I wouldn't go anywhere I didn't want to.
I could know what to do,
In times like this when confusion sets in,
and I don't know if what i'm thinking,
Is correct.
I hate to make myself hopeful,
for things that won't come true.
But I can't shake it off.
I don't know,
I will never know,
*the truth
Yes probably, But not for sure
I dont know
wont someone please tell me

|*** is going on in my head|
Sep 2016 · 1.0k
Sam Sep 2016
Help me for I don't,
I don't know what's going on.
Im still here,
For what?
I don't know.
Ask the bracelet,
It shall tell all.
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Sam Sep 2016
It's beauty is endless.
The notes it sings,
the music it plays.
Each guitar is unique,
Each has a different style.
As I play, I am happy.
Double slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs.
Playing the same riff over and over,
until your fingers hurt from the strings.
The feeling you get when you master a riff,
and play it with the song.
You feel unstoppable, You feel happy,
I feel me.
Sep 2016 · 289
Sam Sep 2016
It's the same thing.
How did I not see this before?
Mmm, Interesting.

I say the puzzle pieces click,
I lie.

They don't all fit together, just yet.
They will eventually, I do believe.
They come together, one at a time.
I ponder, I realize, I reflect.

Yet, nothing becomes of these thoughts,
I keep them to myself.
Because they are not worth knowing,
to someone who wouldn't understand.

You must figure it out on your own.
I was told these things, I didn't believe.
A puzzle piece was placed, I saw, I knew.

One by one, I shall figure it out.
But for now as I wait,
I enjoy the game.
Sep 2016 · 254
The Sun
Sam Sep 2016
It rises,
It sets.
Sometimes we long for the end of thy day,
So we can start fresh and anew.
Others, we wish that day could last forever,
Holding it in your grasp, and never letting it go.
The Sun
A funny concept.
We tell time by it,
by a star.
What *is
time anyways?
What does everything mean on this earth?
Something that happens now,
Will be forgotten soon.
Twenty years from now,
Will I know I wrote this poem?
On September 27, 2016 at 11:20 p.m.?
I may not remember the exact words,
But I hope I'll remember the message.
The sun rises and it sets for a reason,
to give us a second chance,
a brand new day to be happy,
*to be free.
Message-Learn It.
Sep 2016 · 195
Sam Sep 2016
What you deserve,
and what is received.
Two totally different ideas,
sometimes end up getting mixed up.
You deserve more than the hurt,
more than the pain.
You deserve joy.
You deserve freedom.
Let it be known,
Show what you need,
and you will get what is deserved.
Don't let people hurt you,
It will only get worse.
End it now,
You will receive joy, in the end.
most <3
Sep 2016 · 702
Happiness v.s Joy
Sam Sep 2016
Happiness is all around,
but joy is almost never found.
Happiness is short term, not made to last,
while joy, is in the contrast.
Joy is forever, Joy is always,
yet you are lucky,
if happiness lasts for a few days.
What happens when neither are found?
If happiness is lost, and joy is unreachable,
Is the slump I'm in ever unbeatable?
Sure, yes, you can tell me it's not,
but who's to say it's not a long shot?
Happiness vs Joy, oh what a difference,
when all you see, is nothing but bitterness.
Sep 2016 · 528
Sam Sep 2016
Sitting on the shelf,
collecting dust.
Used as decorations,
rather than their actual purpose.
To be read is what they desire,
yet that is something they shall never acquire.
So they sit, as life goes by,
being forced to comply.
Their wish may not be granted,
and it is the wish of others they follow.
If their's isn't, someone else's should be right?
So, as decorations they sit,
hoping someday, their wish will be granted,
and they will benefit, once more.
Sep 2016 · 202
Je n'est pas moi
Sam Sep 2016
Où est-ce que je suis allée?
Je suis perdu.
Comment est-ce que je suis arrivée ici?
Je ne sais pas.
Qui va aide-moi?
*Ne personne.
Le français est horrible, je suis désolé.
Sep 2016 · 462
Sam Sep 2016
Something so simple,
Something so easy,
Is so hard for me to do.
Repeat in my head the billions of possibilities that may occur,
and end up never doing one.
Instead, I go on,
regretting the things I never did,
or don't have the courage to do again.
Sep 2016 · 293
Ugh, Why am I like this?
Sam Sep 2016
I feel like I lost,
You won.
I was winning,
What happened?
I was finally in control,
or was I?
It's all a hoax,
because I'm confused.
I'm making everything up,
everything does't have to be this confusing.
It's me.
I am the problem.
The only way to fix that,
is to have me go.
Everyone would be better off,
In the end at least.
I know it,
I'm sure.
I ask myself,
Why did I write this poem?
Do I actually feel this way?
I shouldn't.
But then why am I saying it?
When I write poetry,
It is my way to vent.
My way to just let things out,
I didn't know i had bottled up inside me.
why is it always so sad?
I make it to be that way,
and I don't know why.
I don't know how to stop either.
It is something that helps me,
but I don't know why.
This time, writing poems doesn't seem to do the trick,
Is this it?
Am I finally worn enough to be broken to no repair?
I guess my bio was right except for one thing.
I am broken, but most wouldn't say in a good way.
Sep 2016 · 254
Am I reversing the effects?
Sam Sep 2016
Have I turned it around?
Am I doing it, too?
I'm afraid.
I don't want that.
I can't do that.
I can't lose them.
I need help.
Sep 2016 · 152
Little Things
Sam Sep 2016
The little things open my eyes to reality.
The things I do,
The things others do.
Oh I finally see it alright,
First hand indeed.
I'm glad the truth is revealed.
If the situation were reversed,
I would've done things differently.
Just know
help is wanted,
help is given,
*help is taken away.
it's not you.
Sep 2016 · 224
I Lie...
Sam Sep 2016
...a lot.
Not in a bad way,
Just to make people feel better.
To have people not worry.
Because everyone already has enough to think about.
Don't go adding me into that mess.
You don't need that.
*Nobody does.
Sep 2016 · 269
I'm Lost
Sam Sep 2016
I need some assistance to find my way,
though I don't know where my destination is.
I wish I understood what was going on,
I really don't.
Sometimes I'm fine,
Sometimes I'm super happy and free,
Other times?
Y'all don't want to know.
I'm exhausted,
I'm tired of those times.
Why can't it be over?
Here and not
there is no difference
Sep 2016 · 1.4k
The Little Robin
Sam Sep 2016
Whenever the sparrow falls,
it's there to catch it.
The robin watches the sparrow,
encouraging it to fly high, to reach their dreams.
The robin said something to the sparrow today,
The puzzle was put in place.
The sparrow is content,
the sparrow is happy,
because the little young robin,
made everything okay.
Thank You <3
Sam Sep 2016
I'm done pretending to care.
I'm done being toyed with.
I was just a piece,
in the game of life.
one that was moved around,
Never realizing that I actually never mattered.
Things were decided for me,
I was twisted and turned to be someone,
someone that I didn't recognize.
Someone who was hopeless, who was afraid.
But now,
Things are going to change,
because I'm changing them.
I was moved before,
Now it's time for me to pick up my own piece,
and move on.  
*I'm done
Ignore the drama, and the angst.
Its all good, for now.
Sep 2016 · 229
Sam Sep 2016
My eyes burn,
I lie awake, rereading the text.
Trying to answer the questions,
trying to memorize the statements.
I stare, I cry, I shake it off, I repeat.
This will help me someday?
Maybe, but for now,
It's keeping my mind off of life.
Having a lot of homework;
a great excuse not to talk to people.
To be secluded in your room all day,
the only light is your computer screen,
as you type away trying to finish.
Every once and awhile,
Life comes to ***** me over.
Homework is there to save me from it.
But, you know what?
I'm learning to punch life back in the face,
and that's all that matters.
To all y'all out there,
Stay Strong.
You can get through this.
This was an unexpected turn, but i'm honestly to tired to care to fix it...
Sep 2016 · 331
Angsty Poem
Sam Sep 2016
Food is good, They say.
Sleep is good, They say.
People are good, They say.
Funny how only one is true,
But even then, sometimes it's zero.
of what you ask?
Sep 2016 · 298
Sam Sep 2016
A piece of jewelry hung on the wall,
Always stared at, never worn.
Some may take it down, try it on,
but it is always put back.
Its never gone to a fancy dinner,
Its never seen the light of day.
All the other bracelets are being worn,
but why not this one?
This one is broken,
This one is old.
Nobody wants it,
Nobody has the patience to fix it.
So it just sits there, collecting dust.
Waiting for the day, that it can finally be worn.
Sep 2016 · 210
Sam Sep 2016
I cannot write a poem today,
My mind is so blankly far away.
I simply just don't have the time,
to be conjuring up some silly rhyme.
I sit here trying to write a line or two,
and I catch myself thinking of you.
For how did I let you into my mind,
Was this something I was supposed to find?
I was free, she was supposed to be my last.
Now you shall help me forget about my past.
I'm not sure where exactly this is going,
It's hard to stop once the words start flowing.
For I shall stop here, and give it a rest.
I really dear hope I wasn't a pest.
I try not to be, I really do,
Because I don't want to be the one that you rue.
Even though I was tired today,
I guess I wrote a poem anyways.
Sep 2016 · 208
Sam Sep 2016
It's a beautiful thing.
We all desire it,
We all search for it.
Some find it with money,
Some search for it through other people.
We are all different in how we achieve our goals.
What is important, is that happiness is received in the end.
The end of what you ask?
The end of the day, the conversation, the year, your life.
We all get caught up in the busy world,
and forget to take a step back.
To enjoy the little things.
The beauty of a sunrise,
The music of the birds chirping,
The dazzling sunlight in the water.
Instead we think about work,
about what others think of us,
about the test next period,
about the latest gossip.
All of those things don't make us happy.
We may think it does at first,
but in reality, it's just a buffer.
Something in the way of happiness,
something causing us not to see, or hear, or think.
So do this for me,
take a step back,
Happiness will come,
Everything will be okay.
*I promise.
Sep 2016 · 123
Sam Sep 2016
I'm tired.
Can't I just go to bed?
There is so much stuff I have to do,
i never do any of it anyways
but It can wait, right?
No it can't.*
But, I wish it could.
oh well. it will wait.
All I want is sleep,
i really just want it all to end
Is that too much to ask?
apparently so.
Sep 2016 · 556
Apology Accepted.
Sam Sep 2016
Thank you.
I needed to hear that.

For you patched the hole in the wall,
instead of hanging a poster to cover it.

Moving on will be tough,
but I'm lucky to have you as a friend by my side.
Sep 2016 · 313
Apology Accepted?
Sam Sep 2016
I'm sorry.
I wish I hadn't,
because then I wouldn't be this deep.
I'm sorry.
I wish I had,
because then I could see clearer.
I'm sorry.
I wish in general,
because it only leads to confusion.
I'm sorry.
I wished for you,
because it only lead to heartbreak.
I'm sorry.
I let go,
because I now am lost.
I'm sorry.*
I'm sorry.
After realizing I cant change this back to private, please ignore my lil dramatic self.
Sep 2016 · 287
Sam Sep 2016
Manipulation begins,
before the games begin.
The pre-game shows the truth,
It prepares you for the challenge.
If you hurt now,
you'll only injure yourself more.
When you hurt before the game,
you call pull a muscle.
It begins with you,
the choices you make.
I was hurt, I never made it to the game.
My ankle was sprained,
So I could never make the perfect spike, the perfect foul shot, the buzzer beater.
I never took the chance,
I regret.
If I had played the game,
would my ankle have grown strong?
Or would it have broken more.
I took the will of the coaches advice,
They know what's best for me.
Now how long will I not be able to play?
How long will my my ankle hurt?
How long until I can feel the rush of adrenaline as I sprint down the court,
knowing i have a straight shot at a layup?
I miss it.
I miss the beginnings.
The fact that you know you can make it,
just an injury stands in the way.
It tears at me,
I wish I could play,
I wish I had chosen to,
but I didn't.
Sep 2016 · 229
Sam Sep 2016
I can't help it?
I don't really understand.
The beauty that shines before me,
is much greater than I've ever seen.
I have tunnel vision,
only getting one clear picture.
A photo of clarity.
It makes everything make sense,
I don't really know why.
My peers have noticed my distraction,
my emotions are as clear as a photo.
So why aren't they clear to me?
Sep 2016 · 3.0k
Help Unwanted
Sam Sep 2016
The starling is in need of help.
It believes its wings are dull and colorless,
It believes the other birds look down at it,
It believes it has no place.
It needs to learn,
learn that it does in fact have a position,
to be right next to the flamingo.
The flamingo can help it,
make it forget all of its insecurities.
Then the flamingo will finally be happy,
and the starling's mind will be at peace once more.
Sep 2016 · 589
I am tired.
Sam Sep 2016
One more
to let my mind go.
The waves flow between my ears,
I distract myself.
I am Great.
I start thinking,
I slip.
I am Okay.
I try to drown it out,
It doesn't work.
I am *******.
I shake, I quiver,
Nothing escapes the endless whisper.
I am panicking.
I run, I can't hide.
I fall, I can't get up.
I am done.
I need sleep.
Sep 2016 · 162
Sam Sep 2016
I want to.

I need to?

I shouldn't.

I should.


I can't.
Sep 2016 · 242
Sam Sep 2016
When you choose to,
When you want to,
You help me.
I feel loved, I feel happy.
Then you do this?
Ignore me? Never answer my calls?
I thought you were better than this.
What happened to the one I played basketball with?
The one who makes me laugh,
the one who is a stupid idiot, but I loved anyways.
Family, sticks together?
Okay, if this is sticking together,
I'd hate to see your ripping apart.
Sep 2016 · 641
Nerves Take Over
Sam Sep 2016
In the end, there is a new beginning.
A new beginning spreading far and wide.
Its scary to cross over into this new threshold,
Im scared.
Im nervous.
My heart races.
But I know I will be okay,...eventually.
I will be fine,...eventually.
I use it all the time,
What does it even mean?
When is Eventually?
The best healer is time,
but what if that time...never comes?
Sep 2016 · 7.8k
The Sparrow Speaks
Sam Sep 2016
The dove left awhile ago.
The flamingo stared as it flew away.
The sparrow sat silently,
watching and observing,
Knowing that eventually one would break.
What the flamingo doesn't know, hurts it.
The dove, in fact,has had its wings broken before.
It was said that the wings were broken to no repair.
The dove was paralyzed, could feel no pain.
It was numb, it was in vain.
The sparrow sat patiently on the side.
It helped the dove get back in line,
Time was the true healer.
The sparrow watched as the dove failed,
The sparrow watched as the dove grew,
The most important part,
is that the dove overcame.
Even the sparrow thought there was no return,
though it never said it, it believed it.
Until one day, the sparrow looked out,
and saw the dove flying away.
The dove had healed, the dove was free.
The numbness went down and it began to see.
Now, this is a message for the flamingo to hear,
The sparrow has everything to fear.
The dove never wanted to fly away and not come back,
Yet the flamingo desires exactly that.
The dove was able to overcome their pain,
so I believe the flamingo can do the same.
It takes time, it takes patience,
but in the end, it is worth it.
The world will be clearer, and the flowers brighter.
The sparrow can not wait,
until the day the flamingo can fly away.
But to fly away with its own wings,
with its own strength,
to have overcome this obstacle,
and finally be free.
The sparrow will wait patiently for that day,
Helping all the way.
The flamingo will soar high,
not has high as the heavens,
because it will be low enough to where it can fly back,
Back to where the sparrow sits patiently,
for the help it can give once more.
Sep 2016 · 834
Sam Sep 2016
Im not jealous of you,
Im not jealous of her.
I dont like you like that anymore.
What I am jealous of, is what you both have.
You have a relationship.
Someone to hold you,
Someone to cuddle with,
Someone to give soft kisses to,
and Someone to be yourself around.
I'm over you,
just not over it.
Sep 2016 · 273
Sam Sep 2016
I thought I grasped it.
I repeated, "I'm free"
Yet I failed to catch the meaning.
Free should be open,
Free should be closed with the past,
Free should be me,
So why arent I?
I thought I could let go.
I thought It was smart.
People told me it was, i believed them.
I regretted it from the moment I saw you next.
But it's okay,
I know you have moved on.
So it is my time, too.
Time to get up,
shake off the dust,
and live on.
I feel awkward posting this, probably because it was an awkward of the moment kind of thing? Idk whatever it is-enjoy.
Sep 2016 · 316
Start Over
Sam Sep 2016
Looking into the distance,
Forever wondering what comes next.
A whole world of possibilities lay ahead,
The only thing that stands in the way is my head,
Telling me what to do, what not to do,
But it makes it very confusing.
"We all want what we ain't got"
So let's enjoy what we have now.
Forget what has happened in the past,
And move forward.
The past can not be changed,
no matter how bad you want it to.
My best advice to you?
Start over, start fresh.
Every year we get this opportunity.
Take advantage of it.
Today, I have mine.
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