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 Jan 2019 Avi
Hira malik
Seek through abundance of love around
Seek through the light inside you
A well u keeping in very deep
Where the darkness of nights and seas no one can ever see...
 Jan 2019 Avi
Hira malik
 Jan 2019 Avi
Hira malik

The story concludes only on
 Nov 2018 Avi
andromeda green
Are you okay?
Are you alright, are you fine, are you good?
Are you adequate, are you decent?
Are you emotionally stable, sleeping without crying, smiling because you want to?
Are you breathing without questioning, are you waking up without trying, are you eating without throwing up?
Are you reading this poem right now and thinking no?
Are you thinking for the first time, will I ever be okay?

You will be okay.
You will be alright, you will be fine, you will be good.
You will be adequate, you will be decent.
You will be emotionally stable, you will sleep without crying, and smile for the happiness blooming inside of you.
You will breathe without questioning, you will wake up to a new day, you will eat easily
are going to be okay.
So please smile sunshine
It’s a fine new day
To be okay :)

- a.g.
just a reminder that everything gets better folks. please, please hang in there. i believe in each and one of y'all.

UPDATE: thank you so so so much for 51k. the overwhelming amount of comments and messages and loves make me feel so happy to spread this poem. thank you.
 Nov 2018 Avi
Emma Elisabeth Wood
Through a fog of sleep
I feel you

turn your head
towards me in your

arms reaching through
the blankets

I am living,
bones brittle,
waterfalls of hair
soaking the pillows

dying for those quiet
moments in the dark
when I know you're
watching me

the moments when
I exist, like a shadow
eating sunlight, in your
 Nov 2018 Avi
 Nov 2018 Avi
I giggle,
I smile,
I laugh,
but inside I am broken.

I move,
I walk,
I run,
but inside I am frozen

I dream,
I hope
I believe,
but inside I am losing

I frisk,
I jump,
I bounce,
but inside I am falling

I go,
I find,
I open up,
but inside I am lost

I am,
I will,
I do,
but inside I am hiding
I actually feel this almost every day
 Nov 2018 Avi
What if...
 Nov 2018 Avi
What if
... I could turn back time
... I could go forward
... I could change the days
... I could read your mind

What if
... fairytales would come true
... superheroes do excist
... magic was for everyone
... happiness wasn't a bubble

What if
... I could fullfil my dreams
... I wouldn't be too scared
... I didn't lie to myself
... I could get my happy ending.

What if...
 Nov 2018 Avi
Abigail Hobbs
And your soul will be replenished
once you're showered with
what you crave
and yearn for the most
Your roots spread
and dig
and grow
You'll spurt into the tall blades
into the night sky, even
Your curled petals
will open to this world
What do you need?
Your stretched petals will tell you
And so will the sun,
the great source in the sky
Grow and grow through the garden
The garden is your home
to rest
to replenish
You need a home
You need others akin to a home
Flowers need love
And love you shall receive, child.
 Nov 2018 Avi
Love her like she’s the only girl in the world.
Make her your top-most priority. When you’re awake, think of her. When you’re asleep dream of her. Drink in her beauty even if it’s venomous
Eat up all her words even if they hurt Breathe in her scent even when she’s stinking.
Let the love for her grow on you till your mind is full of her thoughts and your sketch book is full of her portraits.

Paint her scars beautifully with vibrant colors.
Get her name tattooed on your heart. When she strolls in the darkness, wander along.
When she falls down, lie down with her and stare at the night sky.
See the world through her eyes

Hold her hands when she is cold. Embrace her when she is scared.
Kiss her tears when she cries and become the reason behind her smile.

Don’t try to plaster her wounds.
Don’t try to pull her out of her miseries.
Instead, accept her the way she is- scathed and destroyed.

Be ready to kiss her good night at 3 a.m. ‘cause tormented souls like her can’t sleep earlier.

Pour all her insecurities, sorrows and grieves in a wine glass
and gulp them down in one go because that’s all she has to offer you. Emotions are like wine anyway, both get stronger with time.

Struggling with the pieces of her, you might lose your sanity.  
Loving her might be difficult, suffocating and disturbing at times but don’t give up on her so easily.

Soon, you’ll know why hurricanes are named after people.
Thanks for reading this.
 Nov 2018 Avi
It hurts
 Nov 2018 Avi
When you cut your heart open for someone
who doesn't care if its bleeding
Unrequited love is **** painful
 Nov 2018 Avi
It was too late
 Nov 2018 Avi
Before I could realise
How dangerous it can be to love a monster
The damage was done
The blood was drawn
And now there is no turning back
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